Education & Minorities Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 6 survey responses
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Under 21Data Graph (5; 83%)Age? - Stats Chart
21-25Data Graph (1; 17%)
26-30Data Graph (0; 0%)
31-40Data Graph (0; 0%)
41-50Data Graph (0; 0%)
51-60Data Graph (0; 0%)
61-70Data Graph (0; 0%)
Over 70Data Graph (0; 0%)


African/African American/BlackData Graph (3; 50%)Ethnicity/Race? - Stats Chart
Asian/Asian AmericanData Graph (1; 17%)
Caucasian/European American/WhiteData Graph (2; 33%)
Hispanic American/LatinoData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

If answer to question 2 is Other, please specify.

See Responses

Nonwhite American minority group children receive as good an education as white American children.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Nonwhite American minority group children receive as good an education as white American children. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (3; 50%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Nonwhite American minority group children receive a better education in a racially integrated school than in a segregated school.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Nonwhite American minority group children receive a better education in a racially integrated school - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Standardized tests are biased against minority group students.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Standardized tests are biased against minority group students. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 50%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Standard public school curricula work against nonwhite minority group students.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Standard public school curricula work against nonwhite minority group students. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

All public schools in your state should receive the same amount of financial aid.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)All public schools in your state should receive the same amount of financial aid.  - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Racism is a big issue in many school districts and at many universities and colleges.

Strongly agreeData Graph (2; 33%)Racism is a big issue in many school districts and at many universities and colleges. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (0; 0%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Most school teachers racially or ethnically discriminate against students.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Most school teachers racially or ethnically discriminate against students. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (3; 50%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

At least 10% of the teachers in your school district or university/college are nonwhite Americans.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)At least 10% of the teachers in your school district or university/college are nonwhite Americans. 
 - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (0; 0%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Children struggling with school work receive the extra attention they require by their teachers.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)Children struggling with school work receive the extra attention they require by their teachers. 
 - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (3; 50%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

There is a high rate of disciplinary cases among minority students because schools do not focus enough on them.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)There is a high rate of disciplinary cases among minority students because schools do not focus enou - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)

Affirmative action is effective and good when properly administered.

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Affirmative action is effective and good when properly administered. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (2; 33%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

The government is putting in a sufficient amount of effort to help poor schools across the United States.

Strongly agreeData Graph (0; 0%)The government is putting in a sufficient amount of effort to help poor schools across the United St - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (2; 33%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (1; 17%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 17%)

Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help minorities get ahead as a way to make up for past discrimination?

Strongly agreeData Graph (1; 17%)Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help minorities get ahead as a way to m - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (3; 50%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 17%)

Do you support the integration of public schools?

Strongly agreeData Graph (4; 67%)Do you support the integration of public schools? - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 33%)
NeutralData Graph (0; 0%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

Public schools must be responsible for educating students about racial issues, past and present.

Strongly agreeData Graph (4; 67%)Public schools must be responsible for educating students about racial issues, past and present. - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (1; 17%)
NeutralData Graph (1; 17%)
DisagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

What do you think is one of the major contributors to educational inequality?

ClassismData Graph (1; 17%)What do you think is one of the major contributors to educational inequality?  - Stats Chart
RacismData Graph (1; 17%)
White PrivilegeData Graph (1; 17%)
Affirmative ActionData Graph (0; 0%)
Laziness of lower class peopleData Graph (1; 17%)
Inequality is not a major issueData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 17%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 17%)

What step would most help curb educational inequality in America?

Nothing, we are equalData Graph (0; 0%)What step would most help curb educational inequality in America? 
 - Stats Chart
No affirmative actionData Graph (0; 0%)
More redistributive policiesData Graph (3; 50%)
More effort from poor peopleData Graph (1; 17%)
Cutting social programsData Graph (0; 0%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 33%)

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What are your views or thoughts on racism in public education?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Education & Minorities Survey

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