AAA S 100 Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Filtered data: 51 survey response
Active filter: Do you know that African Americans have an average life expectancy of 70.2 years while the white Americans have an average life expectancy of 76.5 years? - No
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What do you think are the possible reasons to explain differences in average life expectancy between black and white Americans?

Proportionally more African Americans live in poverty than do white AmericansData Graph (27; 53%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain differences in average life expectancy between - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African Americans have health-threatening or life-threatening jobs than do white AmericansData Graph (4; 8%)
Proportionally more African Americans endure environmental racism than do white AmericansData Graph (5; 10%)
Proportionally more African Americans have inadequate or no healthcare insurance than do white AmericansData Graph (18; 35%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans and white Americans are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (16; 31%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans and white Americans are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (6; 12%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 10%)

Do you know that African Americans are very susceptible to certain diseases?

YesData Graph (33; 65%)Do you know that African Americans are very susceptible to certain diseases? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (17; 33%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 2%)

Which diseases are most problematic for African Americans?

AIDS/HIVData Graph (24; 47%)Which diseases are most problematic for African Americans?   - Stats Chart
Alzheimer's diseaseData Graph (0; 0%)
AnorexiaData Graph (0; 0%)
Breast cancerData Graph (1; 2%)
BulimiaData Graph (0; 0%)
Heart diseasesData Graph (10; 20%)
Lung cancerData Graph (6; 12%)
ObesityData Graph (6; 12%)
Ovarian cancerData Graph (0; 0%)
Prostrate cancerData Graph (1; 2%)
Sexually transmitted diseasesData Graph (11; 22%)
Sickle cell anemiaData Graph (27; 53%)
StrokeData Graph (2; 4%)
TuberculosisData Graph (4; 8%)
OtherData Graph (1; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (13; 25%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Do you know that only 14% of African Americans age 65 or older have received annual vaccinations?

YesData Graph (0; 0%)Do you know that only 14% of African Americans age 65 or older have received annual vaccinations? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (51; 100%)

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why a small number of elderly African Americans have annual vaccinations? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally more elderly African Americans live in poverty than do white AmericansData Graph (17; 33%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why a small number of elderly African American - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African Americans mistrust the healthcare system do elderly white AmericansData Graph (6; 12%)
Proportionally more elderly African Americans are not aware of vaccination programs than do elderly white AmericansData Graph (6; 12%)
Proportionally more elderly African Americans have inadequate or no healthcare than do elderly white AmericansData Graph (30; 59%)
The health problems suffered by elderly African Americans are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (1; 2%)
OtherData Graph (1; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (12; 24%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Do you know that the African American male lives an average of 66.1 years while the white American male lives an average of 73.6 years?

YesData Graph (1; 2%)Do you know that the African American male lives an average of 66.1 years while the white American m - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (49; 96%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 2%)

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why the average life expectancy for African American men is less than the average life expectancy for white American men? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally more African American men live in poverty than do white American menData Graph (24; 47%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why the average life expectancy for African Am - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African American men have health-threatening or life-threatening jobs than do white American menData Graph (7; 14%)
Proportionally more African American men endure environmental racism than do white American menData Graph (3; 6%)
Proportionally more African American men have inadequate or no healthcare insurance than do white American menData Graph (21; 41%)
The health problems suffered by African American men and white American men are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (14; 27%)
The health problems suffered by African American men and white American men are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (2; 4%)
Do not knowData Graph (7; 14%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Do you know that an African American has double the chance of developing lung cancer than does a white American?

YesData Graph (4; 8%)Do you know that an African American has double the chance of developing lung cancer than does a whi - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (45; 88%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 4%)

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why an African American has double the chance of developing lung cancer than does a white American? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans are heavy cigarette smokersData Graph (9; 18%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why an African American has double the chance  - Stats Chart
Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans are heavy smokers of non-filter cigarettesData Graph (5; 10%)
Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans work in occupations that increase the chance of succumbing to lung cancerData Graph (16; 31%)
African Americans have a genetic vulnerability to lung cancerData Graph (16; 31%)
OtherData Graph (1; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (16; 31%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Do you know that African American elders are less likely to be married than are white Americans elders?

YesData Graph (5; 10%)Do you know that African American elders are less likely to be married than are white Americans elde - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (40; 78%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 12%)

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why African American elders are less likely to be married than are white American elders? (Check all that may apply.)

Lower life expectancy among African American elders than among white American eldersData Graph (11; 22%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain why African American elders are less likely to - Stats Chart
Higher ratio of women to men among African American elders than among white American eldersData Graph (6; 12%)
African American elders have fewer reasons to remarry than do white American eldersData Graph (2; 4%)
OtherData Graph (3; 6%)
Do not knowData Graph (27; 53%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

At the end of 2006, an estimated 1.1 million Americans have HIV of which almost half (46%) were African Americans. Why, are African Americans proportionally overrepresented among HIV victims than are white Americans? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans are drug abusersData Graph (12; 24%)At the end of 2006, an estimated 1.1 million Americans have HIV of which almost half (46%) were Afri - Stats Chart
Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans engage in unsafe sexual intercourseData Graph (22; 43%)
Proportionally, fewer African Americans than white Americans seek medical careData Graph (19; 37%)
Proportionally, more African Americans than white Americans do not seek medical care because they mistrust the medical systemData Graph (6; 12%)
OtherData Graph (1; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (15; 29%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that more African American women than white American women die from cancer annually? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally fewer African American women than white American women seek medical diagnosisData Graph (23; 45%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that more African American women than white Am - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African American women than white American women have health-threatening or life-threatening jobsData Graph (5; 10%)
Proportionally more African American women than white American women endure environmental racismData Graph (2; 4%)
Proportionally, more African American women than white American women have inadequate or no healthcare insuranceData Graph (25; 49%)
The health problems suffered by African American women and white American women are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (10; 20%)
The health problems suffered by African American women and white American women are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (13; 25%)

Part 2

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that African Americans have a 50% higher risk of death from heart diseases than do white Americans? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally fewer African Americans than white Americans seek medical diagnosis for heart diseasesData Graph (18; 35%)What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that African Americans have a 50% higher risk  - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have health-threatening or life-threatening jobsData Graph (6; 12%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans endure environmental racismData Graph (1; 2%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have inadequate or no healthcare insuranceData Graph (19; 37%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans than white Americans are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (17; 33%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans and white Americans are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (2; 4%)
Do not knowData Graph (12; 24%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 8%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that African Americans have a 100% greater risk from stroke than do white Americans? (Check all that may apply.)

Proportionally fewer African Americans than white Americans seek medical diagnosis for strokeData Graph (15; 29%) What do you think are the possible reasons to explain that African Americans have a 100% greater ri - Stats Chart
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans eat unhealthy, fatty foodsData Graph (12; 24%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have health-threatening or life-threatening jobsData Graph (3; 6%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans endure environmental racismData Graph (1; 2%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have inadequate or no healthcare insuranceData Graph (19; 37%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans than white Americans are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (14; 27%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans and white Americans are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (1; 2%)
OtherData Graph (1; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (13; 25%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 8%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Between 1991 to 2000, 886,000 deaths were preventable if African Americans had received the same health care as did white Americans. What do you think are the possible reasons to explain the inadequacy or the lack of prevention during those years? (Check all that may apply.)

The government had no interest stressing prevention in healthcareData Graph (8; 16%)Between 1991 to 2000, 886,000 deaths were preventable if African Americans had received the same hea - Stats Chart
The healthcare system had not expanded into in predominantly African American districtsData Graph (13; 25%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have unhealthy dietsData Graph (8; 16%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans work in unsafe occupationsData Graph (3; 6%)
Proportionally more African Americans than white Americans have inadequate or no healthcare insuranceData Graph (22; 43%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans than white Americans are related to differences in geneticsData Graph (7; 14%)
The health problems suffered by African Americans and white Americans are related to racism in the American healthcare systemData Graph (7; 14%)
OtherData Graph (2; 4%)
Do not knowData Graph (10; 20%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 8%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Should schools be teaching more about AIDS/HIV prevention through courses and programs because the rate of HIV and AIDS is much higher among African Americans than among white Americans?

Yes, but in every schoolData Graph (33; 65%)Should schools be teaching more about AIDS/HIV prevention through courses and programs because the r - Stats Chart
Yes, definitely in predominantly black schoolsData Graph (5; 10%)
NoData Graph (4; 8%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 8%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · AAA S 100 Survey

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