Black Greek Orgs. Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 1 survey response
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

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Under 21Data Graph (1; 100%)Age - Stats Chart
21 – 25Data Graph (0; 0%)
26 – 30Data Graph (0; 0%)
31 – 35Data Graph (0; 0%)
36 – 40Data Graph (0; 0%)
Over 40Data Graph (0; 0%)


FemaleData Graph (1; 100%)Gender - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (0; 0%)

Ethnicity/race (check any that apply)

African or BlackData Graph (1; 100%)Ethnicity/race (check any that apply) - Stats Chart
Asian, EasternData Graph (0; 0%)
Asian, CentralData Graph (0; 0%)
Asian, SouthernData Graph (0; 0%)
European or WhiteData Graph (0; 0%)
Hispanic or Latino/aData Graph (0; 0%)
Middle EasternerData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Do not knowData Graph (0; 0%)

What is your highest level of education?

High schoolData Graph (0; 0%)What is your highest level of education? - Stats Chart
High school graduateData Graph (0; 0%)
GEDData Graph (0; 0%)
Some collegeData Graph (0; 0%)
Associate's degreeData Graph (1; 100%)
Baccalaureate degreeData Graph (0; 0%)
Master's degreeData Graph (0; 0%)
ABDData Graph (0; 0%)
Ph.DData Graph (0; 0%)
EEdData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

Are you a member of a Black Greek Letter organization?

YesData Graph (0; 0%)Are you a member of a Black Greek Letter organization?  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (1; 100%)

Are you now, or have you ever shown interest in any Greek Letter organization?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Are you now, or have you ever shown interest in any Greek Letter organization? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)

Have you been to programs sponsered by Black Greek Letter organizations?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Have you been to programs sponsered by Black Greek Letter organizations?  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
not sureData Graph (0; 0%)

If yes please explain the program and your overall impression of the program

See Responses

Were you familiar with Black Greek Letter organizations before college?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Were you familiar with Black Greek Letter organizations before college? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
Not familiar nowData Graph (0; 0%)

Do you feel Black Greek Letter organizations are a positive influence on the communities they serve?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Do you feel Black Greek Letter organizations are a positive influence on the communities they serve? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
not sureData Graph (0; 0%)

If yes to the previous question please explain why

See Responses

Do you believe joining a greek letter organization is an important part of college life?

YesData Graph (0; 0%)Do you believe joining a greek letter organization is an important part of college life? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
UndecidedData Graph (1; 100%)

Please explain your answer to the previous question

See Responses

With what do you most associate Black Greek Letter Organizations on college campuses?

DrinkingData Graph (0; 0%)With what do you most associate Black Greek Letter Organizations on college campuses? - Stats Chart
PartiesData Graph (1; 100%)
Campus events/Social ProgramsData Graph (0; 0%)
Community ServiceData Graph (0; 0%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

If you answered "Other" please explain

See Responses

If you are a member of a Black Greek Letter organization, what was your primary reason for joining?

See Responses

Do you believe Greek organizations geared toward a specific race/ethnicity or cultural group facillitates segregation on campuses?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Do you believe Greek organizations geared toward a specific race/ethnicity or cultural group facilli - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)

If yes, please explain your answer

See Responses

Do you believe there is still a need for fraternities and sororities geared toward a specific race/ethnicity or cultural group?

YesData Graph (1; 100%)Do you believe there is still a need for fraternities and sororities geared toward a specific race/e - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (0; 0%)
Not sureData Graph (0; 0%)

Please explain your answer to the previous question

See Responses
Survelum Public Data Bank · Black Greek Orgs. Survey

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