Private vs. Public Schools Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 224 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

General Information

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (54; 24%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (167; 75%)
OtherData Graph (3; 1%)

How old are you?

Under 18Data Graph (17; 8%)How old are you? - Stats Chart
18-21Data Graph (187; 83%)
22-25Data Graph (8; 4%)
26-30Data Graph (4; 2%)
31-40Data Graph (2; 1%)
Over 40Data Graph (6; 3%)

What is your ethnicity?

African/BlackData Graph (39; 17%)What is your ethnicity? - Stats Chart
Asian/Pacific IslanderData Graph (12; 5%)
Caucasian/WhiteData Graph (148; 66%)
Hispanic/LatinoData Graph (14; 6%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (10; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 0%)

If other,please specify

See Responses

What is your religious affiliation?

AgnosticData Graph (11; 5%)What is your religious affiliation? - Stats Chart
AnglicanData Graph (1; 0%)
AtheistData Graph (10; 4%)
BaptistData Graph (17; 8%)
BuddhistData Graph (1; 0%)
Christian OrthodoxData Graph (16; 7%)
ConfucianismData Graph (0; 0%)
Church of Latter Day SaintsData Graph (0; 0%)
DeistData Graph (1; 0%)
EpiscopalianData Graph (0; 0%)
Greek OrthodoxData Graph (0; 0%)
HinduData Graph (2; 1%)
JewData Graph (6; 3%)
LutheranData Graph (3; 1%)
MethodistData Graph (9; 4%)
Muslim, Shi'a, Muslim, SunniData Graph (4; 2%)
New AgeData Graph (0; 0%)
PaganData Graph (0; 0%)
PentacostalData Graph (5; 2%)
PresbyterianData Graph (5; 2%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (84; 38%)
Seventh Day AdventistData Graph (1; 0%)
TaoistData Graph (1; 0%)
WiccaData Graph (3; 1%)
OtherData Graph (25; 11%)
Do not knowData Graph (19; 8%)

If other please specify

See Responses

What is your highest level of education?

High schoolData Graph (9; 4%)What is your highest level of education? - Stats Chart
High school graduateData Graph (65; 29%)
GEDData Graph (1; 0%)
Some collegeData Graph (132; 59%)
Associate's degreeData Graph (3; 1%)
Baccalaureate degreeData Graph (6; 3%)
Master's degreeData Graph (3; 1%)
ABDData Graph (1; 0%)
Ph.DData Graph (0; 0%)
EEdData Graph (1; 0%)
OtherData Graph (3; 1%)

Where do you currently reside?

In the United StatesData Graph (217; 97%)Where do you currently reside? - Stats Chart
Outside the United StatesData Graph (7; 3%)

Private vs. Public Schools

In your years of elementary school, were you enrolled in public or private school?

PublicData Graph (149; 67%)In your years of elementary school, were you enrolled in public or private school? - Stats Chart
PrivateData Graph (52; 23%)
NeitherData Graph (6; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

In your years of high school, were you enrolled in public or private school?

PublicData Graph (170; 76%)In your years of high school, were you enrolled in public or private school? - Stats Chart
PrivateData Graph (30; 13%)
NeitherData Graph (7; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Which type of school would you prefer to attend?

PublicData Graph (154; 69%)Which type of school would you prefer to attend? - Stats Chart
PrivateData Graph (53; 24%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Private Schools help better prepare kids for college.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (16; 7%)Private Schools help better prepare kids for college. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (47; 21%)
NeutralData Graph (70; 31%)
DisagreeData Graph (64; 29%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (10; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Private schools are simply a waste of money.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (4; 2%)Private schools are simply a waste of money. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (34; 15%)
NeutralData Graph (65; 29%)
DisagreeData Graph (80; 36%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (24; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Private Schools shouldn't be so competitive in accepting kids.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (12; 5%)Private Schools shouldn`t be so competitive in accepting kids. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (55; 25%)
NeutralData Graph (75; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (55; 25%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (10; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Uniforms should be required for Public Schools

Strongly AgreeData Graph (7; 3%)Uniforms should be required for Public Schools - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (34; 15%)
NeutralData Graph (39; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (57; 25%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (70; 31%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Uniforms should be worn in all Private Schools

Strongly AgreeData Graph (16; 7%)Uniforms should be worn in all Private Schools - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (36; 16%)
NeutralData Graph (81; 36%)
DisagreeData Graph (48; 21%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (25; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (18; 8%)

Parents whose children attend private school shouldn't have to pay taxes for public school funding

Strongly AgreeData Graph (21; 9%)Parents whose children attend private school shouldn`t have to pay taxes for public school funding - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (62; 28%)
NeutralData Graph (47; 21%)
DisagreeData Graph (49; 22%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (26; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (19; 8%)

Private Schools should be state funded and parents shouldn't have to pay tuition.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (9; 4%)Private Schools should be state funded and parents shouldn`t have to pay tuition. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (21; 9%)
NeutralData Graph (33; 15%)
DisagreeData Graph (87; 39%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (56; 25%)
Not CheckedData Graph (18; 8%)

Overall, private schools are safer than public schools (i.e. no fights, no weapons)

Strongly AgreeData Graph (15; 7%)Overall, private schools are safer than public schools (i.e. no fights, no weapons) - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (40; 18%)
NeutralData Graph (43; 19%)
DisagreeData Graph (71; 32%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (38; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)

Which school provides the best possible education for children?

PublicData Graph (86; 38%)Which school provides the best possible education for children? - Stats Chart
PrivateData Graph (118; 53%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 9%)

Bullying and other various prejudiced acts are not as common in private schools than in public schools.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (9; 4%)Bullying and other various prejudiced acts are not as common in private schools than in public schoo - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (24; 11%)
NeutralData Graph (40; 18%)
DisagreeData Graph (90; 40%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (43; 19%)
Not CheckedData Graph (18; 8%)

Teachers are less enthusiastic about teaching in public schools than in private schools.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (7; 3%)Teachers are less enthusiastic about teaching in public schools than in private schools. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (23; 10%)
NeutralData Graph (51; 23%)
DisagreeData Graph (67; 30%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (58; 26%)
Not CheckedData Graph (18; 8%)

Kids who attend private schools have better morals than those who attend public schools.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (2; 1%)Kids who attend private schools have better morals than those who attend public schools. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (13; 6%)
NeutralData Graph (27; 12%)
DisagreeData Graph (84; 38%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (80; 36%)
Not CheckedData Graph (18; 8%)

Kids who attend private schools are smarter than those in public school

Strongly AgreeData Graph (2; 1%)Kids who attend private schools are smarter than those in public school - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (8; 4%)
NeutralData Graph (26; 12%)
DisagreeData Graph (75; 33%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (96; 43%)
Not CheckedData Graph (17; 8%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Private vs. Public Schools Survey

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