NFL Labor Dispute Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 12 survey responses
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Section 1

Are you male or female?

MaleData Graph (8; 67%)Are you male or female? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (4; 33%)

Which age group do you belong to?

Younger than 17Data Graph (0; 0%)Which age group do you belong to? - Stats Chart
18- 24Data Graph (7; 58%)
25- 34Data Graph (0; 0%)
34- 49Data Graph (2; 17%)
50-64Data Graph (2; 17%)
65 and olderData Graph (1; 8%)

Do you follow American football on a regular (weekly) basis during football season?

YesData Graph (5; 42%)Do you follow American football on a regular (weekly) basis during football season? - Stats Chart
No, but I occasionally follow the sportData Graph (7; 58%)
NoData Graph (0; 0%)

If you are a football fan, what is your favorite team?

See Responses

Are you familiar with the current labor situation with the National Football League?

YesData Graph (5; 42%)Are you familiar with the current labor situation with the National Football League?  - Stats Chart
No, but I am aware of a few aspectsData Graph (4; 33%)
NoData Graph (3; 25%)

If the owners of football franchises were to lock out the players, and if there were no 2011 National Football League season, then would you continue to follow the league in 2012?

YesData Graph (5; 42%)If the owners of football franchises were to lock out the players, and if there were no 2011 Nationa - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (1; 8%)
I do not knowData Graph (5; 42%)
I am not a fan of footballData Graph (1; 8%)

If you could make the final decision to settle the labor situation, what suggestion would you make?

Team owners must break the players' associationData Graph (1; 8%)If you could make the final decision to settle the labor situation, what suggestion would you make? - Stats Chart
Players should make concessions to the ownersData Graph (0; 0%)
Owners and players should avoid a strike and immediately seek arbitrationData Graph (10; 83%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 8%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Should the National Football League extend its season to 18 games?

YesData Graph (4; 33%)Should the National Football League extend its season to 18 games? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 50%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 17%)

Do you think the owners show disregard for the health of the players by pushing so hard for an 18 game season?

YesData Graph (5; 42%)Do you think the owners show disregard for the health of the players by pushing so hard for an 18 ga - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 42%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 17%)

Do you think more money should be set aside for the players in the next collective bargaining agreement?

YesData Graph (1; 8%)Do you think more money should be set aside for the players in the next collective bargaining agreem - Stats Chart
Yes, but depending on the what the money will be used forData Graph (8; 67%)
NoData Graph (2; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 8%)

If the players should not get more money, then should the owners make more money?

YesData Graph (1; 8%)If the players should not get more money, then should the owners make more money? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (10; 83%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 8%)

Are you on the players' side or the owners' side when it comes to the labor situation in the National Football League?

Players' sideData Graph (6; 50%)Are you on the players` side or the owners` side when it comes to the labor situation in the Nationa - Stats Chart
Owners' sideData Graph (0; 0%)
NeutralData Graph (5; 42%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 8%)

What do you think should be done about fines for illegal hits?

Fines should be higherData Graph (2; 17%)What do you think should be done about fines for illegal hits? - Stats Chart
Fines should stay the sameData Graph (4; 33%)
Fines should be lessenedData Graph (3; 25%)
Players should not be fined for illegal hitsData Graph (1; 8%)
I don't knowData Graph (1; 8%)
OtherData Graph (1; 8%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Do you think the guidelines for what constitutes an illegal hit is too is too strict? In other words, do referees call too many penalties for illegal hits?

Too many penaltiesData Graph (5; 42%)Do you think the guidelines for what constitutes an illegal hit is too is too strict? In other words - Stats Chart
Referees got it rightData Graph (2; 17%)
More hits should be considered illegalData Graph (2; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 25%)

Do you think that rookie first round picks get paid too much?

YesData Graph (7; 58%)Do you think that rookie first round picks get paid too much? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (3; 25%)
I don't kNowData Graph (2; 17%)

Do you think the league should implement a rookie wage scale?

YesData Graph (6; 50%)Do you think the league should implement a rookie wage scale? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 33%)
I don't knowData Graph (2; 17%)

Do you think players in general get paid too much money?

YesData Graph (6; 50%)Do you think players in general get paid too much money? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 33%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 17%)

Should all players be subject to a wage scale?

YesData Graph (3; 25%)Should all players be subject to a wage scale? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (7; 58%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 17%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · NFL Labor Dispute Survey

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