Interracial relationships in America Today Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 136 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Your Opinion on Interracial relationships (Part One)

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (40; 29%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (95; 70%)
OtherData Graph (1; 1%)

What is your race/ethnicity?

African/BlackData Graph (69; 51%)What is your race/ethnicity? - Stats Chart
AsianData Graph (3; 2%)
European/WhiteData Graph (53; 39%)
Hispanic/LatinoData Graph (1; 1%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (7; 5%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 1%)

If you selected "Other" to the above question, please specify:

See Responses

What is your age?

Under 21Data Graph (7; 5%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
21 – 25Data Graph (6; 4%)
26 – 30Data Graph (12; 9%)
31 – 35Data Graph (16; 12%)
36 – 40Data Graph (23; 17%)
Over 40Data Graph (71; 52%)
31 � 35Data Graph (1; 1%)

What is your religious affiliation?

Please SelectData Graph (0; 0%)What is your religious affiliation? - Stats Chart
AtheistData Graph (1; 1%)
AnglicanData Graph (1; 1%)
BaptistData Graph (65; 48%)
BuddhistData Graph (4; 3%)
EpiscopalianData Graph (3; 2%)
HinduData Graph (2; 1%)
IslamData Graph (0; 0%)
JudaismData Graph (2; 1%)
LutheranData Graph (3; 2%)
MethodistData Graph (7; 5%)
MormonData Graph (0; 0%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (9; 7%)
OtherData Graph (39; 29%)

If you selected "Other" to the previous question, please specify:

See Responses

What is your marital status?

SingleData Graph (27; 20%)What is your marital status? - Stats Chart
MarriedData Graph (79; 58%)
DivorcedData Graph (14; 10%)
In a RelationshipData Graph (14; 10%)
Living TogetherData Graph (2; 1%)

Sexual Preference?

MaleData Graph (92; 68%)Sexual Preference? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (41; 30%)
BothData Graph (3; 2%)

What BEST describes your employment status?

Full-time jobData Graph (110; 81%)What BEST describes your employment status? - Stats Chart
Part-time jobData Graph (10; 7%)
StudentData Graph (12; 9%)
UnemployedData Graph (4; 3%)

Have you ever dated someone outside of your race?

YesData Graph (69; 51%)Have you ever dated someone outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (67; 49%)

If you answered "No" to the previous question, would you ever consider dating outside of your race?

YesData Graph (38; 28%)If you answered "No" to the previous question, would you ever consider dating outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (34; 25%)
Not CheckedData Graph (64; 47%)

If you answered "No" to question 11, please select your reasoning:

Religious reasonsData Graph (0; 0%)If you answered "No" to question 11, please select your reasoning: - Stats Chart
Family pressureData Graph (2; 1%)
Cultural differencesData Graph (21; 15%)
Political reasonsData Graph (0; 0%)
N/AData Graph (26; 19%)
Not CheckedData Graph (87; 64%)

Is Interracial dating/marriage accepted in your family?

YesData Graph (104; 76%)Is Interracial dating/marriage accepted in your family? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (32; 24%)

If you had a relative that was in an interracial relationship with someone, would you be embarrassed to associate with them in public?

YesData Graph (3; 2%)If you had a relative that was in an interracial relationship with someone, would you be embarrassed - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (133; 98%)

Would you ever marry someone outside of your race?

YesData Graph (59; 43%)Would you ever marry someone outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (42; 31%)
MaybeData Graph (35; 26%)

Would you ever have sex with a person outside of your race?

YesData Graph (91; 67%)Would you ever have sex with a person outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (45; 33%)

Would you ever consider living with someone outside of your race?

YesData Graph (88; 65%)Would you ever consider living with someone outside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (48; 35%)

Do you think that it is better to marry inside of your race?

YesData Graph (66; 49%)Do you think that it is better to marry inside of your race? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (70; 51%)

Do you think people of races other than your own are generally more attractive then people of your own race?

YesData Graph (29; 21%)Do you think people of races other than your own are generally more attractive then people of your o - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (107; 79%)

Would you allow your children to date/marry interracially?

YesData Graph (119; 88%)Would you allow your children to date/marry interracially? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (17; 13%)

Your Opinion on Interracial relationships (Part Two)

What part of the United States are you originally from?

NortheastData Graph (38; 28%)What part of the United States are you originally from? - Stats Chart
NorthwestData Graph (1; 1%)
SoutheastData Graph (77; 57%)
SouthwestData Graph (8; 6%)
MidwestData Graph (7; 5%)
WestData Graph (2; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

Do you feel that interracial marriage/dating is helping or hindering our country's racism issue?

HelpingData Graph (117; 86%)Do you feel that interracial marriage/dating is helping or hindering our country`s racism issue? - Stats Chart
HinderingData Graph (16; 12%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)

If you fell in love with a person outside of your race, would you be willing to go against your family, religious, and political beliefs to be with that person?

YesData Graph (104; 76%)If you fell in love with a person outside of your race, would you be willing to go against your fami - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (29; 21%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 2%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Interracial relationships in America Today Survey

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