Research Methods: Platonic Friendships Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 46 survey responses
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These items are about age and its influence on friendship .

Age influences perceptions of male/female friendships.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (12; 26%)Age influences perceptions of male/female friendships.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (24; 52%)
DisagreeData Graph (8; 17%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (2; 4%)

Age influences perceptions of friendships between individuals of different genders.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (14; 30%)Age influences perceptions of friendships between individuals of different genders. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (24; 52%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 15%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (1; 2%)

Age is not a factor in perceptions of male/female friendship

Strongly AgreeData Graph (3; 7%)Age is not a factor in perceptions of male/female friendship - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (7; 15%)
DisagreeData Graph (27; 59%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (9; 20%)

In your opinion, which age group is most capable of having platonic friendships?

14-18Data Graph (9; 20%)In your opinion, which age group is most capable of having platonic friendships? - Stats Chart
19-22Data Graph (8; 17%)
23-30Data Graph (10; 22%)
31-40Data Graph (17; 37%)
40+Data Graph (15; 33%)

This section is about the effect being in a relationship has on outside friendships between individuals of the same sex as well as of the opposite sex.

My friendships with individuals of the opposite sex have caused problems in my relationships.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (6; 13%) My friendships with individuals of the opposite sex have caused problems in my relationships. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (14; 30%)
DisagreeData Graph (18; 39%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (8; 17%)

Married people cannot have friends of the opposite sex

Strongly AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)Married people cannot have friends of the opposite sex  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (24; 52%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (19; 41%)

Married People cannot have single friends

Strongly AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)Married People cannot have single friends  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (6; 13%)
DisagreeData Graph (24; 52%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (17; 37%)

People in a homosexual relationship cannot have friends of the same sex

Strongly AgreeData Graph (2; 4%)People in a homosexual relationship cannot have friends of the same sex - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 4%)
DisagreeData Graph (22; 48%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (19; 41%)

It's okay for people in a committed homosexual relationship to have friends of the same sex if they are also in a committed relationship.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (11; 24%)It`s okay for people in a committed homosexual relationship to have friends of the same sex if they  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (27; 59%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 9%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 7%)

These items are about your personal experiences with having platonic friends, as well as your perceptions of appropriate friendships.

Do you have platonic friends of the same sex?

YesData Graph (43; 93%)Do you have platonic friends of the same sex?   - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (3; 7%)

Do you have platonic friends of the opposite sex?

YesData Graph (42; 91%)Do you have platonic friends of the opposite sex? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 9%)

What was/is the most prominent racial demographic of your high school?

Mostly African-AmericanData Graph (12; 26%)What was/is the most prominent racial demographic of your high school?  - Stats Chart
Mostly WhiteData Graph (16; 35%)
Mostly HispanicData Graph (1; 2%)
My high school was racially diverseData Graph (17; 37%)
OtherData Graph (3; 7%)

This section asks about your experiences in platonic frienships.

If I were in a committed relationship I would not want my significant other to have friends of the opposite sex (or the same sex if the relationship is homosexual).

1Data Graph (19; 41%)If I were in a committed relationship I would not want my significant other to have friends of the o - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (4; 9%)
3Data Graph (11; 24%)
4Data Graph (3; 7%)
5Data Graph (3; 7%)
6Data Graph (4; 9%)
7Data Graph (2; 4%)

I am or have been physically attracted to a platonic friend.

1Data Graph (9; 20%)I am or have been physically attracted to a platonic friend.
 - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (2; 4%)
3Data Graph (6; 13%)
4Data Graph (5; 11%)
5Data Graph (11; 24%)
6Data Graph (8; 17%)
7Data Graph (5; 11%)

I have been in a relationship with some one who is now a platonic friend.

1Data Graph (13; 28%)I have been in a relationship with some one who is now a platonic friend.
 - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (7; 15%)
3Data Graph (3; 7%)
4Data Graph (6; 13%)
5Data Graph (3; 7%)
6Data Graph (3; 7%)
7Data Graph (11; 24%)

I have been or am in a relationship with some one who was once a platonic friend.

1Data Graph (21; 46%)I have been or am in a relationship with some one who was once a platonic friend.
 - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (3; 7%)
3Data Graph (4; 9%)
4Data Graph (3; 7%)
5Data Graph (3; 7%)
6Data Graph (4; 9%)
7Data Graph (8; 17%)

Platonic friendship is not possible with some one after being romantically involved with them.

1Data Graph (13; 28%)Platonic friendship is not possible with some one after being romantically involved with them.
 - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (4; 9%)
3Data Graph (6; 13%)
4Data Graph (10; 22%)
5Data Graph (7; 15%)
6Data Graph (3; 7%)
7Data Graph (3; 7%)


What is your ethnicity or identity?

Black/African AmericanData Graph (42; 91%)What is your ethnicity or identity? - Stats Chart
American Native or Alaska NativeData Graph (1; 2%)
WhiteData Graph (1; 2%)
BiracialData Graph (5; 11%)
AsianData Graph (1; 2%)
Native Hawaiian or Pacific IslanderData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (3; 7%)

What is your classification?

First YearData Graph (3; 7%)What is your classification? - Stats Chart
SophomoreData Graph (6; 13%)
JuniorData Graph (17; 37%)
SeniorData Graph (11; 24%)

What is your major?

Social SciencesData Graph (19; 41%)What is your major?  - Stats Chart
Physical SciencesData Graph (3; 7%)
HumanitiesData Graph (3; 7%)
BusinessData Graph (4; 9%)
EducationData Graph (3; 7%)
Foreign LanguageData Graph (1; 2%)
Computer ScienceData Graph (2; 4%)
IndependentData Graph (1; 2%)
OtherData Graph (6; 13%)

What is your age?

18-22Data Graph (33; 72%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
23-30Data Graph (1; 2%)
31-40Data Graph (1; 2%)
40+Data Graph (11; 24%)

What is your marital status?

Single, Never MarriedData Graph (36; 78%)What is your marital status? - Stats Chart
MarriedData Graph (8; 17%)
SeparatedData Graph (0; 0%)
DivorcedData Graph (2; 4%)
WidowedData Graph (0; 0%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Research Methods: Platonic Friendships Survey

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