Purpose of Life Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 1022 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Your Information

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (615; 60%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (407; 40%)

How old are you?

under 21Data Graph (452; 44%)How old are you? - Stats Chart
22-27Data Graph (250; 24%)
28-35Data Graph (134; 13%)
36-50Data Graph (119; 12%)
51-64Data Graph (51; 5%)
65+Data Graph (16; 2%)

What part of the world are you from?

AfricaData Graph (13; 1%)What part of the world are you from? - Stats Chart
AsiaData Graph (46; 5%)
EuropeData Graph (318; 31%)
North AmericaData Graph (598; 59%)
Australia and OceaniaData Graph (31; 3%)
South AmericaData Graph (16; 2%)

Do you consider yourself financially poor, middle class, or rich?

PoorData Graph (146; 14%)Do you consider yourself financially poor, middle class, or rich? - Stats Chart
Middle classData Graph (803; 79%)
RichData Graph (73; 7%)

What are your religious beliefs?

AgnosticData Graph (189; 18%)What are your religious beliefs? - Stats Chart
AtheistData Graph (191; 19%)
BuddhistData Graph (29; 3%)
ChristianData Graph (371; 36%)
JudaistData Graph (17; 2%)
HinduismData Graph (7; 1%)
MuslimData Graph (12; 1%)
PaganismData Graph (24; 2%)
ZenData Graph (12; 1%)
OtherData Graph (170; 17%)

Do you consider yourself a spiritual person?

VeryData Graph (229; 22%)Do you consider yourself a spiritual person? - Stats Chart
SomewhatData Graph (321; 31%)
A littleData Graph (222; 22%)
Not at allData Graph (250; 24%)

Purpose of Life

Do you know what is the purpose of life?

Certainly I knowData Graph (254; 25%)Do you know what is the purpose of life? - Stats Chart
I suppose I knowData Graph (208; 20%)
I am not sureData Graph (246; 24%)
I don't know, but I would like toData Graph (230; 23%)
I don't know and don`t want to knowData Graph (84; 8%)

What do you think is the purpose of life?

See Responses

Do you think that other people know the purpose of life?

Nobody doesData Graph (289; 28%)Do you think that other people know the purpose of life? - Stats Chart
Very fewData Graph (269; 26%)
Some peopleData Graph (381; 37%)
The most peopleData Graph (42; 4%)
EveryoneData Graph (41; 4%)

How much do you think fears affect your life?

My life is ruled by my fearsData Graph (72; 7%)How much do you think fears affect your life? - Stats Chart
My life is somewhat directed by fearsData Graph (322; 32%)
My life is affected by fears just a littleData Graph (489; 48%)
My life is not affected by fears whatsoeverData Graph (139; 14%)

What, in your opinion, do you and other people miss in their lives?

See Responses

Any kind of general comments and your opinion about this survey are greatly appreciated.

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Purpose of Life Survey

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