Help Veterans Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank |
Data collected: 6 survey responses Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters |
Post 9/11 veterans |
What military operation did you participate in and for how long? | |
See Responses |
Describe your mental capacity prior to your combat experience? Briefly explain any mental health problems that existed prior to deployment and how they manifested after your experience. | |
See Responses |
How has your experience(s) affected your daily activities? (Do you have anxiety attacks often? How often? What onsets these attacks?) Briefly explain your psychological state. | |
See Responses |
What was your most traumatic experience? | |
See Responses |
Did you received any treatment from ( counseling, psychological evaluations) when you returned home from combat? | ||
Yes | (3; 50%) | |
No | (3; 50%) |
If treatment was received how long was the treatment? | ||
Less than six months | (1; 17%) | |
More than six months but less than a year | (1; 17%) | |
More than a year but less than two years | (0; 0%) | |
Two years or more | (0; 0%) | |
No treatment received | (3; 50%) |
Reflecting on answers to questions 5 and 6 would you consider the treatment adequate treatment for your current mental state? | ||
Yes | (5; 83%) | |
No | (1; 17%) |
Was the treatment you described in answers to questions 5 and 6 ordered and or required by your military superiors or was the treatment initiated on your own accord? | ||
Ordered and or required by superiors | (0; 0%) | |
Initiated on own accord | (2; 33%) | |
No treatment received | (3; 50%) |
How would you describe your transition into society after you returned home from combat? | |
See Responses |
Has the lack of treatment/more extensive medical and or pyschological treatment threatened your health & welfare and or your family's? | ||
Yes | (1; 17%) | |
No | (5; 83%) |
Briefly explain your answer to question # 10. | |
See Responses |
Do you feel more extensive medical/psychological treatment and follow up visits could have made the transition easier? | ||
Yes | (3; 50%) | |
No | (3; 50%) |
Reflecting on question #12 what could have been done to help veterans return to a state of normalcy? | |
See Responses |
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