Gender Disparities Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 78 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

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Are you a male or a female?

maleData Graph (24; 31%)Are you a male or a female? - Stats Chart
femaleData Graph (54; 69%)

What is your age range?

10-19Data Graph (31; 40%)What is your age range? - Stats Chart
20-29Data Graph (45; 58%)
30-39Data Graph (0; 0%)
40-41Data Graph (0; 0%)
50-59Data Graph (2; 3%)
60-69Data Graph (0; 0%)

Have you ever held a job? Only if yes should you continue with the rest of the survey.

YesData Graph (78; 100%)Have you ever held a job?  Only if yes should you continue with the rest of the survey. - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)

Select all that apply. I have worked in:

retailData Graph (31; 40%)Select all that apply. I have worked in: - Stats Chart
food industryData Graph (37; 47%)
governmentData Graph (10; 13%)
educationData Graph (27; 35%)
businessData Graph (30; 38%)

How many jobs have you held?

See Responses

From your working experience, do you believe there is gender equality in the workplace?

YesData Graph (50; 64%)From your working experience, do you believe there is gender equality in the workplace? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (28; 36%)

Do you think some men and women are held back from positions at work because of their gender?

YesData Graph (54; 69%)Do you think some men and women are held back from positions at work because of their gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (24; 31%)

Have you yourself ever been held back from a job position because of your gender?

YesData Graph (7; 9%)Have you yourself ever been held back from a job position because of your gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (70; 90%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Have you ever seen someone else held back from a job or promotion because of their gender?

YesData Graph (23; 29%)Have you ever seen someone else held back from a job or promotion because of their gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (55; 71%)

Have you ever been denied a job before because of your gender?

YesData Graph (3; 4%)Have you ever been denied a job before because of your gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (74; 95%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Have you ever denied someone else of a job because of their gender?

YesData Graph (2; 3%)Have you ever denied someone else of a job because of their gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (75; 96%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

Do you think there are some jobs only men can do?

YesData Graph (28; 36%)Do you think there are some jobs only men can do? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (50; 64%)

What kind of jobs do you believe only men can do?

See Responses

Do you think there are only jobs that women can do?

YesData Graph (21; 27%)Do you think there are only jobs that women can do? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (54; 69%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 4%)

What kinds of jobs do you think only women can do?

See Responses

Are there some jobs that have more gender disparities than others?

YesData Graph (56; 72%)Are there some jobs that have more gender disparities than others? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (19; 24%)
Not CheckedData Graph (3; 4%)

If yes, then what kinds of jobs do you think?

See Responses

If you believe there is gender inequality in the workplace, why would you say this exists?

See Responses

Do you believe in theories, such as the glass ceiling theory, to be true?

YesData Graph (51; 65%)Do you believe in theories, such as the glass ceiling theory, to be true? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (23; 29%)
Not CheckedData Graph (4; 5%)

Have you ever been stereotyped at your job because of your gender?

YesData Graph (28; 36%)Have you ever been stereotyped at your job because of your gender? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (48; 62%)
Not CheckedData Graph (2; 3%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Gender Disparities Survey

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