Barack For Prez Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 6 survey responses
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Barack For Prez

what is your ethniticy?

BlackData Graph (1; 17%)what is your ethniticy?  - Stats Chart
WhiteData Graph (5; 83%)
AsianData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

What is your age?

Under 20Data Graph (1; 17%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
20-23Data Graph (3; 50%)
24-30Data Graph (1; 17%)
31-45Data Graph (0; 0%)
Over 45Data Graph (1; 17%)

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (2; 33%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (4; 67%)

What type of area do you live in?

UrbanData Graph (2; 33%)What type of area do you live in? - Stats Chart
SuburbanData Graph (4; 67%)
RuralData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

how important is the election to you?

ImportantData Graph (4; 67%)how important is the election to you?  - Stats Chart
Not importantData Graph (2; 33%)
Dont careData Graph (0; 0%)

What is your general attitude toward the presidential election of 2008?

PositiveData Graph (3; 50%)What is your general attitude toward the presidential election of 2008? - Stats Chart
NegativeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)

What is your general attitude toward American government?

PositiveData Graph (0; 0%)What is your general attitude toward American government? - Stats Chart
NegativeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (3; 50%)

Do you consider yourself financially poor, middle class, or rich?

poorData Graph (1; 17%)Do you consider yourself financially poor, middle class, or rich? - Stats Chart
middle classData Graph (4; 67%)
richData Graph (1; 17%)

What is your occupation?

Part-TimeData Graph (0; 0%)What is your occupation? - Stats Chart
Full-TimeData Graph (1; 17%)
StudentData Graph (4; 67%)
HealthcareData Graph (0; 0%)
MilitaryData Graph (0; 0%)
AgricultureData Graph (0; 0%)
ProfessionalData Graph (0; 0%)
ManagerialData Graph (0; 0%)
RetailData Graph (0; 0%)
SalesData Graph (0; 0%)
EducationData Graph (0; 0%)
ServiceData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (1; 17%)

People are saying that because of baracks radical stance on abortion to his prominence in the corruption scandals that has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media, he is not fit to be the next President of the United States.Do you agree or disagree

agreeData Graph (2; 33%)People are saying that because of baracks radical stance on abortion to his prominence in the corrup - Stats Chart
disagreeData Graph (4; 67%)

Barack Obama's aspiration to become a presidential candidate is going to be a history changing event.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Barack Obama`s aspiration to become a presidential candidate is going to be a history changing event - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (4; 67%)
NeutralData Graph (0; 0%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Barack Obama has a likely chance of becoming president.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Barack Obama has a likely chance of becoming president.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Barack Obama he will be treated with the same respect as if he was a white man.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Barack Obama he will be treated with the same respect as if he was a white man.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Barack Obama's candidacy will change the way America as a society looks at African Americans.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Barack Obama`s candidacy will change the way America as a society looks at African Americans.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Barack Obama will make a good president for you.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Barack Obama will make a good president for you. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Barack Obama, as President of the United States, will improve race relations in the nation.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Barack Obama, as President of the United States, will improve race relations in the nation.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (0; 0%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Do you think Barack Obama is not "black enough" as some commentators say?

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Do you think Barack Obama is not "black enough" as some commentators say?  
 - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 33%)

Barack Obama, as a candidate, will bring more black voters to the polls in 2008.

Strongly agreeData Graph (3; 50%)Barack Obama, as a candidate, will bring more black voters to the polls in 2008.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Barack Obama, as President, will handle the War on Terrorism better than President George W. Bush has done

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Barack Obama, as President, will handle the War on Terrorism better than President George W. Bush ha - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 33%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Barack For Prez Survey

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