Anti-Semitism Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 217 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters



Do not knowData Graph (21; 10%)Gender? - Stats Chart
Heterosexual FemaleData Graph (27; 12%)
Heterosexual MaleData Graph (152; 70%)
GayData Graph (9; 4%)
LesbianData Graph (0; 0%)
BisexualData Graph (4; 2%)
TransgenderData Graph (1; 0%)
OtherData Graph (3; 1%)


Do not knowData Graph (19; 9%)Age? - Stats Chart
18-20Data Graph (77; 35%)
21-25Data Graph (51; 24%)
26-30Data Graph (33; 15%)
31-35Data Graph (14; 6%)
36-40Data Graph (7; 3%)
41-45Data Graph (3; 1%)
46-50Data Graph (6; 3%)
51-55Data Graph (1; 0%)
56-60Data Graph (1; 0%)
61-65Data Graph (0; 0%)
65-70Data Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (5; 2%)


Do not knowData Graph (19; 9%)Nationality/Citizenship? - Stats Chart
United StatesData Graph (67; 31%)
AustraliaData Graph (2; 1%)
CanadaData Graph (7; 3%)
FranceData Graph (0; 0%)
GermanyData Graph (2; 1%)
Great BritainData Graph (38; 18%)
IndiaData Graph (1; 0%)
IsraelData Graph (3; 1%)
ItalyData Graph (0; 0%)
JapanData Graph (0; 0%)
LebanonData Graph (0; 0%)
MexicoData Graph (0; 0%)
NetherlandsData Graph (2; 1%)
New ZealandData Graph (0; 0%)
PalestineData Graph (0; 0%)
Russian FederationData Graph (2; 1%)
NoneData Graph (1; 0%)
OtherData Graph (73; 34%)

If "Other" to Nationality/Citizenship, then please specify.

See Responses

Religion/Religious Affiliation?

Do not knowData Graph (24; 11%)Religion/Religious Affiliation? - Stats Chart
AnglicanData Graph (8; 4%)
BaptistData Graph (2; 1%)
BuddhistData Graph (2; 1%)
Church of Latter Day SaintsData Graph (1; 0%)
EpiscopalianData Graph (2; 1%)
HinduData Graph (0; 0%)
IslamData Graph (7; 3%)
JudaismData Graph (18; 8%)
LutheranData Graph (7; 3%)
MethodistData Graph (3; 1%)
Orthodox Christian (Greek, Russian, etc.)Data Graph (4; 2%)
PresbyterianData Graph (1; 0%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (46; 21%)
WiccaData Graph (2; 1%)
NoneData Graph (73; 34%)
OtherData Graph (17; 8%)

If "Other" to Religion/Religious Affiliation, then please specify.

See Responses

Racial/Ethnic Identity?

Do not knowData Graph (21; 10%)Racial/Ethnic Identity? - Stats Chart
AfricanData Graph (2; 1%)
BlackData Graph (3; 1%)
East AsianData Graph (3; 1%)
EuropeanData Graph (53; 24%)
HispanicData Graph (2; 1%)
Middle EasternData Graph (2; 1%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
South AsianData Graph (6; 3%)
WhiteData Graph (119; 55%)
NoneData Graph (2; 1%)
OtherData Graph (4; 2%)

If "Other" to Racial/Ethnic Identity, then please specify.

See Responses


Your definition of racism includes the idea that certain groups of people ("races") are biologically inferior to other groups of people ("races").

UndecidedData Graph (19; 9%)Your definition of racism includes the idea that certain groups of people ("races") are biologically - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (78; 36%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (46; 21%)
NeutralData Graph (17; 8%)
DisagreeData Graph (22; 10%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (29; 13%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Your definition of anti-Semitism includes the idea that Jews are a national, ethnic, or racial group.

UndecidedData Graph (23; 11%)Your definition of anti-Semitism includes the idea that Jews are a national, ethnic, or racial group - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (60; 28%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (52; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (16; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (31; 14%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (29; 13%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Jews are not a national, ethnic, or racial group, but just simply people from many social groups united by a religious tradition.

UndecidedData Graph (20; 9%)Jews are not a national, ethnic, or racial group, but just simply people from many social groups uni - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (63; 29%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (43; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (17; 8%)
DisagreeData Graph (45; 21%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (23; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Anti-Semitism and racism are the same.

UndecidedData Graph (23; 11%)Anti-Semitism and racism are the same. - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (52; 24%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (60; 28%)
NeutralData Graph (14; 6%)
DisagreeData Graph (37; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (25; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Anti-Semistism is against Jews, not also against Arabs and other Semitic people.

UndecidedData Graph (27; 12%)Anti-Semistism is against Jews, not also against Arabs and other Semitic people. - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (73; 34%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (54; 25%)
NeutralData Graph (14; 6%)
DisagreeData Graph (25; 12%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (18; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

What do you think is the strongest reason for anti-Semitism?

UndecidedData Graph (39; 18%)What do you think is the strongest reason for anti-Semitism?   - Stats Chart
Dislike Judaism as a religionData Graph (1; 0%)
Dislike ideas about non-Jews in the Talmud or other textsData Graph (4; 2%)
Dislike Jews in finance, banking, commerce, higher education, or medicineData Graph (48; 22%)
Dislike certain Jewish cultural practicesData Graph (8; 4%)
Agree with "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"Data Graph (5; 2%)
Non-Jews simply fear, hate, or envy JewsData Graph (39; 18%)
Dislike idea of Jews as God's chosen peopleData Graph (19; 9%)
Jews refuse to assimilate in your national cultureData Graph (13; 6%)
OtherData Graph (35; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Why anti-Semitism in your nation when (some) Jews have been in positions of authority and made many cultural and scientific contributions?

See Responses

Negative criticism of Zionism and/or Israeli policy is a hidden form of anti-Semitism.

UndecidedData Graph (34; 16%)Negative criticism of Zionism and/or Israeli policy is a hidden form of anti-Semitism.  - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (11; 5%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (27; 12%)
NeutralData Graph (27; 12%)
DisagreeData Graph (42; 19%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (70; 32%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

The Israeli-Hizbollah clash in 2006 in Lebanon has increased anti-Semitism in your nation and/or around the world.

UndecidedData Graph (43; 20%)The Israeli-Hizbollah clash in 2006 in Lebanon has increased anti-Semitism in your nation and/or aro - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (44; 20%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (62; 29%)
NeutralData Graph (31; 14%)
DisagreeData Graph (24; 11%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (7; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Jews face higher possibility of murderous hatred then, for example, nonwhite people in a predominantly white nation.

UndecidedData Graph (34; 16%)Jews face higher possibility of murderous hatred then, for example, nonwhite people in a predominant - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (13; 6%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (30; 14%)
NeutralData Graph (17; 8%)
DisagreeData Graph (74; 34%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (43; 20%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Israeli-Palestinian affairs are the chief cause for increasing anti-Semitism in Arab and Western nations.

UndecidedData Graph (33; 15%)Israeli-Palestinian affairs are the chief cause for  increasing anti-Semitism in Arab and Western na - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (56; 26%)
Agree somewhatData Graph (71; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (16; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (24; 11%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (11; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 3%)

Other comments?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Anti-Semitism Survey

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