Skin Color: Simply Preference or Racism Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 135 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters


What is your sex?

femaleData Graph (96; 71%)What is your sex? - Stats Chart
maleData Graph (39; 29%)
transgenderData Graph (0; 0%)

What is your age?

under21Data Graph (43; 32%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
21-25Data Graph (53; 39%)
26-30Data Graph (8; 6%)
31-35Data Graph (2; 1%)
36-40Data Graph (6; 4%)
41-45Data Graph (6; 4%)
46-50Data Graph (7; 5%)
51-55Data Graph (4; 3%)
over55Data Graph (6; 4%)

What is your sexual preference?

AsexualData Graph (2; 1%)What is your sexual preference? - Stats Chart
BisexualData Graph (5; 4%)
HeterosexualData Graph (123; 91%)
HomosexualData Graph (3; 2%)
PansexualData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (1; 1%)
HeteroData Graph (1; 1%)

What is your race/ethnicity?

Not CheckedData Graph (0; 0%)What is your race/ethnicity? - Stats Chart
AfricanData Graph (4; 3%)
African American/BlackData Graph (79; 59%)
AsianData Graph (4; 3%)
Asian AmericanData Graph (2; 1%)
Caucasian American/WhiteData Graph (31; 23%)
EuropeanData Graph (0; 0%)
European AmericanData Graph (2; 1%)
HispanicData Graph (2; 1%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (3; 2%)
Latin AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (7; 5%)

If your answer to the above question is "Other," please specify:

See Responses

What is your religious affiliation?

Not CheckedData Graph (0; 0%)What is your religious affiliation? - Stats Chart
AnglicanData Graph (0; 0%)
BaptistData Graph (40; 30%)
BuddhistData Graph (0; 0%)
CatholicData Graph (29; 21%)
EpiscopalData Graph (6; 4%)
IslamData Graph (3; 2%)
JewishData Graph (0; 0%)
LutheranData Graph (1; 1%)
MethodistData Graph (9; 7%)
PresbyterianData Graph (1; 1%)
ScientologyData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (46; 34%)

If your answer to the above is "Other," please specify:

See Responses

What is your social-economic class?

Not CheckedData Graph (0; 0%)What is your social-economic class? - Stats Chart
lower classData Graph (5; 4%)
working classData Graph (14; 10%)
lower middle classData Graph (28; 21%)
middle classData Graph (51; 38%)
upper middle classData Graph (35; 26%)
upper classData Graph (1; 1%)
ruling classData Graph (1; 1%)


Is race of any importance to you when choosing whom you wish to date?

YesData Graph (39; 29%)Is race of any importance to you when choosing whom you wish to date? - Stats Chart
Maybe a littleData Graph (52; 39%)
NoData Graph (41; 30%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Have you ever been in an interracial relationship before?

YesData Graph (51; 38%)Have you ever been in an interracial relationship before? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (81; 60%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Do you agree with interracial dating?

Strongly AgreeData Graph (62; 46%)Do you agree with interracial dating? - Stats Chart
Somewhat AgreeData Graph (29; 21%)
SomewhatData Graph (25; 19%)
Somewhat DisagreeData Graph (10; 7%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (6; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Does your family agree with interracial dating?

YesData Graph (41; 30%)Does your family agree with interracial dating? - Stats Chart
Some of my family members, but not allData Graph (67; 50%)
NoData Graph (9; 7%)
I don't knowData Graph (15; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Do your friends agree with interracial dating?

YesData Graph (43; 32%)Do your friends agree with interracial dating? - Stats Chart
Some of my friends, but not allData Graph (76; 56%)
NoData Graph (6; 4%)
I don't knowData Graph (7; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Do your friends' view(s) on interracial dating affect your view on interracial dating?

Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 1%)Do your friends` view(s) on interracial dating affect your view on interracial dating? - Stats Chart
Somewhat AgreeData Graph (15; 11%)
AgreeData Graph (9; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (41; 30%)
Somewhat DisagreeData Graph (13; 10%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (53; 39%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Does your family's view on interracial dating affect your view on interracial dating?

Strongly AgreeData Graph (7; 5%)Does your family`s view on interracial dating affect your view on interracial dating? - Stats Chart
Somewhat AgreeData Graph (36; 27%)
AgreeData Graph (13; 10%)
DisagreeData Graph (26; 19%)
Somewhat DisagreeData Graph (9; 7%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (41; 30%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Have you ever discussed interracial dating with your family members?

YesData Graph (92; 68%)Have you ever discussed interracial dating with your family members? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (40; 30%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Have you ever discussed interracial dating with your friends?

YesData Graph (118; 87%)Have you ever discussed interracial dating with your friends? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (14; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Which factor(s) most likely affects your views/opinions on interracial dating? Please select as many as you like.

ReligionData Graph (47; 35%)Which factor(s) most likely affects your views/opinions on interracial dating?  Please select as man - Stats Chart
SocietyData Graph (42; 31%)
Economic StandingData Graph (24; 18%)
FamilyData Graph (66; 49%)
FriendsData Graph (36; 27%)
Cultural DifferencesData Graph (78; 58%)
OtherData Graph (14; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)
ural DifferencesData Graph (1; 1%)

If your answer to the above question is other, please specify:

See Responses


Would you marry outside of your race?

YesData Graph (97; 72%)Would you marry outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (33; 24%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

If your answer to the above question is "No," please specify.

See Responses

Do you think interracial marriage should be allowed?

YesData Graph (124; 92%)Do you think interracial marriage should be allowed? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

If your answer to the above question is anything other than "No," please specify?

See Responses

Does your family believe in interracial marriages?

YesData Graph (99; 73%)Does your family believe in interracial marriages? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (31; 23%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

Do your friends believe in interracial marriages?

YesData Graph (112; 83%)Do your friends believe in interracial marriages? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 13%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

Does your family's view(s) on interracial marriages affect your own?

Strongly AgreeData Graph (5; 4%)Does your family`s view(s) on interracial marriages affect your own? - Stats Chart
Somewhat AgreeData Graph (30; 22%)
AgreeData Graph (15; 11%)
DisagreeData Graph (32; 24%)
Somewhat DisagreeData Graph (12; 9%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (36; 27%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

Do your friends' view(s) on interracial marriages affect your own?

YesData Graph (18; 13%)Do your friends` view(s) on interracial marriages affect your own? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (112; 83%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)

Which factor(s) most likely affects your views/opinions on interracial marriage? Please select as many as you like.

ReligionData Graph (53; 39%)Which factor(s) most likely affects your views/opinions on interracial marriage?  Please select as m - Stats Chart
SocietyData Graph (39; 29%)
Economic StandingData Graph (31; 23%)
FamilyData Graph (58; 43%)
FriendsData Graph (25; 19%)
Cultrual DifferencesData Graph (80; 59%)
OtherData Graph (10; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 4%)
rual DifferencesData Graph (1; 1%)


When you see an unhappy mixed race couple you:

smile because you are happy for themData Graph (9; 7%)When you see an unhappy mixed race couple you: - Stats Chart
smileData Graph (29; 21%)
become indifferentData Graph (64; 47%)
simply turn the other cheekData Graph (25; 19%)
frown because you don't approveData Graph (10; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

Do you have friends of different ethnic backgrounds/skin colors?

YesData Graph (121; 90%)Do you have friends of different ethnic backgrounds/skin colors? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

If your answer to the above question is "No," please specify?

See Responses

When you see a happy mixed race couple you:

smile because you are happy for themData Graph (54; 40%)When you see a happy mixed race couple you: - Stats Chart
smileData Graph (37; 27%)
become indifferentData Graph (31; 23%)
simply turn the other cheekData Graph (11; 8%)
frown because you don't approveData Graph (4; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

Do you consider yourself to be a racist person?

YesData Graph (2; 1%)Do you consider yourself to be a racist person? - Stats Chart
SomewhatData Graph (7; 5%)
Maybe a LittleData Graph (27; 20%)
NoData Graph (90; 67%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

When you see a happy couple you:

smile because you are happy for themData Graph (70; 52%)When you see a happy couple you: - Stats Chart
smileData Graph (38; 28%)
become indifferentData Graph (21; 16%)
simply turn the other cheekData Graph (4; 3%)
frown because you don't approveData Graph (1; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

Are you more comfortable around people of your own race/skin color or of other races/skin colors?

My own race/skin colorData Graph (28; 21%)Are you more comfortable around people of your own race/skin color or of other races/skin colors? - Stats Chart
My own raceData Graph (21; 16%)
My own skin colorData Graph (5; 4%)
All races/skin colorsData Graph (47; 35%)
All racesData Graph (19; 14%)
All skin colorsData Graph (4; 3%)
Other racesData Graph (0; 0%)
Other skin colorsData Graph (0; 0%)
Other races/skin colorsData Graph (2; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

When you see an unhappy couple you:

smile because you are happy for themData Graph (4; 3%)When you see an unhappy couple you: - Stats Chart
smileData Graph (12; 9%)
become indifferentData Graph (65; 48%)
simply turn the other cheekData Graph (37; 27%)
frown because you don't approveData Graph (12; 9%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

Which race(s) would you prefer to date? Please select as many as you like.

AfricanData Graph (40; 30%)Which race(s) would you prefer to date? Please select as many as you like.   - Stats Chart
African American/BlackData Graph (99; 73%)
AsianData Graph (22; 16%)
Asian AmericanData Graph (37; 27%)
Caucasian American/WhiteData Graph (71; 53%)
EuropeanData Graph (42; 31%)
European AmericanData Graph (50; 37%)
HispanicData Graph (42; 31%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (56; 41%)
Latin AmericanData Graph (57; 42%)
Native AmericanData Graph (40; 30%)
OtherData Graph (14; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

If your answer to the above question is "Other," please specify.

See Responses

Do you believe that people who'd rather date/marry within their own race simply have a preference, or is it racism in some form or another?

Simply have a preferenceData Graph (75; 56%)Do you believe that people who`d rather date/marry within their own race simply have a preference, o - Stats Chart
I'm not sure what to thinkData Graph (34; 25%)
Racism in some form or anotherData Graph (17; 13%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 7%)

If there are any comments that you wish to express, please do so here.

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Skin Color: Simply Preference or Racism Survey

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