Union Corruption Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 13 survey responses
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Labor Union Corruption

What is your age?

20 or underData Graph (2; 15%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
21-30Data Graph (2; 15%)
31-40Data Graph (1; 8%)
41-50Data Graph (3; 23%)
51 or overData Graph (5; 38%)

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (12; 92%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (1; 8%)

Have you ever been in a labor union?

YesData Graph (12; 92%)Have you ever been in a labor union? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (1; 8%)

Are you currently a union member?

YesData Graph (8; 62%)Are you currently a union member? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 38%)

If no, would you consider joining a union?

YesData Graph (7; 54%)If no, would you consider joining a union? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 38%)
UndecidedData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 8%)

What state are you from?

PennsylvaniaData Graph (4; 31%)What state are you from? - Stats Chart
New JerseyData Graph (4; 31%)
New YorkData Graph (1; 8%)
MarylandData Graph (0; 0%)
OhioData Graph (2; 15%)
OtherData Graph (2; 15%)

If other, please specify the state you are from.

See Responses

Labor unions are notoriously corrupt organizations.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (4; 31%)Labor unions are notoriously corrupt organizations. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 15%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 23%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 31%)
UndecidedData Graph (0; 0%)

Labor union presidents have too much power.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (2; 15%)Labor union presidents have too much power. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 23%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 15%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (6; 46%)
UndecidedData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you believe politicians should have such strong relationships with labor unions?

YesData Graph (9; 69%)Do you believe politicians should have such strong relationships with labor unions? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 31%)
UndecidedData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you believe elected officials do illegal favors for unions that back them during elections?

YesData Graph (4; 31%)Do you believe elected officials do illegal favors for unions that back them during elections? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 62%)
Not sureData Graph (1; 8%)

Do you know the story of notorious union president Jimmy Hoffa?

YesData Graph (10; 77%)Do you know the story of notorious union president Jimmy Hoffa? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 15%)
Not sureData Graph (1; 8%)

If yes, what do you know about him?

See Responses

Why do you believe some union presidents give kickbacks to members?

Ensure votes from membersData Graph (5; 38%)Why do you believe some union presidents give kickbacks to members? - Stats Chart
Financial help for struggling membersData Graph (3; 23%)
OtherData Graph (3; 23%)

If other, please specify why you believe some union presidents give kickbacks to other members.

See Responses

The "Mob" is heavily involved in running labor unions in the northern New Jersey and the New York areas.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 8%)The "Mob" is heavily involved in running labor unions in the northern New Jersey and the New York ar - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 8%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 31%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 23%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 23%)
UndecidedData Graph (1; 8%)

Do you believe labor corruption is more prevalent today or 40 years ago?

TodayData Graph (3; 23%)Do you believe labor corruption is  more prevalent today or 40 years ago? - Stats Chart
40 years agoData Graph (7; 54%)
OtherData Graph (3; 23%)

If other, when do you believe was the highpoint of labor corruption?

See Responses

Have you heard any labor union corruption stories in the news recently?

YesData Graph (7; 54%)Have you heard any labor union corruption stories in the news recently? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 46%)

If yes, please elaborate on the news story.

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Union Corruption Survey

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