WIC vs. Welfare Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 142 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters


What is your Gender?

MaleData Graph (46; 32%)What is your Gender? - Stats Chart
FemaleData Graph (95; 67%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

What is your Race?

WhiteData Graph (121; 85%)What is your Race? - Stats Chart
BlackData Graph (2; 1%)
AsianData Graph (4; 3%)
HispanicData Graph (4; 3%)
Middle EasternData Graph (0; 0%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
Mixed RaceData Graph (9; 6%)
OtherData Graph (1; 1%)

Who were you raised by?

My birth parentsData Graph (106; 75%)Who were you raised by? - Stats Chart
One birth parent and one stepparentData Graph (17; 12%)
My birthmother onlyData Graph (11; 8%)
My birthfather onlyData Graph (1; 1%)
RelativesData Graph (2; 1%)
OtherData Graph (5; 4%)

In what social class did your household fall under?

High ClassData Graph (1; 1%)In what social class did your household fall under? - Stats Chart
High-Middle ClassData Graph (33; 23%)
Middle ClassData Graph (67; 47%)
Middle-Low ClassData Graph (25; 18%)
Low ClassData Graph (9; 6%)
Poverty LevelData Graph (7; 5%)
OtherData Graph (0; 0%)

How many children were there in your household?

1Data Graph (13; 9%)How many children were there in your household? - Stats Chart
2Data Graph (53; 37%)
3Data Graph (41; 29%)
4Data Graph (17; 12%)
5Data Graph (7; 5%)
More than 5Data Graph (10; 7%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

General Questions

Did your household growing up recieve government assistance such as WIC or Welfare?

WICData Graph (10; 7%)Did your household growing up recieve government assistance such as WIC or Welfare? - Stats Chart
WelfareData Graph (10; 7%)
BothData Graph (6; 4%)
NeitherData Graph (116; 82%)

Are you currently recieving WIC or Welfare?

Yes I am currently recieving WICData Graph (4; 3%)Are you currently recieving WIC or Welfare?  - Stats Chart
Yes I am currently recieving WelfareData Graph (3; 2%)
Yes I am currently recieving both WIC and WelfareData Graph (0; 0%)
I am not recieving WIC or WelfareData Graph (135; 95%)

3. Do you feel that Welfare needs to be regulated tighter by the government just as WIC is?... (For Example: WIC Checks are specifically labeled with the product brand and amount that the checkholder may purchase , and there is no cash back option. WIC only permits the reciever to buy cheese, milk, formula, etc. Welfare however allows cash back, and the cardholder may purchase any food product such as candy, ice cream etc., with the card)

YesData Graph (100; 70%)3. Do you feel that Welfare needs to be regulated tighter by the government just as WIC is?...
(For  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (18; 13%)
Not SureData Graph (23; 16%)
Not CheckedData Graph (1; 1%)

I feel that people who do need government assistance are not always able to get it.

AgreeData Graph (103; 73%)I feel that people who do need government assistance are not always able to get it.  - Stats Chart
DisagreeData Graph (20; 14%)
Not SureData Graph (18; 13%)

Were you aware that the cash back option Welfare gives enables the recipient to buy cigarettes?

No I was not awareData Graph (73; 51%)Were you aware that the cash back option Welfare gives enables the recipient to buy cigarettes? - Stats Chart
Yes I was awareData Graph (69; 49%)

Welfare recipients can spend their entire welfare check on any food items of their choosing. (i.e. If alotted $100 they can buy $100 of pop, chips and icecream.) Should the gov't place restrictions on the checks to ensure that the checkholders buy healthier food? (i.e. more fruit and veggies instead of chips, pop, etc.)

No I do not feel Welfare recipients should be restrictedData Graph (37; 26%)Welfare recipients can spend their entire welfare check on any food items of their choosing. (i.e. I - Stats Chart
Yes I feel Welfare recipients should be restrictedData Graph (94; 66%)
Not SureData Graph (11; 8%)

Do you feel that WIC recipients should be allotted a small amount of money to aid in the purchase of diapers and baby care products?

YesData Graph (113; 80%)Do you feel that WIC recipients should be allotted a small amount of money to aid in the purchase of - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (15; 11%)
Not SureData Graph (13; 9%)

Do you feel that a certain amount of money for shampoo, toilet paper etc., should be allotted to welfare recipients instead of cash back that can be used for cigarettes or other items?

YesData Graph (113; 80%)Do you feel that a certain amount of money for shampoo, toilet paper etc., should be allotted to wel - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (15; 11%)
Not SureData Graph (15; 11%)

Are you aware that your tax dollars pay for Welfare and WIC?

YesData Graph (134; 94%)Are you aware that your tax dollars pay for  Welfare and WIC? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (10; 7%)

How many households do you know that collect WIC and/or Welfare?

1-2Data Graph (88; 62%)How many households do you know that collect WIC and/or Welfare? - Stats Chart
3-4Data Graph (23; 16%)
5-6Data Graph (6; 4%)
7-8Data Graph (2; 1%)
more than 8Data Graph (20; 14%)

Do you think the gov't should put time limits on how long a recipient can recieve Welfare? For example- no more than 2 yrs

YesData Graph (84; 59%)Do you think the gov`t should put time limits on how long a recipient can recieve Welfare? For examp - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (31; 22%)
Not SureData Graph (27; 19%)

Do you feel that government assistance has done more good than harm?

YesData Graph (56; 39%)Do you feel that government assistance has done more good than harm? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (39; 27%)
Not SureData Graph (47; 33%)

Were you aware that WIC provides educational resources and job information?

YesData Graph (56; 39%)Were you aware that WIC provides educational resources and job information? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (86; 61%)

Families can recieve WIC for their child until the child is 5 years old, do you families should get WIC for their children for longer than 5 years?

YesData Graph (54; 38%)Families can recieve WIC for their child until the child is 5 years old, do you families should get  - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (56; 39%)
Not SureData Graph (31; 22%)

Do you feel that recipients take advantage of government assistance?

YesData Graph (105; 74%)Do you feel that recipients take advantage of government assistance? - Stats Chart
NoData Graph (17; 12%)
Not SureData Graph (24; 17%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · WIC vs. Welfare Survey

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