Title IX Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 102 survey responses
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Title IX, Sports, and You

What demographic does Title IX affect?

RaceData Graph (0; 0%)What demographic does Title IX affect?  - Stats Chart
GenderData Graph (85; 83%)
ClassData Graph (0; 0%)
AllData Graph (14; 14%)
NoneData Graph (3; 3%)

How has Title IX regarding gender equality in sports impacted your life personally?

Title IX has opened doors of opportunity for meData Graph (16; 16%)How has Title IX regarding gender equality in sports impacted your life personally?  - Stats Chart
Title IX made my school cut back on funding for my sports teamData Graph (28; 27%)
Title IX has not affected my lifeData Graph (33; 32%)
OtherData Graph (8; 8%)
I am not involved in sportsData Graph (8; 8%)
Do not knowData Graph (9; 9%)

If “Other” was your answer to the previous question, then please specify why you chose this answer.

See Responses

If you suddenly were to have a sex change and you became part of the gender you are not currently, then what sport would you play?

BaseballData Graph (4; 4%)If you suddenly were to have a sex change and you became part of the gender you are not currently, t - Stats Chart
BasketballData Graph (8; 8%)
CheerleadingData Graph (4; 4%)
DancingData Graph (4; 4%)
Track and FieldData Graph (2; 2%)
FencingData Graph (1; 1%)
Field HockeyData Graph (2; 2%)
FootballData Graph (17; 17%)
GymnasticsData Graph (13; 13%)
EquestrianData Graph (1; 1%)
LacrosseData Graph (6; 6%)
SoccerData Graph (4; 4%)
SwimmingData Graph (3; 3%)
TennisData Graph (6; 6%)
SoftballData Graph (4; 4%)
VolleyballData Graph (7; 7%)
OtherData Graph (4; 4%)
Do not knowData Graph (12; 12%)

Explain why you would play the sport that you selected in the previous question.

Love the sport presently but I am not physically able to participateData Graph (29; 28%)Explain why you would play the sport that you selected in the previous question. - Stats Chart
Want to try something newData Graph (29; 28%)
It is right for me to play since I will be of the gender society says can playData Graph (12; 12%)
Don't knowData Graph (29; 28%)
I would not play sportsData Graph (3; 3%)

What reasons prevent you from presently playing the sports you selected in the previous questions?

See Responses

Being a member of a certain gender, does it makes you feel as if you cannot participate in certain sports because they are masculine or feminine sports?

Strongly agreeData Graph (5; 5%)Being a member of a certain gender, does it makes you feel as if you cannot participate in certain s - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (17; 17%)
Somewhat agreeData Graph (30; 29%)
NeutralData Graph (14; 14%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (11; 11%)
DisagreeData Graph (10; 10%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (14; 14%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)

What sports do you consider men's sports?

BaseballData Graph (87; 85%)What sports do you consider men`s sports? - Stats Chart
BasketballData Graph (55; 54%)
CheerleadingData Graph (10; 10%)
DancingData Graph (8; 8%)
Track and FieldData Graph (29; 28%)
FencingData Graph (32; 31%)
Field HockeyData Graph (10; 10%)
FootballData Graph (97; 95%)
GymnasticsData Graph (28; 27%)
EquestrianData Graph (14; 14%)
LacrosseData Graph (47; 46%)
SoccerData Graph (32; 31%)
SwimmingData Graph (27; 26%)
TennisData Graph (29; 28%)
SoftballData Graph (3; 3%)
VolleyballData Graph (22; 22%)
OtherData Graph (9; 9%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)

If your answer is "other" please specify what sport and why.

See Responses

What sports do you consider women's sports?

BaseballData Graph (3; 3%)What sports do you consider women`s sports? - Stats Chart
BasketballData Graph (23; 23%)
CheerleadingData Graph (87; 85%)
DancingData Graph (82; 80%)
Track and FieldData Graph (32; 31%)
FencingData Graph (29; 28%)
Field HockeyData Graph (68; 67%)
FootballData Graph (2; 2%)
GymnasticsData Graph (55; 54%)
EquestrianData Graph (60; 59%)
LacrosseData Graph (28; 27%)
SoccerData Graph (29; 28%)
SwimmingData Graph (35; 34%)
TennisData Graph (33; 32%)
SoftballData Graph (81; 79%)
VolleyballData Graph (45; 44%)
OtherData Graph (4; 4%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

If your response to question 10 is "other" please specify what sport you would participate in and why.

See Responses

What are your reasons for being a spectator and/or fan of the sports that you would not, cannot, or do not play?

I do not have the skills or trainingData Graph (49; 48%)What are your reasons for being a spectator and/or fan of the sports that you would not, cannot, or  - Stats Chart
My health or age prevents me from playing the sports that I do not playData Graph (9; 9%)
I am not athletic for the sports that I do not playData Graph (20; 20%)
I am not athletic at allData Graph (4; 4%)
I just like watching the sports that I do not playData Graph (48; 47%)
Men's sports are more dramatic than women's sportsData Graph (16; 16%)
Women's sports are more dramatic than men's sportsData Graph (4; 4%)
OtherData Graph (11; 11%)
I do not watch sportsData Graph (10; 10%)

Elaborate on your answer to question 12. Tell me briefly why to any of the answers.

See Responses

Do you feel Title IX is helpful to one gender over the other?

YesData Graph (77; 75%)Do you feel Title IX is helpful to one gender over the other? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (25; 25%)

If you answered question 14, what gender does Title IX help more?

menData Graph (4; 4%)If you answered question 14, what gender does Title IX help more? - Stats Chart
womenData Graph (78; 76%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 20%)

In conjunction to your answer for questions 14 and 15, why or why not is Title IX helpful to one gender over another

See Responses

Do you feel Title IX affected High School or Collegiate Sports?

YesData Graph (88; 86%)Do you feel Title IX affected High School or Collegiate Sports? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (14; 14%)

How has Title IX affected High School and Collegiate Sports?

positivelyData Graph (58; 57%)How has Title IX affected High School and Collegiate Sports? - Stats Chart
negativelyData Graph (38; 37%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 6%)

Tell me in your own words what Title IX has done to High School and College Sports.

See Responses

When I say the words Title IX, what does that mean to you? What does it make you think of?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Title IX Survey

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