Affirmative action Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 75 survey responses
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Thoughts on Affirmative Action

Please indicate your gender

FemaleData Graph (47; 63%)Please indicate your gender - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (28; 37%)

Please indicate your age group

under 18Data Graph (7; 9%)Please indicate your age group - Stats Chart
18-22Data Graph (64; 85%)
23-30Data Graph (3; 4%)
over 30Data Graph (1; 1%)

Please indicate your level of education

high school diplomaData Graph (11; 15%)Please indicate your level of education - Stats Chart
in collegeData Graph (57; 76%)
AA degreeData Graph (2; 3%)
BA degreeData Graph (3; 4%)
BS degreeData Graph (0; 0%)
master's degreeData Graph (1; 1%)
PhDData Graph (1; 1%)

Please indicate your race/ethnicity

caucasianData Graph (55; 73%)Please indicate your race/ethnicity - Stats Chart
african americanData Graph (5; 7%)
latino(a)/hispanicData Graph (9; 12%)
asianData Graph (2; 3%)
multiracialData Graph (0; 0%)
middle easternData Graph (1; 1%)
africanData Graph (2; 3%)
otherData Graph (1; 1%)

Please indicate your religion

catholicData Graph (29; 39%)Please indicate your religion - Stats Chart
protestant (all denominations)Data Graph (25; 33%)
jewishData Graph (2; 3%)
muslimData Graph (1; 1%)
buddhistData Graph (0; 0%)
agnosticData Graph (5; 7%)
atheistData Graph (2; 3%)
none of the aboveData Graph (11; 15%)

Please indicate your political beliefs

very conservativeData Graph (5; 7%)Please indicate your political beliefs - Stats Chart
conservativeData Graph (12; 16%)
moderateData Graph (21; 28%)
libertarianData Graph (3; 4%)
liberalData Graph (22; 29%)
very liberalData Graph (5; 7%)
socialistData Graph (0; 0%)
communistData Graph (1; 1%)
none of the aboveData Graph (6; 8%)

How do you feel about the following statement: "I believe in compensation for past and continuing injustices"

strongly agreeData Graph (7; 9%)How do you feel about the following statement:
"I believe in compensation for past and continuing i - Stats Chart
somewhat agreeData Graph (25; 33%)
neutralData Graph (19; 25%)
somewhat disagreeData Graph (16; 21%)
strongly disagreeData Graph (8; 11%)

Please elaborate

See Responses

Would you say that there is racial diversity in your school/workplace?

yesData Graph (51; 68%)Would you say that there is racial diversity in your school/workplace? - Stats Chart
not enoughData Graph (14; 19%)
noData Graph (6; 8%)
I don't knowData Graph (4; 5%)

Do you think that it it important to promote racial diversity? why? why not?

See Responses

Why do you think that universities and other institutions are committed to affirmative action?

See Responses

Have you ever felt like someone had an advantage simply because the color of his/her skin?

YesData Graph (57; 76%)Have you ever felt like someone had an advantage simply because the color of his/her skin? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 24%)

If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please share your thoughts on why you think this happened.

See Responses

Affirmative action is enforced in order to somehow make it up for past mistreatment of African Americans. Do you believe that this notion of "mistreatment" is still relevant today?

YesData Graph (36; 48%)Affirmative action is enforced in order to somehow make it up for past mistreatment of African Ameri - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (37; 49%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 3%)

If you answered "no" to the previous question, please elaborate your answer.

See Responses

Have you ever been affected by affirmative action?

YesData Graph (27; 36%)Have you ever been affected by affirmative action? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (47; 63%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you believe that "liberty and justice for all" will ever be achieved in the United States through affirmative action?

YesData Graph (14; 19%)Do you believe that "liberty and justice for all" will ever be achieved in the United States through - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (61; 81%)

Do you believe that the civil rights movement of the 1960s accomplished all that it intended to?

YesData Graph (20; 27%)Do you believe that the civil rights movement of the 1960s accomplished all that it intended to? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (54; 72%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you believe that minorities are treated as "equals" by white Americans today?

YesData Graph (21; 28%)Do you believe that minorities are treated as "equals" by white Americans today? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (53; 71%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you think that affirmative action is and effective method to achieve racial equality?

YesData Graph (21; 28%)Do you think that affirmative action is and effective method to achieve racial equality? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (52; 69%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 3%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Affirmative action Survey

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