Juvenile Crime Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 62 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Juveniles Being Tried as Adults in the Criminal Justice System

Your age?

Under 18Data Graph (26; 42%)Your age?   - Stats Chart
18-20Data Graph (15; 24%)
21-25Data Graph (11; 18%)
26-30Data Graph (3; 5%)
31-40Data Graph (3; 5%)
41-50Data Graph (3; 5%)
51-60Data Graph (1; 2%)
61-70Data Graph (0; 0%)
Over 70Data Graph (0; 0%)

Your gender?

BisexualData Graph (4; 6%)Your gender?   - Stats Chart
GayData Graph (1; 2%)
Heterosexual femaleData Graph (24; 39%)
Heterosexual maleData Graph (27; 44%)
LesbianData Graph (1; 2%)
TransgenderData Graph (1; 2%)
OtherData Graph (4; 6%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Your ethnicity/race? Check all that apply.

African or BlackData Graph (17; 27%)Your ethnicity/race? Check all that apply.       - Stats Chart
Asian, EasternData Graph (3; 5%)
Asian, CentralData Graph (1; 2%)
Asian, SouthernData Graph (7; 11%)
European or WhiteData Graph (20; 32%)
Hispanic or LatinoData Graph (11; 18%)
Middle EasternerData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 2%)
Pacific IslanderData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (4; 6%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not applicableData Graph (2; 3%)

If “Other” to the previous question, then please specify.

See Responses

Where is your hometown or place of permanent residency?

See Responses

Where do you currently reside?

See Responses

Did you know of any juveniles who committed a crime in your hometown or place of permanent residency?

YesData Graph (43; 69%)Did you know of any juveniles who committed a crime in your hometown or place of permanent residency - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (16; 26%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 3%)
Not applicableData Graph (1; 2%)

Did you know of any juveniles who committed a crime where you currently reside?

YesData Graph (42; 68%)Did you know of any juveniles who committed a crime where you currently reside?   - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 29%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 5%)
Not applicableData Graph (1; 2%)

Did you ever commit a crime?

YesData Graph (27; 44%)Did you ever commit a crime? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (32; 52%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 5%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Did you ever commit a misdemeanor or a felony when you were a juvenile?

YesData Graph (20; 32%)Did you ever commit a misdemeanor or a felony when you were a juvenile?   - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (37; 60%)
I do not knowData Graph (5; 8%)
Not applicableData Graph (2; 3%)

Which social class of juveniles who commit a misdemeanor would most likely be tried as an adult?

Upper classData Graph (7; 11%)Which social class of juveniles who commit a misdemeanor would most likely be tried as an adult?   - Stats Chart
Middle classData Graph (9; 15%)
Working classData Graph (13; 21%)
Lower classData Graph (36; 58%)
I do not knowData Graph (5; 8%)
Not applicableData Graph (4; 6%)

Which social class of juveniles who commit a felony would most likely be tried as an adult?

Upper classData Graph (11; 18%)Which social class of juveniles who commit a felony would most likely be tried as an adult?   - Stats Chart
Middle classData Graph (15; 24%)
Working classData Graph (13; 21%)
Lower classData Graph (40; 65%)
I do not knowData Graph (5; 8%)
Not applicableData Graph (1; 2%)

Juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be tried as an adult.

Strongly agreeData Graph (8; 13%)Juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be tried as an adult.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (4; 6%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (10; 16%)
DisagreeData Graph (15; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (11; 18%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (13; 21%)
I do not knowData Graph (3; 5%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Juveniles who commit a felony should be tried as an adult.

Strongly agreeData Graph (15; 24%)Juveniles who commit a felony should be tried as an adult.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (8; 13%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (5; 8%)
DisagreeData Graph (9; 15%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (4; 6%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (17; 27%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Female juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be tried as an adult.

Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 11%)Female juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be tried as an adult.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (6; 10%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (7; 11%)
DisagreeData Graph (13; 21%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (12; 19%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (12; 19%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Male juveniles who commit a felony should be tried as an adult.

Strongly agreeData Graph (10; 16%)Male juveniles who commit a felony should be tried as an adult.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (9; 15%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (10; 16%)
DisagreeData Graph (6; 10%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (3; 5%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (18; 29%)
I do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be jailed with adults.

Strongly agreeData Graph (7; 11%)Juveniles who commit a misdemeanor should be jailed with adults.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (2; 3%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (7; 11%)
DisagreeData Graph (15; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (20; 32%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (7; 11%)
I do not knowData Graph (1; 2%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Juveniles who commit a felony should be imprisoned with adults.

Strongly agreeData Graph (8; 13%)Juveniles who commit a felony should be imprisoned with adults.   - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (5; 8%)
Neutral or indifferentData Graph (3; 5%)
DisagreeData Graph (13; 21%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (17; 27%)
Depends on the crimeData Graph (9; 15%)
I do not knowData Graph (2; 3%)
Not applicableData Graph (0; 0%)

Any comments about this survey?

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Juvenile Crime Survey

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