Responses on: "Do you have any additional comments? Please feel free to write as much as you wish, as mentioned above the more information you give the better." |
Active filter: When growing up, did you live in a - 1 parent home (Remove Filter) |
Click on underlined Informant IDs to see all the answers of a survey respondent |
Informant #278590: Let people take whatever drugs they want anywhere they want; I don't care if people are enjoying their only lives, this world sucks anyway so you might as well enjoy it any way you can, even if it does involve taking drugs, |
Informant #278593: No. |
Informant #278594: i answered the question for the legalization, but it wasn't true since there wasn't a "NO" answer. |
Informant #279457: I'm bipolar, and have been on all kinds of different medications. Heroin is the only thing that makes me feel okay with being alive. |
Informant #279475: I use almost every type of drug in almost every type of way(ROA), but I only use marijuana continuously. |
Informant #280035: Hope this info helps with your research. |
Informant #280232: Drugs are great, but they're not everything |
Informant #284950: I started smoking ciggarettes and then marijuana, followed by alcohol, which lead me to my pill addiciton which lasted a few years and is not fully over. The use of rollz and cocaine led me to stay away from the pills and then i moved into only pure MDMA and not 'rollz' and then i became sick of that high, now i only smoke my cigs with weed occasionally, and some weekends i go out and drink or get a few pills like benzo's or opoids and relax. I would deffinately say alcohol was my gateway drug, as opposed to marijuana. |
Informant #285053: bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks |
Informant #285146: I smoke Marijuana daily. It does have a negative affect on my life. It is a depressant. Naturally, I have depression issues. I did not start smoking at all until I was 18 and was introduced to it through my mother, not friends or peers. Did not become a daily habit until 23, which means I did not find it addictive in a chemical sense. Now that I'm a daily smoker, it's a habit, not an addiction. I do other activities that I associate with smoking marijuana, primarily among them, gaming. The two go hand in hand for me. Makes for poorer performance in games I play more often than not, but it's still enjoyable. I have never, and will never, do anything harder than mushrooms. This has been easy for me to accomplish because I've seen the destruction that other drugs can bring. Even marijuana is bad enough. It makes you lazy, and it costs a fair amount as well. |
Informant #285197: Survey answer options sucked. They pointed that everyone does drugs and that the only reason to stop would be to have gotten sick. You'll get a nicely skewed results from this survey making it pretty much pointless. |
Informant #286224: You don't ask if your drugs are PRESCRIBED or purchased illegally. I'd like to see demographics on that. |
Informant #286395: I am a father and a Grandpa. I am a supervisor at work. I have done some serious time- 12+ years on a 14 yr. bit this last (3rd) bit w/ the BOP. I am still using. |
Informant #286660: most people say weed isnt qddictive but it is to me. if i go too long without it i get anxious and get headaches. cocaime is pretty bad too. |
Informant #288541: Weed Blow Pills is all i use and dont plan on using any other and none of these drugs really make me feel like i need more than what it takes to get high |
Informant #352969: I started using drugs at the age of 18. I haven't been using them very long, and I haven't tried many. There are a few I'd like to still try, but my boyfriend wouldn't approve, and therefore I am quitting for him. I do still smoke cigarettes or cigarillos in social situations, but I have never been addicted to anything except caffeine. |
Informant #365021: This was flawed by misspellings, incorrect questions such as answering 'other' to the wrong question #-question12 and 14 on the second page. Question 10 on the second page should be omitted or re worded since it is not illegal to abuse any drug. I really do not have a drug of choice so question 2 on this page needs work. The drugs I take are necessary for treatment of my disabilities. |
Informant #393227: i smoke snort and drink |
Informant #452469: Naturally occurring drugs are much more reputable in my book than anything man made. |
Informant #453523: Inhalation, as in using a vaporizer for marijuana. |
Informant #465383: For "How do you usually use drugs?" I said other because there isn't a usual method I use, some I smoke, some I drink, some I eat, some I snort, but I never inject. |
Informant #482299: I smoke dope everyday, provided I have it. I live a normal life. I work, I sleep, I go outside, I shower, I do my hair and makeup, I hang with family and friends. I don't think the goverment is out to get me, and I don't sleep around. I don't have sores on my face, and I don't steal or hurt people. Sometimes I have tweaker moments, but the only thing that happens is I take drug surveys because I'm bored, and i organize things. |
Informant #495041: They're so fun at first, you don't notice or don't care about the negatives. Then suddenly you've lost who you used to be and it happened while you were so busy having "fun". You started down a slippery slope. |
Informant #507735: i am a recovering alcoholic, and i smoke weed to have fun. i also enjoy tripping, rolling on ecstacy, and using DXM as it is legallly attainable to someone of my age and provides a powerful high. i have used other drugs, such as cocaine, but never really got into any. i am a STRONG supporter of general legalization, as i am oppseto the abuse and violence intenrent in the drug war, as well as being philosophically opposed to the prohibition of any substance or commotdity, as such policices are foolhearty, psuedomoralistic, and invaribaly lead to a rise in both criminal and law enforcement violence.furthermore i would like to say that i feel that if the anti drug enforcement commuinty remains defiant to the will of the people, millitant action may become nesscary on the part of the populace |
Informant #534595: I use any possible route of administration, that will get me the highest possible at that moment. |
Informant #583983: Even though heroin is my drug of choice, I'm on subutex that I inject and I'm trying to quit but I can't. I also use benzos daily because of bad anxiety issues but I don't abuse it. I use alcohol daily to enhance the effects of the other drugs and I smoke marijuana daily as well. |
Informant #672750: I just quit I've meth because it was going to kill me through my liver. |
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