Emotional Abuse Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank |
Data collected: 5 survey responses Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters |
Child Abuse (Emotional) |
In your opinion, what are the differences between physical abuse and emotional abuse? | |
See Responses |
Do you know someone who has been or is being emotionally abused? If so, how do you know that they are being emotionally abused? If not, what do you think emotional abuse might look like? | |
See Responses |
Are there ever circumstances when emotional abuse is okay? Why or why not? | |
See Responses |
What do you think children who are emotionally abused can do to get out of the situation? (If nothing, please explain why.) | |
See Responses |
Which is more powerful: emotional abuse or physical abuse, and why? | |
See Responses |
List three (or more) adjectives that describe how you think victims of emotional abuse feel. | |
See Responses |
In your opinion, who is hurting more, the victim of emotional abuse or the person causing the abuse? Why? | |
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Have you ever been emotionally abused? | |
See Responses |
What can people who are not directly involved in the abuse (not victims or victimizers) do to help an emotionally abusive situation? | |
See Responses |
Are children easier to abuse than adults? Why or why not? | |
See Responses |
In your opinion, and in your own words, what is emotional abuse? | |
See Responses |
How long do you think emotional abuse affects children? Why? | |
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Is it possible to emotionally abuse someone without even realizing it? Why or why not? | |
See Responses |
In your opinion, who are the main perpetrators of child abuse? | |
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Can children die from emotional abuse? Why or why not? | |
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In a random classroom of 25 students, how many of those students do you think were emotionally abused at some point in their lives? | |
See Responses |
Is emotional abuse less dangerous than physical abuse? Why or why not? | |
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What should we do as a society (if anything) to stop emotional abuse? | |
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What should we do as individuals (if anything) to stop emotional abuse? | |
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Why do you think emotional abuse exists? | |
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