Responses on: "If answer to Ethnicity/race is Other, please specify:"

Click on underlined Informant IDs to see all the answers of a survey respondent

Informant #155457: Japanese and white

Informant #155513: West Indian/Caribbean

Informant #155517: Biracial

Informant #155568: black/white

Informant #155866: Leah sucks dick!

Informant #156051: Caucasion

Informant #158804: Caribbean American

Informant #160480: black and native

Informant #160649: Filipino

Informant #174782: rtrt

Informant #204720: African American, Irish, French Canadian Native American

Informant #231568: mutliracial

Informant #253389: Indian

Informant #393360: mixed -black, white, native american

Informant #449300: Caucasian

Informant #474417: Carribean

Informant #528814: indian

Informant #539339: Black Latina

Informant #542617: West Indian

Informant #549025: Black and white

Informant #579391: Indian

Informant #599388: Indian

Informant #603170: I am multi-ethnic. European/Black

Informant #637803: KzdAhPCeaKtvv

Informant #670691: BjrANeWbrcpCEhRPY

Informant #670749: IUZtoHGuNlqj

Informant #671038: RTpZujXKOvPoJwx

Informant #673408: QlnBVgieYORpxDIJEl

Informant #673478: tQixtykNZRNM

Informant #673899: CXkpiuzqYCimbO

Informant #676458: eASuOKGcztP

Informant #676858: LrlELzWifowgPjlO

Informant #677724: XDvYcQNAHYIaQP

Informant #680654: hODoDjhek

Informant #680744: dfYXnxeegZCOWqw

Informant #680859: black/hispanic

Informant #680957: hnmwQksDIXUk

Informant #681300: NghBoqpUu

Informant #681362: DBapcQzbdpu

Informant #681466: qykddgyBqgY

Informant #681811: KiuEabYqWNBiMeCAN

Informant #683734: NVnasMkSXcorzGD

Informant #684347: OsYyqwLsLNdILq

Informant #686499: SJodCiZJe

Informant #688925: GtTlvbKtftFXz

Informant #689515: RtmMltHLktSYdbCZ

Informant #689609: WYzPpWVhRaf

Informant #692305: bpONomgGNSYb

Informant #692409: eMYlReWaQ

Informant #695073: YcSDfdVE

Informant #695539: vHRpTmzPGSh

Informant #697663: UQwxdKGGqHxXC

Informant #698007: aDVrXcEhVEYEMRzGNme

Informant #699260: xhSVVVttUo

Informant #700368: east indian

Informant #700468: HHooLVsIqEtVZenH

Informant #702232: FALLWHJCANqX

Informant #703633: EcBbaVdEHZB

Informant #704382: zRxNlEubUYvs

Informant #705971: vdudcoDUmSSE

Informant #706274: fkhQVUvlpCuVX

Informant #708297: fzAZwSnNqEbsHk

Informant #708499: PECHblrbgkMCNJJ

Informant #709984: WokcwzKjlUlswDz

Informant #710490: hrBpEUnXvnMbplZsXR

Informant #711906: oYWkCNxhubKbcDnz

Informant #712972: lFfyBiKzHk

Informant #714498: mjubfTTCDDvotOirai

Informant #715705: NzcAlBhqT

Informant #716848: rUBZkTiaUTXQjfqsk

Informant #718498: ILWdbgRiooWbILT

Informant #719199: ymeOnNoVhwIaESS

Informant #722319: auQGugpOvdiZXXaeG

Informant #722697: HammWaviKNjH

Informant #725768: UcvZEXPmUUvAK

Informant #727019: kZnHPzkPrsIONWcRCcl

Informant #728523: ckNFWWloFJQc

Informant #729711: hWqjNaHJNUVZdEYD

Informant #731109: NCbVkMVFaHcGGQuE

Informant #732728: PCjSgxygpm

Informant #733588: OrpWzSywMvHAizddrbK

Informant #736248: lQeEjlLM

Informant #736535: ecPvdNkuKmeoeTNl

Informant #739824: SquyonVrErzUUkDIo

Informant #740219: bkeqxDAk

Informant #742194: DwEBYTpy

Informant #745438: BLECUeTlOU

Informant #747783: BNNBJHwtRMzoxr

Informant #751192: IIOGuskngvOIeF

Informant #752313: nope

Informant #781507: ejNDKsBgyINZdPEZfs

Informant #927187: Mixed

Informant #937032: biracial

Informant #954985: East Indian and Creole Mix

Informant #1174581: SWvRmubhbKGAStXhAJH

Informant #1799901: black, jamacian, hispanic, european, native american

Informant #2066735: Mixed Black and White

Informant #2086149: Were unsure tbh

Informant #2093892: balck and white

Informant #2124055: Caribbean mixed parents

Survelum Public Data Bank · Interracial Marriage Survey · Text Responses

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