my survey Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 90 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Basic Survery Questions

What is your sex?

FemaleData Graph (73; 81%)What is your sex? - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (15; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

What is your race?

Asian-AmericanData Graph (3; 3%)What is your race? - Stats Chart
African-AmericanData Graph (57; 63%)
CaucasianData Graph (16; 18%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
Latina/LatinoData Graph (0; 0%)
Indian/Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (13; 14%)

If you answered Other to question #2, please specify.

See Responses

What is your age?

15Data Graph (3; 3%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
16Data Graph (2; 2%)
17Data Graph (6; 7%)
18Data Graph (14; 16%)
19Data Graph (3; 3%)
20Data Graph (4; 4%)
21Data Graph (7; 8%)
22Data Graph (5; 6%)
23Data Graph (4; 4%)
24Data Graph (3; 3%)
25Data Graph (2; 2%)
26Data Graph (5; 6%)
27Data Graph (7; 8%)
28Data Graph (4; 4%)
29Data Graph (2; 2%)
30Data Graph (4; 4%)
31Data Graph (3; 3%)
32Data Graph (2; 2%)
33Data Graph (1; 1%)
34Data Graph (2; 2%)
35Data Graph (0; 0%)
36Data Graph (0; 0%)
37Data Graph (0; 0%)
38Data Graph (1; 1%)
39Data Graph (0; 0%)
40Data Graph (1; 1%)
41Data Graph (0; 0%)
42Data Graph (2; 2%)
43Data Graph (0; 0%)
44Data Graph (0; 0%)
45Data Graph (0; 0%)
46Data Graph (1; 1%)
47Data Graph (0; 0%)
48Data Graph (0; 0%)
49Data Graph (0; 0%)
50Data Graph (0; 0%)
51Data Graph (0; 0%)
52Data Graph (1; 1%)
53Data Graph (0; 0%)
54Data Graph (0; 0%)
55Data Graph (0; 0%)
56Data Graph (0; 0%)
57Data Graph (0; 0%)
58Data Graph (0; 0%)
59Data Graph (0; 0%)
60Data Graph (0; 0%)
61Data Graph (0; 0%)
62Data Graph (0; 0%)
63Data Graph (0; 0%)
64Data Graph (0; 0%)
65Data Graph (0; 0%)

What is your religion?

See Responses

What is the highest level of education that you have completed up to this point?

Elementary SchoolData Graph (2; 2%)What is the highest level of education that you have completed up to this point? - Stats Chart
High SchoolData Graph (31; 34%)
Home EducationData Graph (1; 1%)
UndergraduateData Graph (43; 48%)
GraduateData Graph (7; 8%)
Post-GraduateData Graph (6; 7%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

What is your social class?

Lower ClassData Graph (10; 11%)What is your social class? - Stats Chart
Working ClassData Graph (9; 10%)
Low MiddleData Graph (12; 13%)
Middle ClassData Graph (44; 49%)
High MiddleData Graph (9; 10%)
Upper ClassData Graph (1; 1%)
Ruling ClassData Graph (0; 0%)
Not Sure/UncertainData Graph (5; 6%)

Interracial Experiences

Do you feel Caucasian women and Women of Color are treated equally?

YesData Graph (3; 3%)Do you feel Caucasian women and Women of Color are treated equally? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (62; 69%)
SometimesData Graph (21; 23%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

I feel interracial marriages and relationships are a good idea.

Strongly agreeData Graph (18; 20%)I feel interracial marriages and relationships are a good idea. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (17; 19%)
NeutralData Graph (27; 30%)
DisagreeData Graph (17; 19%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (8; 9%)
Not sure/UncertainData Graph (2; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

I prefer my partner to be

CaucasianData Graph (11; 12%)I prefer my partner to be - Stats Chart
African-AmericanData Graph (42; 47%)
Asian-AmericanData Graph (5; 6%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
Latina/LatinoData Graph (7; 8%)
No preferenceData Graph (32; 36%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

How would your parents feel about you bringing home an intimate partner of another race for dinner?

Welcoming/HappyData Graph (37; 41%)How would your parents feel about you bringing home an intimate partner of another race for dinner? - Stats Chart
NeutralData Graph (29; 32%)
Unwelcoming/UnhappyData Graph (12; 13%)
Not sure/UncertainData Graph (11; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Are you currently in an intimate relationship?

YesData Graph (47; 52%)Are you currently in an intimate relationship? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (40; 44%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

If yes, is this person of another race?

YesData Graph (12; 13%)If yes, is this person of another race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (44; 49%)
Not CheckedData Graph (33; 37%)

When confronted with questions of race, does a persons status affect the way you think/feel about them? i.e., celebrity or stranger

StronglyData Graph (5; 6%)When confronted with questions of race, does a persons status affect the way you think/feel about th - Stats Chart
SomewhatData Graph (31; 34%)
Not at allData Graph (53; 59%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you have friends of another race?

YesData Graph (74; 82%)Do you have friends of another race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (13; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Do you feel anyone you know is a racist?

YesData Graph (54; 60%)Do you feel anyone you know is a racist? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (32; 36%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

Do you consider yourself a racist?

YesData Graph (8; 9%)Do you consider yourself a racist? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (78; 87%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

I feel racism exhists more today than it has in the past.

Strongly AgreeData Graph (7; 8%)I feel racism exhists more today than it has in the past. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (14; 16%)
NeutralData Graph (31; 34%)
DisagreeData Graph (34; 38%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you think fear plays a large part in racist experiences?

YesData Graph (53; 59%)Do you think fear plays a large part in racist experiences? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 9%)
SomewhatData Graph (26; 29%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Male and Female Interactions

Do you feel men and women are treated equally?

YesData Graph (1; 1%)Do you feel men and women are treated equally? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (61; 68%)
SometimesData Graph (24; 27%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

I feel men and women can work closely together without any problems.

AlwaysData Graph (20; 22%)I feel men and women can work closely together without any problems. - Stats Chart
SometimesData Graph (63; 70%)
NeverData Graph (3; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

Your opinion to question #2. (Optional)

See Responses

I feel men and women are capable of handling the same tasks.

AlwaysData Graph (31; 34%)I feel men and women are capable of handling the same tasks. - Stats Chart
SometimesData Graph (55; 61%)
NeverData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

Your opinion to question #4. (Optional)

See Responses

Do you know what feminism is?

YesData Graph (75; 83%)Do you know what feminism is? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (9; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 6%)

If yes, do you consider yourself a feminist?

YesData Graph (28; 31%)If yes, do you consider yourself a feminist? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (52; 58%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 10%)

Growing up, did you have a closer relationship with your mother or father?

MotherData Graph (62; 69%)Growing up, did you have a closer relationship with your mother or father? - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (8; 9%)
Both EquallyData Graph (14; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (5; 6%)

Do you get along with males or females more easily?

MalesData Graph (27; 30%)Do you get along with males or females more easily? - Stats Chart
FemalesData Graph (19; 21%)
Both EquallyData Graph (40; 44%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)

I feel men are dominant over women.

AlwaysData Graph (3; 3%)I feel men are dominant over women. - Stats Chart
SometimesData Graph (54; 60%)
Not at allData Graph (29; 32%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 3%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · my survey Survey

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