Peer Pressure Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Filtered data: 860 survey responses
Active filter: What type of schools did you go to? - Public Schools
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What age group are you in?

I am still an AdolescentData Graph (538; 63%)What age group are you in? - Stats Chart
I am in my 20'sData Graph (191; 22%)
I am in my 30'sData Graph (55; 6%)
I am in my 40'sData Graph (25; 3%)
I am over 50Data Graph (28; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (23; 3%)

As an adolescent, what financial class did your family fit closest into?

LowerData Graph (81; 9%)As an adolescent, what financial class did your family fit closest into? - Stats Chart
Lower-MiddleData Graph (194; 23%)
MiddleData Graph (408; 47%)
Upper-MiddleData Graph (150; 17%)
UpperData Graph (27; 3%)

What size town/city did you spend your adolescent years in?

Small TownData Graph (293; 34%)What size town/city did you spend your adolescent years in? - Stats Chart
AverageData Graph (384; 45%)
Large cityData Graph (183; 21%)

What were you and your friend's biggest interests?

We were mostly involved in sportsData Graph (297; 35%)What were you and your friend`s biggest interests? - Stats Chart
Most people thought we were trouble makersData Graph (159; 18%)
We were all involved in some kind of clubData Graph (174; 20%)
We liked to give back to the community with volunteer work, etc.Data Graph (60; 7%)
We mostly spent time studyingData Graph (170; 20%)

Peer Pressure Experiences

Have you pressured a friend into doing something you could tell they were not comfortable with?

YesData Graph (330; 38%)Have you pressured a friend into doing something you could tell they were not comfortable with? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (368; 43%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Have you teased somebody you actually liked just because your friends were teasing them?

YesData Graph (355; 41%)Have you teased somebody you actually liked just because your friends were teasing them? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (343; 40%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Were you ever pressured into doing something you knew was bad for your health?

YesData Graph (326; 38%)Were you ever pressured into doing something you knew was bad for your health? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (372; 43%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Were you ever pressured into doing something you knew was illegal?

YesData Graph (296; 34%)Were you ever pressured into doing something you knew was illegal? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (402; 47%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Have you lied about liking something just because you thought your friends would make fun of you if they knew?

YesData Graph (430; 50%)Have you lied about liking something just because you thought your friends would make fun of you if  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (268; 31%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Have you lied to your parents because your friends told you to do so?

YesData Graph (323; 38%)Have you lied to your parents because your friends told you to do so? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (375; 44%)
Not CheckedData Graph (162; 19%)

Peer Pressure Opinions

What percent of the other students do you think were influenced by peer pressure?

20%Data Graph (73; 8%)What percent of the other students do you think were influenced by peer pressure? - Stats Chart
50%Data Graph (160; 19%)
75%Data Graph (159; 18%)
All of themData Graph (135; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

As an adolescent were you influenced by peer pressure?

Yes, once or twiceData Graph (173; 20%)As an adolescent were you influenced by peer pressure? - Stats Chart
SometimesData Graph (236; 27%)
Yes, All the timeData Graph (67; 8%)
No, NeverData Graph (51; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

If you were influenced by peer pressure, how do you feel it affected you?

In a positive wayData Graph (79; 9%)If you were influenced by peer pressure, how do you feel it affected you? - Stats Chart
In a negative wayData Graph (91; 11%)
Both ways, depending on the situationData Graph (307; 36%)
I was not influenced by peer pressureData Graph (50; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

How serious of an issue do you believe peer pressure is?

Very serious, teachers and other adults should do all they can to raise awareness about it.Data Graph (230; 27%)How serious of an issue do you believe peer pressure is? - Stats Chart
It's a problem, but most teenagers can deal with it on their own.Data Graph (252; 29%)
Its not a problem at all.Data Graph (45; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Do you think that peer pressure is ever a good thing?

No, neverData Graph (121; 14%)Do you think that peer pressure is ever a good thing? - Stats Chart
Sometimes, depending on the situationData Graph (377; 44%)
Yes, alwaysData Graph (29; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Is peer pressure more prevalent with:

Wealthy teensData Graph (66; 8%)Is peer pressure more prevalent with: - Stats Chart
Middle class teensData Graph (74; 9%)
Less privileged teensData Graph (64; 7%)
It's the same with all teens regardless of their families incomeData Graph (323; 38%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Does peer pressure only affect people in their adolescent years?

Yes, I don't experience much of it nowData Graph (139; 16%)Does peer pressure only affect people in their adolescent years? - Stats Chart
No, I still experience it sometimesData Graph (283; 33%)
No, I still experience it just as much as I did when I was youngerData Graph (105; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Do you think that those who give in to peer pressure are less confident than others?

YesData Graph (351; 41%)Do you think that those who give in to peer pressure are less confident than others? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (176; 20%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Do you believe peer pressure affected teens 100 years ago?

Yes, probably just as much as it does nowData Graph (208; 24%)Do you believe peer pressure affected teens 100 years ago? - Stats Chart
Yes, maybe a littleData Graph (236; 27%)
No, teens had more important things to worry about back thenData Graph (83; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Can giving into peer pressure make you a more successful person?

No, peer pressure can only distract a person from reaching their goalsData Graph (351; 41%)Can giving into peer pressure make you a more successful person? - Stats Chart
Yes, "giving in" can help a person move up the social ladderData Graph (176; 20%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

Looking back, are there choices you made that you don't think you would have if your wern't pressured into them?

YesData Graph (350; 41%)Looking back, are there choices you made that you don`t think you would have if your wern`t pressure - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (177; 21%)
Not CheckedData Graph (333; 39%)

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How has peer pressure most affected your life?

See Responses

Do you think peer pressure is positive or negative? Why?

See Responses

Is there a situation, in your adolescent years, that stands out most, that was created by peer pressure?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Peer Pressure Survey

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