black communities plight Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 41 survey response
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Whats Happening To The Urban Community

What do you think has happened to the black family and community in the United States?

Middle class families left the inner cityData Graph (12; 29%)What do you think has happened to the black family and community in the United States? - Stats Chart
Low income families remained in depressed inner citiesData Graph (17; 41%)
Black families and communities are under greater economic stress after 2001 than in the previous decade before 2001Data Graph (8; 20%)
Black families and communities have more hope and opportunity for greater economic and social advancementData Graph (13; 32%)
OtherData Graph (5; 12%)
I do not knowData Graph (5; 12%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify

See Responses

The rap artist of today has helped to destroy the black community.

Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 17%)The rap artist of today has helped to destroy the black community.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (10; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (9; 22%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (3; 7%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

Why do you think so many youth in the black community have turned towards the negative, including drugs, crime, etc?

These black youth have no role modelsData Graph (14; 34%)Why do you think so many youth in the black community have turned towards the negative, including dr - Stats Chart
These black youth never had any concern for their communitiesData Graph (8; 20%)
These black youth have very few employment opportunitiesData Graph (8; 20%)
These black youth have very few educational opportunitiesData Graph (13; 32%)
These black youth did not accept values of hard work and delayed gratificationData Graph (14; 34%)
These black youth came from broken familiesData Graph (21; 51%)
These black youth live in depressed neighborhoodsData Graph (18; 44%)
OtherData Graph (6; 15%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 5%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Parents are responsible for their children's negative behavior.

Strongly agreeData Graph (11; 27%)Parents are responsible for their children`s negative behavior.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (14; 34%)
NeutralData Graph (7; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 7%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 15%)

Parents are responsible for the deterioration of the quality of life in many black communities.

Strongly agreeData Graph (8; 20%)Parents are responsible for the deterioration of the quality of life in many black communities.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (8; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (8; 20%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 2%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (7; 17%)

Politicians, corporations, and government are responsible for creating or encouraging conditions that allow black youth to engage in negative behavior.

Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 17%)Politicians, corporations, and government are responsible for creating or encouraging conditions tha - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (10; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (5; 12%)
DisagreeData Graph (9; 22%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 10%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

Polticians, corporations, and government are responsible for creating or encouraging conditions that have led to deteriorating quality of life in many black communities.

Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 17%)Polticians, corporations, and government are responsible for creating or encouraging conditions that - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (10; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (9; 22%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 10%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (5; 12%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

Schools in urban communities are inadequate in teaching black youth to respect and support their families and community?

Strongly agreeData Graph (4; 10%)Schools in urban communities are inadequate in teaching black youth to respect and support their fam - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (10; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (9; 22%)
DisagreeData Graph (8; 20%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 2%)
I do not knowData Graph (4; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

Why do the media often portray urban black youth as drug dealers and gang bangers?

The media reports what many urban black youth usually doData Graph (12; 29%)Why do the media often portray urban black youth as drug dealers and gang bangers?   - Stats Chart
The media has racist intentionsData Graph (6; 15%)
The media reports on the negative that many black rap artists depictData Graph (16; 39%)
OtherData Graph (14; 34%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 7%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Urban black youth are truly the product of their environment.

Strongly agreeData Graph (8; 20%)Urban black youth are truly the product of their environment.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (9; 22%)
NeutralData Graph (7; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (8; 20%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 10%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

The problems faced by urban black youth and urban black communities are really rooted in African American culture.

Strongly agreeData Graph (3; 7%)The problems faced by urban black youth and urban black communities are really rooted in African Ame - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (9; 22%)
NeutralData Graph (3; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (9; 22%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (12; 29%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 12%)

What happened to the strong (in terms of values and work ethic) black woman of previous generations?

Not all black women were strongData Graph (4; 10%)What happened to the strong (in terms of values and work ethic) black woman of previous generations? - Stats Chart
There have always been strong and weak black womenData Graph (14; 34%)
The idea of strong black women is a mythData Graph (4; 10%)
Strong black women are still hereData Graph (25; 61%)
the media rarely portray themData Graph (8; 20%)
Black men have generally become more oppressive of black womenData Graph (4; 10%)
OtherData Graph (4; 10%)
I do not knowData Graph (4; 10%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

What happened to black women's morals, especially the young black women whom people see on television?

See Responses

What things need to happen in order to get this generation of black youth on the right path and stop the negative behavior?

See Responses

What are the main causes of the downhill spiral of black American communities and families?

PovertyData Graph (20; 49%)What are the main causes of the downhill spiral of black American communities and families? - Stats Chart
RacismData Graph (21; 51%)
MaterialismData Graph (16; 39%)
Drug traffickingData Graph (19; 46%)
GlobalismData Graph (4; 10%)
Lack of personal responsibility and valuesData Graph (19; 46%)
Government economic policiesData Graph (12; 29%)
OtherData Graph (7; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 7%)

If Other to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Whats Happening To The Urban Community (cont)

Why do black men constitute at least 60% of the American prison population?

Most cannot afford good lawyersData Graph (14; 34%)Why do black men constitute at least 60% of the American prison population? - Stats Chart
Most simply got caughtData Graph (13; 32%)
The justice system uses racismData Graph (9; 22%)
Most are poor peopleData Graph (9; 22%)
OtherData Graph (9; 22%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 20%)

If Other to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Americans must not be fighting in a war overseas for other people%uFFFDs freedoms when many Americans are still dealing with issues of racial and gender inequality.

Strongly agreeData Graph (6; 15%)Americans must not be fighting in a war overseas for other people%uFFFDs freedoms when many American - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (8; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 10%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 7%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (8; 20%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (10; 24%)

Do you wish to comment further to the previous question?

See Responses

How would you solve social issues and problems that plague many inner city neighborhoods?

Increase social spending to create more jobsData Graph (16; 39%)How would you solve social issues and problems that plague many inner city neighborhoods? - Stats Chart
Encourage businesses to cite more of their facilities in the inner cityData Graph (13; 32%)
Encourage more young people to join the militaryData Graph (5; 12%)
Other I do not knowData Graph (7; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 20%)

If Other to previous question, then please specify

See Responses

Who is or are responsible to solve inner city problems?

Inner city residentsData Graph (26; 63%)Who is or are responsible to solve inner city problems?       - Stats Chart
Local governmentData Graph (20; 49%)
Federal governmentData Graph (15; 37%)
private enterpriseData Graph (10; 24%)
Churches and religious organizationsData Graph (19; 46%)
OtherData Graph (4; 10%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 20%)

If Other to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Adult inner city residents must unite and make changes for the better.

Strongly agreeData Graph (21; 51%)Adult inner city residents must unite and make changes for the better.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (8; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 5%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (10; 24%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · black communities plight Survey

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