Racism in Education Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 17 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters



FemaleData Graph (11; 65%)Gender - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (6; 35%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

If answer to Gender is "other", then please specify.

See Responses


Under 18Data Graph (1; 6%)Age? - Stats Chart
18-20Data Graph (12; 71%)
21-22Data Graph (2; 12%)
23-25Data Graph (2; 12%)
26-30Data Graph (0; 0%)
30-35Data Graph (0; 0%)
36-40Data Graph (0; 0%)
41-45Data Graph (0; 0%)
46-50Data Graph (0; 0%)
Above 50Data Graph (0; 0%)


African AmericanData Graph (2; 12%)Ethnicity/Race/Nationality?  - Stats Chart
Asian AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
European AmericanData Graph (12; 71%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (1; 6%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (2; 12%)

If answer to Ethnicity/Race/Nationality is "other", then please specify.

See Responses

Religious affiliation?

ProtestantData Graph (6; 35%)Religious affiliation?  - Stats Chart
CatholicData Graph (7; 41%)
JewishData Graph (1; 6%)
MuslimData Graph (0; 0%)
BuddistData Graph (0; 0%)
HinduData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (3; 18%)

How important to you is having faith in God?

EssentialData Graph (4; 24%)How important to you is having faith in God?  - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (5; 29%)
Not very importantData Graph (2; 12%)
Not at all importantData Graph (1; 6%)


In your community, African-American, Latino, and other minority children get as good an education as white children.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (5; 29%)In your community, African-American, Latino, and other minority children get as good an education as - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (6; 35%)
IndifferentData Graph (1; 6%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (3; 18%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (2; 12%)

Which of the following do you see as the largest problem facing public schools in your community?

Disruptive studentsData Graph (5; 29%)Which of the following do you see as the largest problem facing public schools in your community? - Stats Chart
Lack of parental involvementData Graph (4; 24%)
Alcohol and illegal drugsData Graph (4; 24%)
Crowded classroomsData Graph (4; 24%)

Suppose the public schools in your home community were graded in the same way students are graded. What grade would you give your community's public schools?

AData Graph (6; 35%)Suppose the public schools in your home community were graded in the same way students are graded. W - Stats Chart
BData Graph (5; 29%)
CData Graph (4; 24%)
DData Graph (2; 12%)
FData Graph (0; 0%)

What grade would you give the public schools in the nation as a whole?

AData Graph (0; 0%)What grade would you give the public schools in the nation as a whole? - Stats Chart
BData Graph (3; 18%)
CData Graph (9; 53%)
DData Graph (5; 29%)
FData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you think African-American, Latino, and other minority children get a better education in a racially integrated school, as opposed to a segregated school?

Better educationData Graph (7; 41%)Do you think African-American, Latino, and other minority children get a better education in a racia - Stats Chart
Same educationData Graph (6; 35%)
Worse educationData Graph (4; 24%)

In general, do you favor or oppose students with learning disabilities being placed in the same classes as other students?

Strongly favorData Graph (2; 12%)In general, do you favor or oppose students with learning disabilities being placed in the same clas - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (3; 18%)
IndifferentData Graph (4; 24%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (5; 29%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

At the elementary school level, do you favor or oppose students with different learning abilities being separated into different classes based on ability?

Strongly favorData Graph (3; 18%)At the elementary school level, do you favor or oppose students with different learning abilities be - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (7; 41%)
IndifferentData Graph (3; 18%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (3; 18%)

At the high school level, do you favor or oppose students with different learning abilities being separated into different classes based on ability?

Strongly favorData Graph (5; 29%)At the high school level, do you favor or oppose students with different learning abilities being se - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (3; 18%)
IndifferentData Graph (1; 6%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (6; 35%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)

How important is the amount of money spent on a public school student's education in determining the quality of his or her education?

EssentialData Graph (6; 35%)How important is the amount of money spent on a public school student`s education in determining the - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (8; 47%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (3; 18%)
Not very importantData Graph (0; 0%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

Would you favor or oppose all students in your state receiving the same amount of money towards education, even if it means taking funding from some wealthy school districts and giving it to poor districts?

Strongly favorData Graph (3; 18%)Would you favor or oppose all students in your state receiving the same amount of money towards educ - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (4; 24%)
IndifferentData Graph (6; 35%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (2; 12%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)

Would you favor or oppose allowing wealthier school districts to spend as much as they want on local public education, even if it means leaving poorer districts behind?

Strongly favorData Graph (3; 18%)Would you favor or oppose allowing wealthier school districts to spend as much as they want on local - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (1; 6%)
IndifferentData Graph (1; 6%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (9; 53%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

In order to make up for past discrimination, do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help minorities get ahead?

Strongly favorData Graph (2; 12%)In order to make up for past discrimination, do you favor or oppose programs that make special effor - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (6; 35%)
IndifferentData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (3; 18%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (1; 6%)

Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help people get ahead who come from low-income backgrounds, regardless of ethnicity?

Strongly favorData Graph (2; 12%)Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help people get ahead who come from low - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (11; 65%)
IndifferentData Graph (1; 6%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)

Do you favor or oppose academic scholarships for NCAA student athletes?

Strongly favorData Graph (1; 6%)Do you favor or oppose academic scholarships for NCAA student athletes? - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (7; 41%)
IndifferentData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Do you favor or oppose academic scholarships for Ivy league student athletes?

Strongly favorData Graph (3; 18%)Do you favor or oppose academic scholarships for Ivy league student athletes? - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (5; 29%)
IndifferentData Graph (6; 35%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)

How important is going to a good high school for getting ahead in life?

EssentialData Graph (4; 24%)How important is going to a good high school for getting ahead in life? - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (3; 18%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (7; 41%)
Not very importantData Graph (3; 18%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

How important is going to a good college for getting ahead in life?

EssentialData Graph (4; 24%)How important is going to a good college for getting ahead in life? - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (7; 41%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (3; 18%)
Not very importantData Graph (1; 6%)
Not at all importantData Graph (1; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

How important is natural ability for getting ahead in life?

EssentialData Graph (4; 24%)How important is natural ability for getting ahead in life? - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (6; 35%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (6; 35%)
Not very importantData Graph (1; 6%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

How important is hard work for getting ahead life?

EssentialData Graph (11; 65%)How important is hard work for getting ahead life? - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (1; 6%)
Not very importantData Graph (0; 0%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

How important is knowing the right people for getting ahead in life?

EssentialData Graph (5; 29%)How important is knowing the right people for getting ahead in life?  - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (7; 41%)
Not very importantData Graph (0; 0%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

Opinions cont'd

To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important are physical activities and sports?

EssentialData Graph (3; 18%)To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important are physical activities and sports? - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (7; 41%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (5; 29%)
Not very importantData Graph (0; 0%)
Not at all importantData Graph (2; 12%)

To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important is special tutoring for college preparation?

EssentialData Graph (1; 6%)To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important is special tutoring for college prep - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (7; 41%)
Not very importantData Graph (4; 24%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important is being socialized with peers at a young age?

EssentialData Graph (4; 24%)To help a child make the most of his or her life, how important is being socialized with peers at a  - Stats Chart
Very ImportantData Graph (10; 59%)
Somewhat importantData Graph (3; 18%)
Not very importantData Graph (0; 0%)
Not at all importantData Graph (0; 0%)

Compared to Hispanic students who learn English, Hispanic students who attend Spanish speaking schools and do not learn English have an equal chance of success in America.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 6%)Compared to Hispanic students who learn English, Hispanic students who attend Spanish speaking schoo - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (1; 6%)
IndifferentData Graph (2; 12%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (6; 35%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (6; 35%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

All high school students of equal qualifications have an equal chance of being accepted to college, regardless of race/ethnicity.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (2; 12%)All high school students of equal qualifications have an equal chance of being accepted to college,  - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (3; 18%)
IndifferentData Graph (3; 18%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (7; 41%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (2; 12%)

In general, standardized tests are biased against minority students

Strongly AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)In general, standardized tests are biased against minority students - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (1; 6%)
IndifferentData Graph (8; 47%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (5; 29%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (2; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Most young men and women who enlist in the military do so because they can't afford to pay for college.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (4; 24%)Most young men and women who enlist in the military do so because they can`t afford to pay for colle - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (7; 41%)
IndifferentData Graph (3; 18%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (3; 18%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you favor or oppose Spanish being taught as a second language in US elementary schools?

Strongly favorData Graph (5; 29%)Do you favor or oppose Spanish being taught as a second language in US elementary schools?  - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (3; 18%)
IndifferentData Graph (5; 29%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (2; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Do you favor or oppose English being made the official national language?

Strongly favorData Graph (8; 47%)Do you favor or oppose English being made the official national language?  - Stats Chart
Somewhat favorData Graph (5; 29%)
IndifferentData Graph (2; 12%)
Somewhat opposeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly opposeData Graph (1; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Which student is more likely to succeed: the student from a stable and supportive family who goes to a poor school, or the student from a troubled family who goes to a good school?

Supportive family / poor schoolData Graph (12; 71%)Which student is more likely to succeed: the student from a stable and supportive family who goes to - Stats Chart
Troubled family / good schoolData Graph (5; 29%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Racism in Education Survey

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