Equality In The Media Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 251 survey response
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Equality In The Media

What is your gender?

MaleData Graph (96; 38%)What is your gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (143; 57%)

What is your age?

15-18Data Graph (28; 11%)What is your age? - Stats Chart
18-25Data Graph (202; 80%)
25-35Data Graph (3; 1%)
35-50Data Graph (4; 2%)
50-65Data Graph (3; 1%)
65+Data Graph (2; 1%)

What setting do you live in?

UrbanData Graph (46; 18%)What setting do you live in? - Stats Chart
suburbanData Graph (164; 65%)
countryData Graph (32; 13%)
otherData Graph (4; 2%)

If you check other, specify where you live.

See Responses

How would you classify your economic standing?

High Upper ClassData Graph (4; 2%)How would you classify your economic standing? - Stats Chart
Upper ClassData Graph (53; 21%)
Middle ClassData Graph (159; 63%)
Lower ClassData Graph (33; 13%)

What is your income?

$15,000 and underData Graph (152; 61%)What is your income? - Stats Chart
$16,000-$30,000Data Graph (22; 9%)
$30,000-$45,000Data Graph (11; 4%)
$45,000-$60,000Data Graph (14; 6%)
$60,000-$75,000Data Graph (12; 5%)
$75,000 and upData Graph (29; 12%)

How many people do you financially support?

1Data Graph (194; 77%)How many people do you financially support? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (8; 3%)
3Data Graph (6; 2%)
4Data Graph (7; 3%)
5Data Graph (4; 2%)
6 or moreData Graph (6; 2%)

What is your race?

WhiteData Graph (208; 83%)What is your race? - Stats Chart
African AmericanData Graph (7; 3%)
AsianData Graph (8; 3%)
Hispanic/LatinoData Graph (10; 4%)
European WhiteData Graph (5; 2%)
Middle EasternData Graph (6; 2%)
Native AmericanData Graph (3; 1%)
OtherData Graph (8; 3%)

If you answered other to question 8, please specify your race.

See Responses

How do you get your news?

NewspaperData Graph (97; 39%)How do you get your news? - Stats Chart
TVData Graph (158; 63%)
OnlineData Graph (197; 78%)
RadioData Graph (52; 21%)

What politcal party are you in?

DemocraticData Graph (104; 41%)What politcal party are you in? - Stats Chart
RepublicanData Graph (75; 30%)
OtherData Graph (59; 24%)

Which news station do you follow the most?

FoxData Graph (88; 35%)Which news station do you follow the most? - Stats Chart
CNNData Graph (97; 39%)
OtherData Graph (64; 25%)

If you answered other to question 12, specify which other station you follow.

See Responses

Do you think the media delivers honest, unbiased news?

YesData Graph (31; 12%)Do you think the media delivers honest, unbiased news? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (212; 84%)

Do you think the media portrays your race in a biased manner?

YesData Graph (115; 46%)Do you think the media portrays your race in a biased manner? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (131; 52%)

Do you think the media portrays your race in a racist manner?

YesData Graph (51; 20%)Do you think the media portrays your race in a racist manner? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (188; 75%)

Do you think the media focuses on a negative aspect of a race, then uses the negatives to stereotype people of that race?

YesData Graph (159; 63%)Do you think the media focuses on a negative aspect of a race, then uses the negatives to stereotype - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (80; 32%)

Do you think we still live in a racist United States?

YesData Graph (181; 72%)Do you think we still live in a racist United States? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (41; 16%)
I don't knowData Graph (21; 8%)

Do you believe that the US truly bases its values and beliefs off of Christianity?

YesData Graph (93; 37%)Do you believe that the US truly bases its values and beliefs off of Christianity? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (110; 44%)
I don't knowData Graph (42; 17%)

Are you happy with the way the media portrays your race?

YesData Graph (61; 24%)Are you happy with the way the media portrays your race? - Stats Chart
In the middleData Graph (141; 56%)
NoData Graph (29; 12%)
I don't knowData Graph (22; 9%)

Equality in the Media

The US has not helped those in poverty to the fullest extent, to get them out of the rut. Therefore, people technically aren't given equal oppurtunities.

Strongly agreeData Graph (28; 11%)The US has not helped those in poverty to the fullest extent, to get them out of the rut. Therefore, - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (87; 35%)
DisagreeData Graph (59; 24%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (23; 9%)
I don't knowData Graph (15; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Are blacks given equal oppurtunities in the US?

YesData Graph (117; 47%)Are blacks given equal oppurtunities in the US? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (73; 29%)
I don't knowData Graph (20; 8%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Since the 1960's do you think more oppurtunities have opened up for Black Americans?

YesData Graph (187; 75%)Since the 1960`s do you think more oppurtunities have opened up for Black Americans? - Stats Chart
SomeData Graph (19; 8%)
NoData Graph (2; 1%)
I don't knowData Graph (2; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Do you think that the media's values clash with those of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?

YesData Graph (78; 31%)Do you think that the media`s values clash with those of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (72; 29%)
I don't knowData Graph (66; 26%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Do you think that the media portrays Black Americans as criminals while overlooking the positive roles Black Americans play?

YesData Graph (98; 39%)Do you think that the media portrays Black Americans as criminals while overlooking the positive rol - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (95; 38%)
I don't knowData Graph (22; 9%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Would it encourage young black Americans if they saw positive images of their elders on TV, rather than negative or criminalized ones?

YesData Graph (169; 67%)Would it encourage young black Americans if they saw positive images of their elders on TV, rather t - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 7%)
I don't knowData Graph (24; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)

Do you think that President Obama will help to open up doors for Black Americans, as well as clean up the image the media depicts of them?

YesData Graph (73; 29%)Do you think that President Obama will help to open up doors for Black Americans, as well as clean u - Stats Chart
MaybeData Graph (87; 35%)
Probably notData Graph (45; 18%)
No-nothing will helpData Graph (8; 3%)
I don't knowData Graph (5; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (42; 17%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Equality In The Media Survey

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