The Melting Pot Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 86 survey responses
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What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (46; 53%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (40; 47%)

What is your age range?

Under 21Data Graph (23; 27%)What is your age range? - Stats Chart
21 to 25Data Graph (52; 60%)
26 to 35Data Graph (10; 12%)
35+Data Graph (1; 1%)

Are you from a major city or town?

YesData Graph (35; 41%)Are you from a major city or town? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (51; 59%)

If yes, which city?

See Responses

What race(s) or ethnicities do you identify with? (if applicable, list more than one)

See Responses

If more than one was listed, do you consider yourself biracial/multiracial?

YesData Graph (16; 19%)If more than one was listed, do you consider yourself biracial/multiracial? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (70; 81%)

If not, what is the main race you most identify with?

See Responses

Most of the people around you (i.e. friend, family, co-workers) are…

See Responses

Opinions & Beliefs

Do you think yourself as open minded when it comes to race?

YesData Graph (74; 86%)Do you think yourself as open minded when it comes to race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

When you look at someone, when does race come to mind?

NeverData Graph (2; 2%)When you look at someone, when does race come to mind? - Stats Chart
RarelyData Graph (21; 24%)
SometimesData Graph (39; 45%)
OftenData Graph (11; 13%)
AlwaysData Graph (7; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you feel uncomfortable in a room full of people of different races/ethnicities?

YesData Graph (9; 10%)Do you feel uncomfortable in a room full of people of different races/ethnicities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (61; 71%)
A little uneasy but managableData Graph (10; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you consider biracial/multiracial people as a combination of their races or would you only acknowledge their main or primary race?

Combination of racesData Graph (62; 72%)Do you consider biracial/multiracial people as a combination of their races or would you only acknow - Stats Chart
Only primary raceData Graph (18; 21%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

If you recently found out that someone you know is biracial/multiracial, would you continue to see the race you know or the new race you found out about?

Accustomed knowledgeData Graph (67; 78%)If you recently found out that someone you know is biracial/multiracial, would you continue to see t - Stats Chart
See other raceData Graph (13; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you assimilate certain stereotypes to particular race groups?

YesData Graph (34; 40%)Do you assimilate certain stereotypes to particular race groups? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (46; 53%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

If so, which stereotypes to which race groups?

See Responses

Would you assimilate a stereotype about blacks to a person who is Puerto Rican, African American and Caucasian?

YesData Graph (17; 20%)Would you assimilate a stereotype about blacks to a person who is Puerto Rican, African American and - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (63; 73%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you believe the numbers of mixed racial persons are increasing as our society becomes more tolerant?

YesData Graph (76; 88%)Do you believe the numbers of mixed racial persons are increasing as our society becomes more tolera - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (4; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you think multiracial persons are diminishing?

YesData Graph (3; 3%)Do you think multiracial persons are diminishing?
 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (77; 90%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

Do you believe the “one drop” rule where only a slight percentage of “colored” blood could make someone a minority?

YesData Graph (12; 14%)Do you believe the “one drop” rule where only a slight percentage of “colored&# - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (68; 79%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

What do you think is the most common or abundant mixed racial identity?

See Responses

As diverse as our country is, when do you think everyone will be full equal rights?

See Responses

How far away as a society are we from no longer thinking of race as a major issue?

A few yearsData Graph (7; 8%)How far away as a society are we from no longer thinking of race as a major issue? - Stats Chart
A few decadesData Graph (22; 26%)
A couple of centuriesData Graph (6; 7%)
Racism will always existData Graph (45; 52%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)

If the future of our country is made up of mostly biracial/multiracial people, how much is race still an issue?

No issueData Graph (5; 6%)If the future of our country is made up of mostly biracial/multiracial people, how much is race stil - Stats Chart
Only a littleData Graph (31; 36%)
A significant amountData Graph (27; 31%)
The same as todayData Graph (15; 17%)
Worse than todayData Graph (2; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 7%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · The Melting Pot Survey

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