Racism and Sexism in Society Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 131 survey response
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters



MaleData Graph (59; 45%)Gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (72; 55%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

If answer to Gender is “Other,” then please specify.

See Responses


Under 21Data Graph (81; 62%)Age?       - Stats Chart
21 – 25Data Graph (32; 24%)
26 – 30Data Graph (2; 2%)
31 – 35Data Graph (0; 0%)
36 – 40Data Graph (3; 2%)
Over 40Data Graph (13; 10%)


African or BlackData Graph (10; 8%)Ethnicity/race?      - Stats Chart
Asian, EasternData Graph (1; 1%)
Asian, CentralData Graph (0; 0%)
Asian, SouthernData Graph (2; 2%)
European or WhiteData Graph (102; 78%)
Hispanic or Latino/aData Graph (4; 3%)
Middle EasternerData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (3; 2%)
OtherData Graph (8; 6%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)

If answer to Ethnicity/race is “Other,” then please specify.

See Responses

Religious affiliation?

AgnosticData Graph (3; 2%)Religious affiliation?       - Stats Chart
AnglicanData Graph (0; 0%)
AtheistData Graph (4; 3%)
BaptistData Graph (27; 21%)
BuddhistData Graph (0; 0%)
Christian OrthodoxData Graph (13; 10%)
ConfuscistData Graph (0; 0%)
Church of Latter Day SaintsData Graph (1; 1%)
DeistData Graph (0; 0%)
EpiscopalianData Graph (2; 2%)
Greek OrthodoxData Graph (1; 1%)
HinduData Graph (0; 0%)
JewData Graph (4; 3%)
LutheranData Graph (6; 5%)
MethodistData Graph (8; 6%)
MuslimData Graph (0; 0%)
New AgeData Graph (0; 0%)
PaganData Graph (0; 0%)
PentacostalData Graph (1; 1%)
PresbyterianData Graph (5; 4%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (38; 29%)
Seventh Day AdventistData Graph (0; 0%)
TaoistData Graph (0; 0%)
WiccaData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (11; 8%)
Do not knowData Graph (6; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

If answer to Religious affiliation is “Other,” then please specify.

See Responses

Racism in College

Have you ever experienced or witnessed any act of racism on campus?

YesData Graph (61; 47%)Have you ever experienced or witnessed any act of racism on campus? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (68; 52%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 2%)

Is racism more prevalent on college campuses than it is outside of campus?

YesData Graph (8; 6%)Is racism more prevalent on college campuses than it is outside of campus?  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (123; 94%)

If yes, Why do you think so?

See Responses

Do you think professors have a bias attitude towards certain races?

YesData Graph (38; 29%)Do you think professors have a bias attitude towards certain races? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (93; 71%)

If they do, which races/ethnicities?

African or BlackData Graph (26; 20%)If they do, which races/ethnicities? - Stats Chart
Asian, EasternData Graph (12; 9%)
Asian, CentralData Graph (12; 9%)
Asian, SouthernData Graph (12; 9%)
European or WhiteData Graph (10; 8%)
Hispanic or Latino/aData Graph (17; 13%)
Middle EasternerData Graph (10; 8%)
Native AmericanData Graph (4; 3%)
OtherData Graph (3; 2%)
Do not knowData Graph (21; 16%)

If you answered questions 4 and 5, what is your opinion on why professors do this?

See Responses

Sexism/Racism Today

Do you believe that Racism still exists today?

YesData Graph (125; 95%)Do you believe that Racism still exists today? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (6; 5%)

If yes, Why do you believe so?

See Responses

Have you ever used any terms that have been classified as a racial slur? (nigger, cracker, spic, etc.)

YesData Graph (83; 63%)Have you ever used any terms that have been classified as a racial slur? (nigger, cracker, spic, etc - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (47; 36%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you believe that men and women are treated fairly in our society? (Not just including the workplace)

YesData Graph (33; 25%)Do you believe that men and women are treated fairly in our society? (Not just including the workpla - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (98; 75%)

Discrimination in the Workplace

Are you currently employed?

YesData Graph (87; 66%)Are you currently employed? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (44; 34%)

If employed, Have you ever been discriminated against for any reason specific to your race or sex?

YesData Graph (16; 12%)If employed, Have you ever been discriminated against for any reason specific to your race or sex? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (115; 88%)

If yes, please explain.

See Responses

Whether or not you have experienced this type of discrimination, do you think it would force the person to quit their job?

YesData Graph (103; 79%)Whether or not you have experienced this type of discrimination, do you think it would force the per - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (28; 21%)

Do you think a certain sex and/or race is more likely to be hired for a certain postion than another?

YesData Graph (71; 54%)Do you think a certain sex and/or race is more likely to be hired for a certain postion than another - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (2; 2%)
SometimesData Graph (58; 44%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Racism and Sexism in Society Survey

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