Where and how you spend your money. Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Filtered data: 7 survey responses
Active filter: Where would you go to buy shoes? - A supercenter (Wal-Mart)
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Tell me about yourself

What is your gender?

FemaleData Graph (1; 14%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (6; 86%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

How old are you?

Under 20Data Graph (1; 14%)How old are you? - Stats Chart
20-25Data Graph (1; 14%)
26-30Data Graph (2; 29%)
31-36Data Graph (0; 0%)
36-40Data Graph (1; 14%)
41-50Data Graph (1; 14%)
51-60Data Graph (1; 14%)
Over 60Data Graph (0; 0%)

Where are you from?

NortheastData Graph (2; 29%)Where are you from? - Stats Chart
SoutheastData Graph (1; 14%)
The MidwestData Graph (2; 29%)
NorthwestData Graph (1; 14%)
SouthwestData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Not from the United StatesData Graph (1; 14%)

If you answered "Other" or "Not from the United States," where are you from?

See Responses

What would you consider your financial status to be?

PoorData Graph (0; 0%)What would you consider your financial status to be? - Stats Chart
Lower middle classData Graph (2; 29%)
Middle classData Graph (5; 71%)
Upper middle classData Graph (0; 0%)
RichData Graph (0; 0%)

If you are in college, what is your major?

See Responses

Where do you buy your groceries?

A national chainData Graph (5; 71%)Where do you buy your groceries? - Stats Chart
A mom and pop storeData Graph (0; 0%)
A regional chainData Graph (1; 14%)
A local chainData Graph (1; 14%)

Do you check to see where something was made before you buy it?

YesData Graph (3; 43%)Do you check to see where something was made before you buy it? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 57%)
I do not do the shopping in my householdData Graph (0; 0%)

Where was the shirt you are wearing right now made?

United StatesData Graph (4; 57%)Where was the shirt you are wearing right now made? - Stats Chart
ChinaData Graph (0; 0%)
IndonesiaData Graph (0; 0%)
TaiwanData Graph (0; 0%)
CanadaData Graph (1; 14%)
OtherData Graph (2; 29%)

If you answered other, where was it made?

See Responses

How often do you go to a superstore like Wal-mart?

NeverData Graph (0; 0%)How often do you go to a superstore like Wal-mart? - Stats Chart
Less than 2 times per weekData Graph (4; 57%)
2-5 times per weekData Graph (2; 29%)
I am there every dayData Graph (0; 0%)
InfrequentlyData Graph (1; 14%)
I do not live near a Wal-martData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

What do you think when something says "Hand Made?"

"This must be junk"Data Graph (0; 0%)What do you think when something says "Hand Made?" - Stats Chart
"I guess it's as good as any other"Data Graph (0; 0%)
"This might be better"Data Graph (0; 0%)
"This is the Aston Martin of consumer goods"Data Graph (0; 0%)
"Depends on who made the product"Data Graph (0; 0%)
"Depends on what the item is"Data Graph (0; 0%)
"Depends on how well crafted the item is"Data Graph (0; 0%)
'This is the Aston Martin of consumer goods'Data Graph (1; 14%)
'Depends on what the item is'Data Graph (3; 43%)
'Depends on who made the product'Data Graph (2; 29%)
'Depends on how well crafted the item is'Data Graph (4; 57%)

Have you been personally affected by outsourcing?

YesData Graph (4; 57%)Have you been personally affected by outsourcing? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 29%)
I don't knowData Graph (1; 14%)

Are you, or do you know anyone in a union?

YesData Graph (3; 43%)Are you, or do you know anyone in a union? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (3; 43%)
I don't knowData Graph (1; 14%)

If yes, what union? (List multiple unions if necessary)

See Responses

Do you "look for the union label?"

AlwaysData Graph (0; 0%)Do you "look for the union label?" - Stats Chart
SometimesData Graph (2; 29%)
NeverData Graph (5; 71%)
What is "the union label?"Data Graph (0; 0%)

What are your feelings on unions?

They are greatData Graph (0; 0%)What are your feelings on unions? - Stats Chart
They are okData Graph (1; 14%)
I don't mind themData Graph (4; 57%)
I don't like themData Graph (2; 29%)
I hate unionsData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you think unions have helped or hurt the labor movement?

Helped a lotData Graph (2; 29%)Do you think unions have helped or hurt the labor movement? - Stats Chart
Helped a littleData Graph (2; 29%)
NeutralData Graph (3; 43%)
Hurt a littleData Graph (0; 0%)
Hurt a lotData Graph (0; 0%)

How do you vote in national elections?

Strictly RepublicanData Graph (0; 0%)How do you vote in national elections? - Stats Chart
Depends on the person, but generally RepublicanData Graph (3; 43%)
Depends completely on the personData Graph (2; 29%)
Depends on the person, but generally DemocratData Graph (0; 0%)
Strictly DemocratData Graph (0; 0%)
I don't voteData Graph (2; 29%)

If you answered, "I don't vote," why don't you vote?

See Responses

Do you feel there is a lack of customer service in America today?

YesData Graph (7; 100%)Do you feel there is a lack of customer service in America today? - Stats Chart
I haven't noticedData Graph (0; 0%)
NoData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you know anyone who owns their own business?

YesData Graph (6; 86%)Do you know anyone who owns their own business? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (1; 14%)

If yes, how many people are employed there?

Less than 10Data Graph (5; 71%)If yes, how many people are employed there? - Stats Chart
11-20Data Graph (0; 0%)
21-30Data Graph (0; 0%)
31-40Data Graph (0; 0%)
over 40Data Graph (1; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 14%)

If your friends store was a smaller store that had to charge slightly more for products that national chains can discount, would you still buy from your friend?

YesData Graph (6; 86%)If your friends store was a smaller store that had to charge slightly more for products that nationa - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
It depends on the savingsData Graph (1; 14%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Where and how you spend your money. Survey

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