Interracial Dating Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Filtered data: 11 survey responses
Active filter: Religion: - Jewish
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Interracial Dating


FemaleData Graph (3; 27%)Gender: - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (8; 73%)


African AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)Race/Ethnicity: - Stats Chart
HispanicData Graph (1; 9%)
CaucasianData Graph (10; 91%)
Bi-RacialData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
AsianData Graph (0; 0%)
EuropeanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)


18-22Data Graph (11; 100%)Age: - Stats Chart
23-28Data Graph (0; 0%)
29-33Data Graph (0; 0%)
34-39Data Graph (0; 0%)
40-45Data Graph (0; 0%)
46 & olderData Graph (0; 0%)

Social class:

Lower- upperData Graph (2; 18%)Social class: - Stats Chart
Upper- middleData Graph (8; 73%)
Lower -middleData Graph (1; 9%)
Upper- lowerData Graph (0; 0%)
Lower-lowerData Graph (0; 0%)

Level of education:

NoneData Graph (0; 0%)Level of education: - Stats Chart
Currently in high schoolData Graph (0; 0%)
High school/GEDData Graph (2; 18%)
Trade SchoolData Graph (0; 0%)
Some collegeData Graph (7; 64%)
Bachelors DegreeData Graph (2; 18%)
Masters DegreeData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

Area of Living:

SuburbanData Graph (10; 91%)Area of Living: - Stats Chart
UrbanData Graph (1; 9%)
RuralData Graph (0; 0%)

Have you dated outside your race?

YesData Graph (7; 64%)Have you dated outside your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 36%)

Do you prefer to date within your race?

YesData Graph (6; 55%)Do you prefer to date within your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 45%)

Were you raised to believe that bi-racial dating was unacceptable in society or in your family?

YesData Graph (3; 27%)Were you raised to believe that bi-racial dating was unacceptable in society or in your family? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 73%)

Are you?

HeterosexualData Graph (11; 100%)Are you? - Stats Chart
HomosexualData Graph (0; 0%)
Bi-SexualData Graph (0; 0%)

Are you currently in a bi-racial relationship?

YesData Graph (2; 18%)Are you currently in a bi-racial relationship? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (9; 82%)

I think there is nothing wrong with dating outside your race.

TrueData Graph (10; 91%)I think there is nothing wrong with dating outside your race. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (1; 9%)

My family would never accept me dating outside of my race.

TrueData Graph (3; 27%)My family would never accept me dating outside of my race. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (8; 73%)

I have racist views in general.

TrueData Graph (2; 18%)I have racist views in general. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (9; 82%)

Dating outside my race is against my religion.

TrueData Graph (0; 0%)Dating outside my race is against my religion. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (11; 100%)

I don't like to associate myself with bi-racial individuals or individuals in bi-racial relationships.

TrueData Graph (0; 0%)I don`t like to associate myself with bi-racial individuals or individuals in bi-racial relationship - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (11; 100%)

I'll date outside my race however; in the long run I will be with someone within my race.

TrueData Graph (5; 45%)I`ll date outside my race however; in the long run I will be with someone within my race. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (6; 55%)

I don't like to date within my race at all.

TrueData Graph (0; 0%)I don`t like to date within my race at all. - Stats Chart
FalseData Graph (11; 100%)

Do you have a diverse group of friends?

YesData Graph (5; 45%)Do you have a diverse group of friends? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 55%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Interracial Dating Survey

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