Mothers and Religion Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 145 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Statistical Information

What is your age?

under 18Data Graph (6; 4%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
19-25Data Graph (46; 32%)
26-35Data Graph (31; 21%)
36-45Data Graph (21; 14%)
46-55Data Graph (24; 17%)
over 55Data Graph (17; 12%)

I am:

maleData Graph (22; 15%)I am: - Stats Chart
femaleData Graph (123; 85%)

What is your ethnic group?

African/Black AmericanData Graph (6; 4%)What is your ethnic group? - Stats Chart
AsianData Graph (3; 2%)
East IndianData Graph (0; 0%)
Hispanic/LatinoData Graph (4; 3%)
Middle EasternData Graph (3; 2%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
Pacific IslanderData Graph (0; 0%)
Inter-racialData Graph (4; 3%)
OtherData Graph (3; 2%)
White/CaucasianData Graph (119; 82%)
TurkishData Graph (2; 1%)

Where were you born? (City, State, and Country)

See Responses

What is your current religious affiliation?

AnglicanData Graph (1; 1%)What is your current religious affiliation? - Stats Chart
BuddhistData Graph (0; 0%)
MethodistData Graph (24; 17%)
UnitarianData Graph (2; 1%)
BaptistData Graph (7; 5%)
LutheranData Graph (5; 3%)
EpiscopalData Graph (3; 2%)
CatholicData Graph (22; 15%)
JewishData Graph (3; 2%)
IslamData Graph (6; 4%)
ScientologyData Graph (0; 0%)
Church of ChristData Graph (0; 0%)
TaoismData Graph (0; 0%)
ShintoData Graph (0; 0%)
PresbyterianData Graph (2; 1%)
EvangelicalData Graph (1; 1%)
PentecostalData Graph (2; 1%)
SanteriaData Graph (0; 0%)
Vodun/VoodooData Graph (1; 1%)
MormonData Graph (1; 1%)
Assembly of GodData Graph (0; 0%)
Non-DenominationalData Graph (9; 6%)
PaganData Graph (11; 8%)
WiccaData Graph (3; 2%)
OtherData Graph (16; 11%)
None/Do not practiceData Graph (26; 18%)

If you selected "other" above, please specify:

See Responses

Are you a:

MotherData Graph (45; 31%)Are you a: - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (10; 7%)
GrandmotherData Graph (9; 6%)
GrandfatherData Graph (0; 0%)
AuntData Graph (22; 15%)
UncleData Graph (4; 3%)
TeacherData Graph (8; 6%)
OtherData Graph (47; 32%)

Think about the children and youth that are in your circle of influence, estimate how many you may have a responsibility for or may have some influence in their decisions. How many?

0Data Graph (29; 20%)Think about the children and youth that are in your circle of influence, estimate how many you may h - Stats Chart
1Data Graph (17; 12%)
2Data Graph (26; 18%)
3Data Graph (12; 8%)
4Data Graph (14; 10%)
5Data Graph (9; 6%)
6Data Graph (4; 3%)
7Data Graph (5; 3%)
8Data Graph (0; 0%)
9Data Graph (0; 0%)
10Data Graph (3; 2%)
11 or moreData Graph (26; 18%)

Current and Past Religious Practices

Do you attend community worship services with people other than your immediate family?

YesData Graph (59; 41%)Do you attend community worship services with people other than your immediate family? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (82; 57%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Do you attend small group meetings in religious studies? (i.e. bible studies, spiritual formation, study circles, current issues in religion groups)

YesData Graph (51; 35%)Do you attend small group meetings in religious studies? (i.e. bible studies, spiritual formation, s - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (90; 62%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Do you refer to a religious text or writing? (i.e. Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Rumi, Tao de Ching, etc)

YesData Graph (88; 61%)Do you refer to a religious text or writing?  (i.e. Holy Bible, Holy Quran, Rumi, Tao de Ching, etc) - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (53; 37%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

If so, which one(s)? (Please list all)

See Responses

Select the religion you practiced in your childhood?

AnglicanData Graph (2; 1%)Select the religion you practiced in your childhood? - Stats Chart
BuddhistData Graph (2; 1%)
MethodistData Graph (22; 15%)
UnitarianData Graph (0; 0%)
BaptistData Graph (16; 11%)
LutheranData Graph (7; 5%)
EpiscopalData Graph (3; 2%)
CatholicData Graph (48; 33%)
JewishData Graph (4; 3%)
IslamData Graph (4; 3%)
ScientologyData Graph (0; 0%)
Church of ChristData Graph (3; 2%)
TaoismData Graph (0; 0%)
ShintoData Graph (0; 0%)
PresbyterianData Graph (4; 3%)
EvangelicalData Graph (1; 1%)
PentecostalData Graph (1; 1%)
SanteriaData Graph (0; 0%)
Mormon/Latter Day SaintsData Graph (1; 1%)
Assembly of GodData Graph (2; 1%)
Vodun/VoodooData Graph (0; 0%)
Non-DenominationalData Graph (3; 2%)
KaballahData Graph (0; 0%)
PaganData Graph (0; 0%)
WiccaData Graph (0; 0%)
QuakerData Graph (0; 0%)
MennoniteData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (7; 5%)
None was practicedData Graph (11; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

If you listed other to the question above, please specify:

See Responses

Do you recall forming a concept of God, Goddess, or Higher Power in your childhood?

YesData Graph (122; 84%)Do you recall forming a concept of God, Goddess, or Higher Power in your childhood? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (19; 13%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Who was the greatest influence in forming your religious beliefs, practices, and concept of God? (Choose One)

MotherData Graph (62; 43%)Who was the greatest influence in forming your religious beliefs, practices, and concept of God? (Ch - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (16; 11%)
GrandmotherData Graph (15; 10%)
GrandfatherData Graph (1; 1%)
AuntData Graph (2; 1%)
UncleData Graph (0; 0%)
SisterData Graph (2; 1%)
BrotherData Graph (0; 0%)
TeacherData Graph (8; 6%)
Minister/PriestData Graph (12; 8%)
OtherData Graph (13; 9%)
NoneData Graph (10; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Have you ever led a worship service or study group?

YesData Graph (60; 41%)Have you ever led a worship service or study group? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (81; 56%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

How often do you attend community worship services

DailyData Graph (6; 4%)How often do you attend community worship services - Stats Chart
WeeklyData Graph (55; 38%)
MonthlyData Graph (14; 10%)
YearlyData Graph (22; 15%)
NeverData Graph (44; 30%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

When did you receive your first religious text?

0-11Data Graph (116; 80%)When did you receive your first religious text? - Stats Chart
11-19Data Graph (14; 10%)
20-29Data Graph (8; 6%)
30-39Data Graph (2; 1%)
40-49Data Graph (0; 0%)
over 50Data Graph (1; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Who purchased the text for you?

MotherData Graph (58; 40%)Who purchased the text for you? - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (7; 5%)
GrandmotherData Graph (22; 15%)
GrandfatherData Graph (1; 1%)
SisterData Graph (0; 0%)
BrotherData Graph (0; 0%)
AuntData Graph (1; 1%)
UncleData Graph (0; 0%)
ChurchData Graph (25; 17%)
FriendData Graph (2; 1%)
SpouseData Graph (2; 1%)
SelfData Graph (9; 6%)
OtherData Graph (14; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Do you still have it in your possession?

YesData Graph (83; 57%)Do you still have it in your possession? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (58; 40%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Did you attend community worship as a child?

YesData Graph (120; 83%)Did you attend community worship as a child? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (21; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Did you attend small group studies, classes, training, or summer programs as a child?

YesData Graph (109; 75%)Did you attend small group studies, classes, training, or summer programs as a child? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (32; 22%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

If so, how often did you attend?

DailyData Graph (5; 3%)If so, how often did you attend? - Stats Chart
MonthlyData Graph (10; 7%)
WeeklyData Graph (89; 61%)
YearlyData Graph (11; 8%)
NeverData Graph (26; 18%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Did you memorize religious verses, scriptures, sayings, or stories as a child?

YesData Graph (103; 71%)Did you memorize religious verses, scriptures, sayings, or stories as a child? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (38; 26%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Thinking about these verses, scriptures, sayings, or stories choose the statement you would most agree with:

The words are part of a past history and do not hold relevance outside the historical context.Data Graph (25; 17%)Thinking about these verses, scriptures, sayings, or stories choose the statement you would most agr - Stats Chart
The words are a guide and illustration for how I should behave in current circumstances.Data Graph (89; 61%)
The words are the true words from a higher power and should be taken literally.Data Graph (13; 9%)
The words hold no meaning for me.Data Graph (9; 6%)
I have never heard or read verses, scriptures, or stories.Data Graph (5; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

When I was young someone close to me:

Read or told me religious stories often(Daily or Weekly)Data Graph (66; 46%)When I was young someone close to me: - Stats Chart
Read or told me religious stories occasionally (Monthly or Yearly)Data Graph (41; 28%)
Never read me religious storiesData Graph (34; 23%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Who most read these stories, verses or scriptures when you were young?

MotherData Graph (35; 24%)Who most read these stories, verses or scriptures when you were young? - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (7; 5%)
GrandmotherData Graph (17; 12%)
GrandfatherData Graph (3; 2%)
SisterData Graph (1; 1%)
BrotherData Graph (0; 0%)
AuntData Graph (0; 0%)
UncleData Graph (1; 1%)
TeacherData Graph (29; 20%)
Minister/PriestData Graph (18; 12%)
OtherData Graph (5; 3%)
SelfData Graph (5; 3%)
No oneData Graph (20; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 3%)

Formation of Social Skills

When I was young, I formed the following opinions regarding people of a different religion, race, or culture:

I could be friends with someone of a different ethnic group, religion, or class.Data Graph (118; 81%)When I was young, I formed the following opinions regarding people of a different religion, race, or - Stats Chart
I could not be friends with someone different.Data Graph (9; 6%)
I do not know.Data Graph (9; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

When I was young, my parents chose my friends or approved or disapproved of the ones I chose.

YesData Graph (35; 24%)When I was young, my parents chose my friends or approved or disapproved of the ones I chose. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (101; 70%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

When I was young, I was taught to treat everyone equally?

YesData Graph (113; 78%)When I was young, I was taught to treat everyone equally? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (23; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I was taught to dislike people from another religion, race or class.

YesData Graph (13; 9%)I was taught to dislike people from another religion, race or class. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (123; 85%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I was taught to act violently towards someone of a different religion, race, or class.

YesData Graph (3; 2%)I was taught to act violently towards someone of a different religion, race, or class. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (133; 92%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I was taught to be independent and choose how I react to others of a different religion, race, or class.

YesData Graph (91; 63%)I was taught to be independent and choose how I react to others of a different religion, race, or cl - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (45; 31%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

The greatest influence in my understanding of other cultures, peoples, and religions was:

MotherData Graph (53; 37%)The greatest influence in my understanding of other cultures, peoples, and religions was: - Stats Chart
FatherData Graph (29; 20%)
GrandmotherData Graph (2; 1%)
GrandfatherData Graph (1; 1%)
AuntData Graph (2; 1%)
UncleData Graph (0; 0%)
SisterData Graph (1; 1%)
BrotherData Graph (2; 1%)
TeacherData Graph (10; 7%)
Minister/PriestData Graph (5; 3%)
SelfData Graph (18; 12%)
NoneData Graph (3; 2%)
OtherData Graph (10; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

Current Religion and Society Views

I believe in one God, Goddess, or Higher Power.

YesData Graph (106; 73%)I believe in one God, Goddess, or Higher Power. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (30; 21%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I agree with the following statement about my religion:

My religion is the one and only true religionData Graph (20; 14%)I agree with the following statement about my religion: - Stats Chart
My religion is the religion that I follow, but others may have a valid religion that they followData Graph (98; 68%)
There is no truth in religionData Graph (18; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I believe my religion justifies violence towards others.

YesData Graph (3; 2%)I believe my religion justifies violence towards others. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (133; 92%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

The worship leaders/spiritual guides are predominately

maleData Graph (59; 41%)The worship leaders/spiritual guides are predominately - Stats Chart
femaleData Graph (5; 3%)
equally male and femaleData Graph (51; 35%)
I have no religionData Graph (21; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

The teachers in my religion predominately are:

maleData Graph (30; 21%)The teachers in my religion predominately are: - Stats Chart
femaleData Graph (24; 17%)
equally male or femaleData Graph (60; 41%)
I have no religionData Graph (22; 15%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

I believe that religion should not be used as an excuse to commit violence towards others.

YesData Graph (118; 81%)I believe that religion should not be used as an excuse to commit violence towards others. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (9; 6%)

Mothers and Religion

I believe parents should choose or approve the friends for their children.

YesData Graph (61; 42%)I believe parents should choose or approve the friends for their children. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (70; 48%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 10%)

I believe mothers can and should teach non-violence to their children.

YesData Graph (128; 88%)I believe mothers can and should teach non-violence to their children. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (3; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 10%)

I believe it is ok for mothers to teach their children to be:

Soldiers in wars that promote one religious ideal over anotherData Graph (0; 0%)I believe it is ok for mothers to teach their children to be: - Stats Chart
Soldiers in wars defending one's nation from violent attacks that kill innocent people or from oppression of another governmentData Graph (57; 39%)
To be soldiers of peace, promoting a global unity.Data Graph (74; 51%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 10%)

For mothers or mothers to be, I plan to teach my children according to my religious beliefs.

YesData Graph (88; 61%)For mothers or mothers to be, I plan to teach my children according to my religious beliefs. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (13; 9%)
I have no religionData Graph (20; 14%)
Not CheckedData Graph (24; 17%)

Also for mothers or mothers to be: I plan to teach my children to be tolerant of others.

YesData Graph (115; 79%)Also for mothers or mothers to be:  I plan to teach my children to be tolerant of others. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (28; 19%)

I plan to teach my children about other cultures, religions, races, and classes.

YesData Graph (116; 80%)I plan to teach my children about other cultures, religions, races, and classes. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (5; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (24; 17%)

I would like more information to help me teach my children to be tolerant of other religions.

YesData Graph (52; 36%)I would like more information to help me teach my children to be tolerant of other religions. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (79; 54%)
Not CheckedData Graph (14; 10%)

Please add any addtional comments you may have regarding this topic.

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Mothers and Religion Survey

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