The Melting Pot Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank |
Data collected: 86 survey responses Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters |
Demographics |
If yes, which city? | |
See Responses |
What race(s) or ethnicities do you identify with? (if applicable, list more than one) | |
See Responses |
If more than one was listed, do you consider yourself biracial/multiracial? | ||
Yes | (16; 19%) | |
No | (70; 81%) |
If not, what is the main race you most identify with? | |
See Responses |
Most of the people around you (i.e. friend, family, co-workers) are… | |
See Responses |
Opinions & Beliefs |
Do you think yourself as open minded when it comes to race? | ||
Yes | (74; 86%) | |
No | (6; 7%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
When you look at someone, when does race come to mind? | ||
Never | (2; 2%) | |
Rarely | (21; 24%) | |
Sometimes | (39; 45%) | |
Often | (11; 13%) | |
Always | (7; 8%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
Do you feel uncomfortable in a room full of people of different races/ethnicities? | ||
Yes | (9; 10%) | |
No | (61; 71%) | |
A little uneasy but managable | (10; 12%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
Do you consider biracial/multiracial people as a combination of their races or would you only acknowledge their main or primary race? | ||
Combination of races | (62; 72%) | |
Only primary race | (18; 21%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
If you recently found out that someone you know is biracial/multiracial, would you continue to see the race you know or the new race you found out about? | ||
Accustomed knowledge | (67; 78%) | |
See other race | (13; 15%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
Do you assimilate certain stereotypes to particular race groups? | ||
Yes | (34; 40%) | |
No | (46; 53%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
If so, which stereotypes to which race groups? | |
See Responses |
Would you assimilate a stereotype about blacks to a person who is Puerto Rican, African American and Caucasian? | ||
Yes | (17; 20%) | |
No | (63; 73%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
Do you believe the numbers of mixed racial persons are increasing as our society becomes more tolerant? | ||
Yes | (76; 88%) | |
No | (4; 5%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
Do you believe the “one drop” rule where only a slight percentage of “colored” blood could make someone a minority? | ||
Yes | (12; 14%) | |
No | (68; 79%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
What do you think is the most common or abundant mixed racial identity? | |
See Responses |
As diverse as our country is, when do you think everyone will be full equal rights? | |
See Responses |
How far away as a society are we from no longer thinking of race as a major issue? | ||
A few years | (7; 8%) | |
A few decades | (22; 26%) | |
A couple of centuries | (6; 7%) | |
Racism will always exist | (45; 52%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
If the future of our country is made up of mostly biracial/multiracial people, how much is race still an issue? | ||
No issue | (5; 6%) | |
Only a little | (31; 36%) | |
A significant amount | (27; 31%) | |
The same as today | (15; 17%) | |
Worse than today | (2; 2%) | |
Not Checked | (6; 7%) |
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