Black Greek Life Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 918 survey responses
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Black Fraternities and Sororities


Under 18Data Graph (122; 13%)Age? - Stats Chart
18-21Data Graph (552; 60%)
22-25Data Graph (111; 12%)
26-29Data Graph (51; 6%)
30 and UpData Graph (82; 9%)


FemaleData Graph (589; 64%)Gender? - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (329; 36%)

What is your ethnicity/ethnicities?

AfricanData Graph (60; 7%)What is your ethnicity/ethnicities? - Stats Chart
African AmericanData Graph (807; 88%)
AsianData Graph (5; 1%)
Asian AmericanData Graph (4; 0%)
EuropeanData Graph (7; 1%)
European AmericanData Graph (21; 2%)
HispanicData Graph (21; 2%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (27; 3%)
Native AmericanData Graph (31; 3%)
OtherData Graph (44; 5%)

Do you agree with Greek life as a whole?

YesData Graph (607; 66%)Do you agree with Greek life as a whole? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (24; 3%)
SomewhatData Graph (247; 27%)
Don't knowData Graph (40; 4%)

Rate your knowledge of historically black fraternities and sororities.

0Data Graph (31; 3%)Rate your knowledge of historically black fraternities and sororities. - Stats Chart
1Data Graph (15; 2%)
2Data Graph (18; 2%)
3Data Graph (32; 3%)
4Data Graph (65; 7%)
5Data Graph (113; 12%)
6Data Graph (104; 11%)
7Data Graph (150; 16%)
8Data Graph (142; 15%)
9Data Graph (91; 10%)
10Data Graph (157; 17%)

There are nine historically Black Greek letter organizations called the Divine Nine. Which ones do you know?

Alpha Phi Alpha FraternityData Graph (817; 89%)There are nine historically Black Greek letter organizations called the Divine Nine. Which ones do y - Stats Chart
Alpha Kappa Alpha SororityData Graph (837; 91%)
Kappa Alpha Psi FraternityData Graph (799; 87%)
Omega Psi Phi FraternityData Graph (808; 88%)
Delta Sigma Theta SororityData Graph (823; 90%)
Phi Beta Sigma FraternityData Graph (750; 82%)
Zeta Phi Beta SororityData Graph (768; 84%)
Sigma Gamma Rho SororityData Graph (733; 80%)
Iota Phi Theta FraternityData Graph (610; 66%)
None of the AboveData Graph (24; 3%)

Are you currently a part of a Greek organization?

YesData Graph (218; 24%)Are you currently a part of a Greek organization? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (700; 76%)

If so what organization are you affiliated with?

See Responses

If you are not currently fraternity or sorority in a have you ever thought about pledging or joining one?

YesData Graph (653; 71%)If you are not currently fraternity or sorority in a  have you ever thought about pledging or joinin - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (25; 3%)
MaybeData Graph (52; 6%)
Never thought about itData Graph (8; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (180; 20%)

Do you feel that it is much harder to join a black fraternity and sorority then for a white fraternity or sorority?

YesData Graph (464; 51%)Do you feel that it is much harder to join a black fraternity and sorority then for a white fraterni - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (93; 10%)
DependsData Graph (162; 18%)
Don't knowData Graph (199; 22%)

Do you feel that there are stereotypes about black fraternities and sororities?

YesData Graph (657; 72%)Do you feel that there are stereotypes about black fraternities and sororities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (51; 6%)
SomewhatData Graph (169; 18%)
Don't KnowData Graph (41; 4%)

If you answered yes what are some of the stereotypes that you have heard?

See Responses

Do you feel like black fraternities and sororities have a stronger bond then white fraternities and sororities?

YesData Graph (596; 65%)Do you feel like black fraternities and sororities have a stronger bond then white fraternities and  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (96; 10%)
SomewhatData Graph (109; 12%)
Don't knowData Graph (117; 13%)

Do you feel like it is acceptable for whites to join historically black fraternities and sororities?

YesData Graph (480; 52%)Do you feel like it is acceptable for whites to join historically black fraternities and sororities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (157; 17%)
DependsData Graph (250; 27%)
Don't knowData Graph (31; 3%)

Do you feel like it is acceptable for blacks to join white fraternities and sororities?

YesData Graph (528; 58%)Do you feel like it is acceptable for blacks to join white fraternities and sororities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (139; 15%)
DependsData Graph (208; 23%)
Don't knowData Graph (43; 5%)

Do you feel that people join fraternities and sororities for the wrong reasons?

YesData Graph (502; 55%)Do you feel that people join fraternities and sororities for the wrong reasons? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (64; 7%)
SomewhatData Graph (320; 35%)
Don't knowData Graph (32; 3%)

What is the main reason(s) why you feel that people join fraternities and sororities?

Because they have done their research and feel that it is the right organization for themData Graph (515; 56%)What is the main reason(s) why you feel that people join fraternities and sororities? - Stats Chart
To become more popularData Graph (620; 68%)
Because of their parentsData Graph (475; 52%)
Because their friends are doing itData Graph (449; 49%)
Because of stereotypes that they heardData Graph (419; 46%)
OtherData Graph (149; 16%)

Do you have any members of your family that are a part of a Greek organization?

YesData Graph (552; 60%)Do you have any members of your family that are a part of a Greek organization? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (366; 40%)

Do you think that there are any benefits of joining fraternities and sororities?

YesData Graph (818; 89%)Do you think that there are any benefits of joining fraternities and sororities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (25; 3%)
SomewhatData Graph (71; 8%)
Don't knowData Graph (4; 0%)

Do you feel that they are any negative aspects of joining a fraternity or sorority?

YesData Graph (493; 54%)Do you feel that they are any negative aspects of joining a fraternity or sorority? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (142; 15%)
DependsData Graph (245; 27%)
Don't knowData Graph (38; 4%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Black Greek Life Survey

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