Child Labor Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 183 survey responses
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Child Labor Acceptability

How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work?

1Data Graph (114; 62%)How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (28; 15%)
3Data Graph (21; 11%)
4Data Graph (6; 3%)
5Data Graph (14; 8%)

How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work in conditions that could cause health problems?

1Data Graph (150; 82%)How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work in conditions that could cause health  - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (14; 8%)
3Data Graph (7; 4%)
4Data Graph (2; 1%)
5Data Graph (10; 5%)

How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work to help out the household financially?

1Data Graph (91; 50%)How acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work to help out the household financially? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (41; 22%)
3Data Graph (26; 14%)
4Data Graph (10; 5%)
5Data Graph (15; 8%)

How is acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work in place of a parent who is unable to work?

1Data Graph (97; 53%)How is acceptable is it for children under the age of 16 to work in place of a parent who is unable  - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (30; 16%)
3Data Graph (32; 17%)
4Data Graph (10; 5%)
5Data Graph (14; 8%)

How acceptable is child labor in the United States?

1Data Graph (135; 74%)How acceptable is child labor in the United States? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (20; 11%)
3Data Graph (13; 7%)
4Data Graph (7; 4%)
5Data Graph (8; 4%)

How acceptable is child labor in countries other than the United States?

1Data Graph (114; 62%)How acceptable is child labor in countries other than the United States? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (24; 13%)
3Data Graph (17; 9%)
4Data Graph (16; 9%)
5Data Graph (12; 7%)

Employed Children

Should an employer be allowed to employ a child under the age of 16?

YesData Graph (31; 17%)Should an employer be allowed to employ a child under the age of 16? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (128; 70%)
No OpinionData Graph (12; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (12; 7%)

Do know individuals who employ children under the age of 16?

YesData Graph (67; 37%)Do know individuals who employ children under the age of 16? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (85; 46%)
No OpinionData Graph (17; 9%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 8%)

Should individuals who employ children under the age of 16 be penalized by proper authorities?

YesData Graph (105; 57%)Should individuals who employ children under the age of 16 be penalized by proper authorities? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (37; 20%)
No OpinionData Graph (27; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 8%)

Would you buy products from an employer who is knowingly using child labor in their factories?

YesData Graph (29; 16%)Would you buy products from an employer who is knowingly using child labor in their factories? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (93; 51%)
No OpinionData Graph (45; 25%)
Not CheckedData Graph (16; 9%)

Child Education

Do you think child labor is more important than a child getting an education?

YesData Graph (20; 11%)Do you think child labor is more important than a child getting an education? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (140; 77%)
No OpinionData Graph (9; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 8%)

Should children be forced to miss school in place of going to work?

YesData Graph (17; 9%)Should children be forced to miss school in place of going to work? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (147; 80%)
No OpinionData Graph (6; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (13; 7%)

Do you think there are countries that value a child's work labor more than education?

YesData Graph (103; 56%)Do you think there are countries that value a child`s work labor more than education? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (46; 25%)
No OpinionData Graph (20; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 8%)

Is a child's production in the workplace more valuable to a society than a child getting an education?

YesData Graph (23; 13%)Is a child`s production in the workplace more valuable to a society than a child getting an educatio - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (135; 74%)
No OpinionData Graph (12; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (13; 7%)

Do you think the United States favors a child's education over work more than some other countries?

YesData Graph (90; 49%)Do you think the United States favors a child`s education over work more than some other countries? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (35; 19%)
No OpinionData Graph (45; 25%)
Not CheckedData Graph (13; 7%)

World Child Labor

Is child labor a problem in the world today?

YesData Graph (144; 79%)Is child labor a problem in the world today? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (7; 4%)
No OpinionData Graph (4; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (28; 15%)

In your opinion, what continent uses the most child labor?

North AmericaData Graph (9; 5%)In your opinion, what continent uses the most child labor? - Stats Chart
South AmericaData Graph (5; 3%)
AfricaData Graph (55; 30%)
AsiaData Graph (83; 45%)
EuropeData Graph (1; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (30; 16%)

In your opinion, which of the following companies do you believe uses child labor?

NikeData Graph (63; 34%)In your opinion, which of the following companies do you believe uses child labor? - Stats Chart
AppleData Graph (32; 17%)
WalMartData Graph (50; 27%)
Old NavyData Graph (48; 26%)
Levis StraussData Graph (43; 23%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 1%)

If you believe child labor is a problem, what is an alternative in producing goods rather than using child labor?

See Responses

Do you know of any government worldwide that is fighting the issue of child labor?

See Responses



MaleData Graph (45; 25%)Gender - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (71; 39%)
Not CheckedData Graph (67; 37%)


Non-Hispanic WhiteData Graph (15; 8%)Ethnicity - Stats Chart
Hispanic or LatinoData Graph (5; 3%)
Black or African AmericanData Graph (5; 3%)
Asian or Asian AmericanData Graph (56; 31%)
American Indian or Alaska NativeData Graph (3; 2%)
OtherData Graph (29; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (70; 38%)


See Responses


Employed for wagesData Graph (15; 8%)Employment - Stats Chart
Self employedData Graph (5; 3%)
A homemakerData Graph (1; 1%)
A studentData Graph (96; 52%)
RetiredData Graph (0; 0%)
Unable to workData Graph (3; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (63; 34%)

Highest Level of Education Completed

Never attended schoolData Graph (1; 1%)Highest Level of Education Completed - Stats Chart
Grades 1 through 8Data Graph (10; 5%)
Grades 9-11(Some High School)Data Graph (29; 16%)
Grade 12(GED or High School Diploma)Data Graph (16; 9%)
College 1 year to 3 yearsData Graph (23; 13%)
College 4 years (College Graduate)Data Graph (15; 8%)
Graduate SchoolData Graph (21; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (68; 37%)

Marital Status

MarriedData Graph (15; 8%)Marital Status - Stats Chart
DivorcedData Graph (2; 1%)
WidowedData Graph (2; 1%)
SeparatedData Graph (3; 2%)
Never been marriedData Graph (78; 43%)
A member of an unmarried coupleData Graph (7; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (76; 42%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Child Labor Survey

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