Responses on: "If you answered "Other" to question 10, please list the first drug you tried here: "

Click on underlined Informant IDs to see all the answers of a survey respondent

Informant #278593: N/A

Informant #279074: A program called I-Dozer which simulates drugs. Not really a drug, I guess.

Informant #279937: xanax

Informant #280014: Dextroamphetamine prescribed to me at 9 years old

Informant #281260: Hydrocodone

Informant #281420: adderal

Informant #283014: jwh-018

Informant #283446: Leaded gasoline huffing

Informant #284085: Question 10 said do u do legal highs

Informant #285090: None

Informant #285158: Caffeine

Informant #285171: Caffeine

Informant #286171: DMX

Informant #287925: Hydrocodine (vicodin)

Informant #310726: Hydrocodone

Informant #335462: Amphetamines

Informant #361096: Spice brand: King Krypto

Informant #378733: speed pills

Informant #390422: аспирин

Informant #397572: Adderall (not perscribed)

Informant #419347: Hydrocodone

Informant #449164: question 11 asked that question, ten was about legal highs, not sure what kind of operation your running but the first drug i tried was amphetamines from a kid with adhd, that my answer to number 11

Informant #450714: Adderall

Informant #465383: Ritalin (Not my prescription)

Informant #485488: Oxycodone

Informant #486760: codeine that I stole from medicine cabinet

Informant #507735: psychatic medication

Informant #524116: opiate-norco

Informant #531956: opiates, hydrocodone, oxycodone

Informant #566219: Phenobarbital

Informant #583983: hydrocodone

Informant #2029979: None

Survelum Public Data Bank · Drug Use Survey Survey · Text Responses

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