Pro sports & Race Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 102 survey responses
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Demographic Questions


MaleData Graph (61; 60%)Gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (41; 40%)


18 or underData Graph (3; 3%)Age? - Stats Chart
18-24Data Graph (94; 92%)
25-30Data Graph (1; 1%)
31-35Data Graph (0; 0%)
36-40Data Graph (0; 0%)
40 and aboveData Graph (4; 4%)


WhiteData Graph (91; 89%)Ethnicity/Race - Stats Chart
African AmericanData Graph (6; 6%)
AsianData Graph (2; 2%)
EuropeanData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
Middle EasternerData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (2; 2%)

If other, please specify

See Responses

Highest Level of Education completed?

Some High SchoolData Graph (0; 0%)Highest Level of Education completed? - Stats Chart
High Schoo DiplomaData Graph (10; 10%)
Some collegeData Graph (73; 72%)
Undergraduate DegreeData Graph (18; 18%)
Graduate DegreeData Graph (1; 1%)
DoctorateData Graph (0; 0%)

Level of participation in sports

AthleteData Graph (63; 62%)Level of participation in sports - Stats Chart
CoachData Graph (3; 3%)
Avid fanData Graph (22; 22%)
Occasional sports viewerData Graph (13; 13%)
no interest at allData Graph (1; 1%)

What is your favorite sport?

See Responses

Pro Sports & Race

Do you believe in the past there was racism in sports?

Strongly AgreeData Graph (62; 61%)Do you believe in the past there was racism in sports? - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (33; 32%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 4%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 1%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

What were some of the factors that caused you to answer this way?

See Responses

There are no problems with racism in professional sports today

Strongly AgreeData Graph (4; 4%)There are no problems with racism in professional sports today - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (14; 14%)
NeutralData Graph (27; 26%)
DisagreeData Graph (49; 48%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (6; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

You consider there to be some form of racism in this sport today

BaseballData Graph (43; 42%)You consider there to be some form of racism in this sport today - Stats Chart
BasketballData Graph (57; 56%)
FootballData Graph (50; 49%)
HockeyData Graph (41; 40%)
SoccerData Graph (24; 24%)
OtherData Graph (15; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

It is more difficult for African Americans to make it in professional sports than Whites

Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 1%)It is more difficult for African Americans to make it in professional sports than Whites - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (5; 5%)
NeutralData Graph (21; 21%)
DisagreeData Graph (46; 45%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (27; 26%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

African American and minority athletes are very large role models in minority youths lives

Strongly AgreeData Graph (47; 46%)African American and minority athletes are very large role models in minority youths lives - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (45; 44%)
NeutralData Graph (8; 8%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Thanks to professional sports minorities have been given more opportunities to advance and be viewed as equals.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (14; 14%)Thanks to professional sports minorities have been given more opportunities to advance and be viewed - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (62; 61%)
NeutralData Graph (17; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (5; 5%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (2; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

African Americans and other minority athletes use their celebrity due to sports to help bring to light racial issues

Strongly AgreeData Graph (10; 10%)African Americans and other minority athletes use their celebrity due to sports to help bring to lig - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (42; 41%)
NeutralData Graph (30; 29%)
DisagreeData Graph (15; 15%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Minority athletes have been able to increase the amount of athletic oppurtunities (teams, leagues, fields, etc) for minority youths in America

Strongly AgreeData Graph (25; 25%)Minority athletes have been able to increase the amount of athletic oppurtunities (teams, leagues, f - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (61; 60%)
NeutralData Graph (14; 14%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Minority athletes use their celebrity productively to help under privileged minorities to gain greater opportunities in their lives

Strongly AgreeData Graph (14; 14%)Minority athletes use their celebrity productively to help under privileged minorities to gain great - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (62; 61%)
NeutralData Graph (22; 22%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 2%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

The presence of minorities in pro sports has opened the door further for them in roles outside the playing fields (political roles, business roles, positions within the community, etc.)

Strongly AgreeData Graph (16; 16%)The presence of minorities in pro sports has opened the door further for them in roles outside the p - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (50; 49%)
NeutralData Graph (25; 25%)
DisagreeData Graph (9; 9%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Professional sports have increase the exploitation of minority athletes

Strongly AgreeData Graph (5; 5%)Professional sports have increase the exploitation of minority athletes - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (31; 30%)
NeutralData Graph (34; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (25; 25%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (5; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Professional sport teams only care about minorities helping them win and bring in revenue

Strongly AgreeData Graph (6; 6%)Professional sport teams only care about minorities helping them win and bring in revenue - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (20; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (26; 25%)
DisagreeData Graph (40; 39%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (8; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Athletes of the same ethnicity/race often are stereotyped as having the same skill sets and tendencies

Strongly AgreeData Graph (21; 21%)Athletes of the same ethnicity/race often are stereotyped as having the same skill sets and tendenci - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (61; 60%)
NeutralData Graph (10; 10%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 7%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (1; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Minorities are discriminated against in getting coaching positions because of their race

Strongly AgreeData Graph (5; 5%)Minorities are discriminated against in getting coaching positions because of their race - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (25; 25%)
NeutralData Graph (28; 27%)
DisagreeData Graph (37; 36%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (5; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Who is your favorite male athlete?

See Responses

Who is your favorite female athlete

See Responses

What factors lead you to choose your favorite athlete?

See Responses

The increasing amount of minority athletes in sports has helped weaken racism by seeing whites and minorities on the same teams and fields

Strongly AgreeData Graph (12; 12%)The increasing amount of minority athletes in sports has helped weaken racism by seeing whites and m - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (54; 53%)
NeutralData Graph (26; 25%)
DisagreeData Graph (8; 8%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

What factors lead you to answer the previous question the way you did?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Pro sports & Race Survey

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