Labor and modern immigration Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 18 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Personal Background

What is your race?

BlackData Graph (2; 11%)What is your race?
   - Stats Chart
WhiteData Graph (10; 56%)
AsianData Graph (0; 0%)
HispanicData Graph (3; 17%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
Middle EasternData Graph (0; 0%)
Mixed AncestryData Graph (2; 11%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 6%)

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (16; 89%)What is your gender?
 - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (2; 11%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

How old are you?

Under 18Data Graph (2; 11%)How old are you?
    - Stats Chart
18-25Data Graph (11; 61%)
26-40Data Graph (4; 22%)
Over 40Data Graph (1; 6%)

What is your citizenship?

United StatesData Graph (7; 39%)What is your citizenship?
    - Stats Chart
BrazilData Graph (0; 0%)
CanadaData Graph (1; 6%)
ChinaData Graph (0; 0%)
Côte d'IvoireData Graph (0; 0%)
Dominican RepublicData Graph (0; 0%)
MexicoData Graph (1; 6%)
FranceData Graph (0; 0%)
GermanyData Graph (0; 0%)
GhanaData Graph (0; 0%)
Great BritainData Graph (1; 6%)
HaitiData Graph (0; 0%)
IsraelData Graph (0; 0%)
JordanData Graph (0; 0%)
NigeriaData Graph (0; 0%)
PolandData Graph (0; 0%)
RussiaData Graph (1; 6%)
Saudi ArabiaData Graph (0; 0%)
South KoreaData Graph (0; 0%)
TaiwanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (7; 39%)

If "Other" to previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Immigrants should be allowed to obtain temporary working licenses to work in the country.

YesData Graph (16; 89%)Immigrants should be allowed to obtain temporary working licenses to work in
the country.
   - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 11%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens.

YesData Graph (4; 22%)Immigrants are taking jobs away from citizens.
 - Stats Chart
Yes, but mainly jobs that most citizens do not wantData Graph (6; 33%)
NoData Graph (8; 44%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Immigrants tend to work in factories and on farms often doing unskilled or menial labor.

YesData Graph (13; 72%)Immigrants tend to work in factories and on farms often doing unskilled or menial labor. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 28%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Government policies, such as Affirmative Action, favors immigrants over citizens in the work force.

YesData Graph (3; 17%)Government policies, such as Affirmative Action, favors immigrants over
citizens in the work force. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (9; 50%)
Do not knowData Graph (6; 33%)

How do you feel about immigration?

IndifferenceData Graph (1; 6%)How do you feel about immigration?
   - Stats Chart
For unrestricted immigrationData Graph (5; 28%)
For tighter restrictions or quotas on immigrationData Graph (2; 11%)
For favored status or individual case based immigrationData Graph (8; 44%)
Against immigrationData Graph (2; 11%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Only those people with high educational or technological skills should be allowed into the country.

YesData Graph (4; 22%)Only those people with high educational or technological skills should be 
allowed into the country - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (13; 72%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Should all current illegal immigrants be legalized?

YesData Graph (4; 22%)Should all current illegal immigrants be legalized?
 - Stats Chart
Yes, but only for certain ethnic groupsData Graph (1; 6%)
NoData Graph (9; 50%)
Do not knowData Graph (3; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Should the status of illegal immigrants be abolished, just consider all immigrants legal?

YesData Graph (3; 17%)Should the status of illegal immigrants be abolished, just consider all
immigrants legal?
  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (11; 61%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 11%)

Why do average immigrants work longer hours a day?

They are hard workingData Graph (4; 22%)Why do average immigrants work longer hours a day?
   - Stats Chart
They need the moneyData Graph (6; 33%)
They want to be like AmericansData Graph (0; 0%)
Employers need cheap labor to exploitData Graph (4; 22%)
Most such immigrants are illegal aliensData Graph (2; 11%)
OtherData Graph (1; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Labor unions should not approve immigrant protective inclusion.

YesData Graph (4; 22%)Labor unions should not approve immigrant protective inclusion.
  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 44%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 28%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Immigrants produce the majority of the commodities and should be accredited as the main producers in America.

YesData Graph (6; 33%)Immigrants produce the majority of the commodities and should be accredited
as the main producers i - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (8; 44%)
Do not knowData Graph (3; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

How can the government help immigrants in the labor force?

Provide illegal immigrants with legal support (right to taxes)Data Graph (5; 28%)How can the government help immigrants in the labor force?
   - Stats Chart
Stop immigrants from coming into the nation to workData Graph (3; 17%)
Increase their wages and improve their working conditionsData Graph (6; 33%)
Have a labor trade with multiple nationsData Graph (2; 11%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

If Americans want less immigration, then their government must improve economic conditions in other nations.

YesData Graph (5; 28%)If Americans want less immigration, then their government must improve 
economic conditions in othe - Stats Chart
Yes, but not at the expense of exporting American jobsData Graph (5; 28%)
NoData Graph (6; 33%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

If Americans want less immigration, then American labor unions must assist international unions in boosting wages in other countries.

YesData Graph (5; 28%)If Americans want less immigration, then American labor unions must assist 
international unions in - Stats Chart
Yes, but in a limited wayData Graph (4; 22%)
NoData Graph (6; 33%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 6%)

Immigrants should be allowed to obtain temporary working licenses to work in the country.

YesData Graph (14; 78%)Immigrants should be allowed to obtain temporary working licenses to work
 in the country.
 - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 11%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 11%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Labor and modern immigration Survey

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