Illegal Immigrants Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 80 survey responses
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Illegal immigrants, part 1 of 2


FemaleData Graph (19; 24%)Gender?

 - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (60; 75%)
OtherData Graph (1; 1%)


Under 21Data Graph (51; 64%)Age?

 - Stats Chart
21 – 29Data Graph (19; 24%)
30 – 35Data Graph (4; 5%)
36 – 39Data Graph (4; 5%)
40– 45Data Graph (0; 0%)
46 – 49Data Graph (0; 0%)
50 – 55Data Graph (1; 1%)
Above 55Data Graph (0; 0%)
21 – 29Data Graph (1; 1%)


African AmericanData Graph (6; 8%)Ethnicity/Race/Nationality?

 - Stats Chart
Asian AmericanData Graph (4; 5%)
European AmericanData Graph (29; 36%)
Hispanic AmericanData Graph (12; 15%)
Native AmericanData Graph (2; 3%)
AsianData Graph (2; 3%)
South Pacific IslanderData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (24; 30%)

If “Other” to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Religious affiliation?

AgnosticData Graph (19; 24%)Religious affiliation?
 - Stats Chart
AtheistData Graph (16; 20%)
BaptistData Graph (13; 16%)
BuddhistData Graph (0; 0%)
EpiscopalianData Graph (1; 1%)
Greek OrthodoxData Graph (0; 0%)
HinduData Graph (0; 0%)
JewData Graph (1; 1%)
LutheranData Graph (1; 1%)
MethodistData Graph (4; 5%)
MuslimData Graph (0; 0%)
PentacostalData Graph (2; 3%)
PresbyterianData Graph (1; 1%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (7; 9%)
Seventh Day AdventistData Graph (0; 0%)
WiccaData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (15; 19%)

Political affiliation?

CommunistData Graph (2; 3%)Political affiliation?

  - Stats Chart
ConservativeData Graph (14; 18%)
DemocraticData Graph (8; 10%)
FascistData Graph (3; 4%)
GreenData Graph (0; 0%)
LaborData Graph (1; 1%)
LiberalData Graph (5; 6%)
ModerateData Graph (12; 15%)
RepublicanData Graph (21; 26%)
SocialistData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (13; 16%)

Highest level of education completed?

Grade schoolData Graph (9; 11%)Highest level of education completed?

 - Stats Chart
High school or GEDData Graph (19; 24%)
Some collegeData Graph (28; 35%)
College degreeData Graph (16; 20%)
Graduate degreeData Graph (5; 6%)
OtherData Graph (3; 4%)

With an illegal population of 12 million, the United States has a problem with too many illegal immigrants.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)With an illegal population of 12 million, the United States has a problem with too many illegal immi - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (49; 61%)
AgreeData Graph (14; 18%)
NeutralData Graph (5; 6%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 4%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (6; 8%)

The United States needs to strengthen its border protection.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)The United States needs to strengthen its border protection.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (45; 56%)
AgreeData Graph (23; 29%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 1%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 5%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 5%)

The United States needs to build a wall to protect its borders.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)The United States needs to build a wall to protect its borders.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (28; 35%)
AgreeData Graph (9; 11%)
NeutralData Graph (18; 23%)
DisagreeData Graph (11; 14%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (11; 14%)

If the United States builds a wall on the Mexican border, then one should be built along the Canadian border.

Do not knowData Graph (5; 6%)If the United States builds a wall on the Mexican border, then one should be built along the Canadia - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (12; 15%)
AgreeData Graph (12; 15%)
NeutralData Graph (11; 14%)
DisagreeData Graph (21; 26%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (19; 24%)

No wall should be built on either border.

Do not knowData Graph (4; 5%)No wall should be built on either border.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (10; 13%)
AgreeData Graph (10; 13%)
NeutralData Graph (18; 23%)
DisagreeData Graph (12; 15%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (26; 33%)

A wall should be built along the Mexican border only.

Do not knowData Graph (4; 5%) 
A wall should be built along the Mexican border only.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (19; 24%)
AgreeData Graph (15; 19%)
NeutralData Graph (14; 18%)
DisagreeData Graph (16; 20%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (12; 15%)

A wall should be built along the Canadian border only.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)A wall should be built along the Canadian border only.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)
AgreeData Graph (1; 1%)
NeutralData Graph (11; 14%)
DisagreeData Graph (19; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (46; 58%)

he United States government should allow all illegal immigrants to stay.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)he United States government should allow all illegal immigrants to stay.

  - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (4; 5%)
AgreeData Graph (7; 9%)
NeutralData Graph (5; 6%)
DisagreeData Graph (19; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (42; 53%)

Illegal immigrants boost the economy.

Do not knowData Graph (6; 8%)Illegal immigrants boost the economy.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (6; 8%)
AgreeData Graph (4; 5%)
NeutralData Graph (10; 13%)
DisagreeData Graph (24; 30%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (30; 38%)

Illegal immigrants weaken the economy.

Do not knowData Graph (6; 8%)Illegal immigrants weaken the economy.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (31; 39%)
AgreeData Graph (16; 20%)
NeutralData Graph (13; 16%)
DisagreeData Graph (10; 13%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 5%)

The United States relies on its illegal immigrants to do jobs that Americans will not take.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)The United States relies on its illegal immigrants to do jobs that Americans will not take.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (12; 15%)
AgreeData Graph (15; 19%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 5%)
DisagreeData Graph (22; 28%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (24; 30%)

Illegal Immigrants 2 of 2

Deporting all illegal immigrants would benefit the United States.

Do not knowData Graph (3; 4%)Deporting all illegal immigrants would benefit the United States.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (26; 33%)
AgreeData Graph (9; 11%)
NeutralData Graph (10; 13%)
DisagreeData Graph (11; 14%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (13; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

Deporting all illegal immigrants would hurt the United States.

Do not knowData Graph (4; 5%)Deporting all illegal immigrants would hurt the United States.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (9; 11%)
AgreeData Graph (12; 15%)
NeutralData Graph (12; 15%)
DisagreeData Graph (12; 15%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (23; 29%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

The United States government should deport all illegal immigrants.

Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)The United States government should deport all illegal immigrants.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (25; 31%)
AgreeData Graph (14; 18%)
NeutralData Graph (10; 13%)
DisagreeData Graph (10; 13%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (12; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

All illegal immigrants deserve or have the right to stay.

Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)All illegal immigrants deserve or have the right to stay.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (4; 5%)
AgreeData Graph (4; 5%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 5%)
DisagreeData Graph (16; 20%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (43; 54%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

Have you ever known or met someone who was and illegal alien?

YesData Graph (44; 55%)Have you ever known or met someone who was and illegal alien?
 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (28; 35%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

Would you ever report an illegal immigrant?

YesData Graph (43; 54%)Would you ever report an illegal immigrant?

 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (29; 36%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

As an employer, would you consider hiring an illegal immigrant to cut down on costs?

YesData Graph (15; 19%)As an employer, would you consider hiring an illegal immigrant to cut down on costs?

 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (57; 71%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

Illegal immigrants are social leeches, freeloading off the American economy and absorbing the benefits meant for legal citizens.

Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)Illegal immigrants are social leeches, freeloading off the American economy and absorbing the benefi - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (26; 33%)
AgreeData Graph (21; 26%)
NeutralData Graph (8; 10%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 5%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (12; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

After paying taxes to the United States government for five years, illegal aliens should gain permanent status.

Do not knowData Graph (2; 3%)After paying taxes to the United States government for five years, illegal aliens should gain perman - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (8; 10%)
AgreeData Graph (19; 24%)
NeutralData Graph (7; 9%)
DisagreeData Graph (15; 19%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (21; 26%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

I sympathize with illegal immigrants.

Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)I sympathize with illegal immigrants.

 - Stats Chart
Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 9%)
AgreeData Graph (14; 18%)
NeutralData Graph (15; 19%)
DisagreeData Graph (11; 14%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (24; 30%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)

Did your family immigrate to the United States within the last 100 years?

YesData Graph (23; 29%)Did your family immigrate to the United States within the last 100 years?

 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (43; 54%)
Do not knowData Graph (6; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (8; 10%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Illegal Immigrants Survey

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