IQ Scores Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 29 survey responses
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IQ Scores Between Whites and Blacks

IQ (intelligence quotient measuring innate intelligence) scores do reflect real differences in intelligence between white and black Americans?

Strongly agreeData Graph (2; 7%)IQ (intelligence quotient measuring innate intelligence) scores do reflect real differences in intel - Stats Chart
Somewhat agreeData Graph (6; 21%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 7%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (6; 21%)
DisagreeData Graph (5; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (6; 21%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

Research suggests that differences DO exist between white and black Americans based on IQ scores, because black Americans typically score lower than their white counterparts on IQ tests.

I agree with the research that suggests that black Americans have lower IQ than white AmericansData Graph (3; 10%)Research suggests that differences DO exist between white and black Americans based on IQ scores, be - Stats Chart
I agree with the idea that black Americans have a lower IQ than white Americans, but I believe that such research is suspectData Graph (5; 17%)
I disagree with the research because IQ tests are flawedData Graph (1; 3%)
I disagree with the research because IQ tests actually measure cultural differences not innate intelligenceData Graph (2; 7%)
I disagree with the research because IQ tests measure one or two kinds of intelligence when several different types of intelligence existData Graph (6; 21%)
I disagree with the research because when class, region, and other factors are considered, many black Americans score higher than many white AmericansData Graph (3; 10%)
OtherData Graph (1; 3%)
I never heard of such researchData Graph (6; 21%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

What were the sources that informed you about IQ tests measuring differences in intelligence between black and white Americans? (Check all that may apply.)

News or media outletsData Graph (7; 24%)What were the sources that informed you about IQ tests measuring differences in intelligence between - Stats Chart
Classroom setting or educational forumsData Graph (14; 48%)
ConversationsData Graph (12; 41%)
Personal readingData Graph (7; 24%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
I never heard of such researchData Graph (8; 28%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

In what aspects do you believe IQ difference has an impact? (Check all that may apply.)

The job marketData Graph (11; 38%)In what aspects do you believe IQ difference has an impact? (Check all that may apply.) - Stats Chart
The educational systemData Graph (16; 55%)
Personal beliefs about black or white AmericansData Graph (7; 24%)
Overall social equality in the United StatesData Graph (11; 38%)
I disagree with IQ difference based on raceData Graph (7; 24%)
OtherData Graph (1; 3%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 17%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Which one of the following statements comes closest to your personal belief about why gaps exist in IQ scores?

Innate differences in the intelligence exist between black and white AmericansData Graph (2; 7%)Which one of the following statements comes closest to your personal belief about why gaps exist in  - Stats Chart
IQ tests are designed to favor one race over anotherData Graph (5; 17%)
The educational system does not benefit black Americans in the same way, causing them to do worse on IQ testsData Graph (2; 7%)
Different home environments and incomes between the races cause the IQ gapData Graph (14; 48%)
OtherData Graph (2; 7%)
Do not knowData Graph (4; 14%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

In what ways do you believe a lower IQ score could affect someone?

He or she could be given different educational opportunitiesData Graph (14; 48%)In what ways do you believe a lower IQ score could affect someone? - Stats Chart
He or she could have different career opportunitiesData Graph (5; 17%)
He or she would be viewed differently by societyData Graph (4; 14%)
There could be emotional repercussions (sadness, depression, hopelessness, etc)Data Graph (4; 14%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

IQ tests are good measurements of general intelligence.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 3%)IQ tests are good measurements of general intelligence. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 3%)
Somewhat agreeData Graph (5; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (5; 17%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (5; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 14%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (6; 21%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

In what areas do you believe IQ scores could fairly be used? (Check all that may apply.)

Elementary and/or high school placements or measurementsData Graph (8; 28%)In what areas do you believe IQ scores could fairly be used? (Check all that may apply.) - Stats Chart
College admissionsData Graph (6; 21%)
Job marketData Graph (4; 14%)
Scholarship or grant applicationsData Graph (4; 14%)
OtherData Graph (5; 17%)
Do not knowData Graph (12; 41%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

If you have ever taken an IQ test, do you believe that your score reflected your own intelligence level (based on the idea that a score of 100 is average)?

YesData Graph (7; 24%)If you have ever taken an IQ test, do you believe that your score reflected your own intelligence le - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 28%)
I have never received a score from any of my IQ testsData Graph (2; 7%)
Have never taken a formal IQ testData Graph (10; 34%)
Other:Do not knowData Graph (2; 7%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Have you personally changed your opinion of someone after you found out what their IQ score was?

YesData Graph (2; 7%)Have you personally changed your opinion of someone after you found out what their IQ score was? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (12; 41%)
I have never found out the IQ score of someone I have knownData Graph (12; 41%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (3; 10%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

IQ scores stay constant throughout the course of a person's lifetime.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 3%)IQ scores stay constant throughout the course of a person`s lifetime. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Somewhat agreeData Graph (5; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 3%)
Somewhat disagreeData Graph (2; 7%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (9; 31%)
Do not knowData Graph (4; 14%)

Based on your responses to this survey, have you changed your view on IQ or the intelligence of either of these races?

YesData Graph (1; 3%)Based on your responses to this survey, have you changed your view on IQ or the intelligence of eith - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 28%)
I feel about the same as beforeData Graph (12; 41%)
I need more information that this survey did not provideData Graph (4; 14%)
Do not knowData Graph (4; 14%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · IQ Scores Survey

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