Women Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 57 survey responses
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MData Graph (36; 63%)Gender? - Stats Chart
FData Graph (21; 37%)


Under 18Data Graph (1; 2%)Age? - Stats Chart
18-24Data Graph (7; 12%)
25-35Data Graph (11; 19%)
36-45Data Graph (22; 39%)
46-55Data Graph (15; 26%)
56+Data Graph (1; 2%)


Caucasian/White AmericanData Graph (55; 96%)Ethnicity? - Stats Chart
Asian AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
Hispanic/Latino AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
African AmericanData Graph (2; 4%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

Education, Employment, & Voting

Highest Level of Education Complete.

Elementary/High School (K-12)Data Graph (17; 30%)Highest Level of Education Complete. - Stats Chart
Associate'sData Graph (11; 19%)
Bachelor'sData Graph (17; 30%)
Master'sData Graph (6; 11%)
Ph.DData Graph (3; 5%)
OtherData Graph (4; 7%)

Are you gainfully employed?

YesData Graph (47; 82%)Are you gainfully employed? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (10; 18%)

If yes, what is your occupation?

See Responses

Are you registered to vote?

YesData Graph (51; 89%)Are you registered to vote? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 11%)

Do you vote on a regular basis (i.e. at least once in each congressional and presidential election year)?

Yes, in every electionData Graph (39; 68%)Do you vote on a regular basis (i.e. at least once in each congressional and presidential election y - Stats Chart
Yes, but only for presidentData Graph (7; 12%)
NoData Graph (10; 18%)

Women and Rights

Women must be permitted to work in positions that are thought to be more appropriate for men (such as heavy equipment operators, road crew workers, political positions, etc.).

NeutralData Graph (2; 4%)Women must be permitted to work in positions that are thought to be more appropriate for men (such a - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (15; 26%)
AgreeData Graph (29; 51%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 5%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (2; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

It is alright for the woman to be the bread winner of the family and the man stay home with the children and perform the daily household tasks.

NeutralData Graph (3; 5%)It is alright for the woman to be the bread winner of the family and the man stay home with the chil - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (14; 25%)
AgreeData Graph (29; 51%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 4%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (4; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Should women take the last name of their husband's when they marry?

YesData Graph (23; 40%)Should women take the last name of their husband`s when they marry? - Stats Chart
Yes, depending upon the individual or ethnic cultureData Graph (24; 42%)
NoData Graph (4; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Should men hold the door for women?

Yes, regardless of reasonData Graph (17; 30%)Should men hold the door for women? - Stats Chart
Yes, out of common courtesyData Graph (31; 54%)
Yes, since women deserve special treatmentData Graph (1; 2%)
NoData Graph (4; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Should men give up their seat to a woman on the bus, train, etc.?

Yes, since women deserve special treatmentData Graph (24; 42%)Should men give up their seat to a woman on the bus, train, etc.? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (26; 46%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Would you vote for a woman for President?

Yes, regardless of reasonData Graph (1; 2%)Would you vote for a woman for President? - Stats Chart
Yes, depending upon qualifications or party affiliationData Graph (45; 79%)
NoData Graph (5; 9%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Have you ever not been hired for a job because of your gender?

Do not knowData Graph (23; 40%)Have you ever not been hired for a job because of your gender? - Stats Chart
YesData Graph (7; 12%)
NoData Graph (21; 37%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Qualified women must not be denied the chance to belong to military combat units.

NeutralData Graph (3; 5%)Qualified women must not be denied the chance to belong to military combat units. - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (12; 21%)
AgreeData Graph (28; 49%)
DisagreeData Graph (6; 11%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Pornography is a direct attack and insult on women.

NeutralData Graph (4; 7%)Pornography is a direct attack and insult on women. - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (7; 12%)
AgreeData Graph (8; 14%)
DisagreeData Graph (26; 46%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (6; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

A woman's number one life responsibility for herself and society is to become a mother.

NeutralData Graph (3; 5%)A woman`s number one life responsibility for herself and society is to become a mother. - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (0; 0%)
AgreeData Graph (5; 9%)
DisagreeData Graph (31; 54%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (12; 21%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Because women have special needs based on sexual differences (e.g. pregnancy), they need government assistance for women-specific issues such as health during pregnancy and infant care.

NeutralData Graph (6; 11%)Because women have special needs based on sexual differences (e.g. pregnancy), they need government  - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (8; 14%)
AgreeData Graph (27; 47%)
DisagreeData Graph (7; 12%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (3; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

American women, regardless of race or ethnicity, legally constitute a class of people similar to ethnic or racial groups.

NeutralData Graph (4; 7%)American women, regardless of race or ethnicity, legally constitute a class of people similar to eth - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 2%)
AgreeData Graph (11; 19%)
DisagreeData Graph (23; 40%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (11; 19%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Major world religions that do not admit women as clergy members are correct in doing so because their diety or dieties are masculine, not feminine or androgynous.

NeutralData Graph (10; 18%)Major world religions that do not admit women as clergy members are correct in doing so because thei - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 2%)
AgreeData Graph (9; 16%)
DisagreeData Graph (19; 33%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (11; 19%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

True gender equality is possible when everyone regards everyone else as an individual and not as a woman or man.

NeutralData Graph (1; 2%)True gender equality is possible when everyone regards everyone else as an individual and not as a w - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (14; 25%)
AgreeData Graph (30; 53%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 5%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (4; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Do you consider yourself a feminist?

Do not knowData Graph (5; 9%)Do you consider yourself a feminist? - Stats Chart
Yes, completelyData Graph (3; 5%)
Yes, on some issuesData Graph (8; 14%)
NoData Graph (35; 61%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)

Men are oppressive to women not only at the workplace but also in sexual relationships.

NeutralData Graph (6; 11%)Men are oppressive to women not only at the workplace but also in sexual relationships. - Stats Chart
Strongly AgreeData Graph (1; 2%)
AgreeData Graph (16; 28%)
DisagreeData Graph (21; 37%)
Strongly DisagreeData Graph (7; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (6; 11%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Women Survey

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