Women and Marriage Survey Statistics at Survelum Public Data Bank

Data collected: 94 survey responses
Click on underlined response options to use corellation filters

Personal Background


FemaleData Graph (47; 50%)Gender? - Stats Chart
MaleData Graph (41; 44%)
OtherData Graph (1; 1%)

Age group?

Under 20Data Graph (33; 35%)Age group? - Stats Chart
20-30Data Graph (40; 43%)
31-40Data Graph (5; 5%)
41-50Data Graph (5; 5%)
51-65Data Graph (7; 7%)
Over 65Data Graph (1; 1%)

Sexual Orientation?

BisexualData Graph (7; 7%)Sexual Orientation? - Stats Chart
GayData Graph (3; 3%)
HeterosexualData Graph (74; 79%)
LesbianData Graph (2; 2%)
TransgenderedData Graph (3; 3%)
OtherData Graph (3; 3%)


Caucasian American/WhiteData Graph (56; 60%)Ethnicity/Race? - Stats Chart
African American/BlackData Graph (8; 9%)
Asian AmericanData Graph (2; 2%)
Hispanic/Latin AmericanData Graph (12; 13%)
Native AmericanData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (15; 16%)

If "other" to previous question, please specify:

See Responses

Religious Affiliation?

BaptistData Graph (7; 7%)Religious Affiliation? - Stats Chart
EpiscopalianData Graph (3; 3%)
HinduData Graph (1; 1%)
JewishData Graph (1; 1%)
LutheranData Graph (2; 2%)
MethodistData Graph (6; 6%)
MormanData Graph (1; 1%)
MuslimData Graph (6; 6%)
PresbyterianData Graph (2; 2%)
Roman CatholicData Graph (17; 18%)
WiccaData Graph (5; 5%)
AtheistData Graph (17; 18%)
OtherData Graph (31; 33%)

If "other" to previous question, please specify:

See Responses

Political view or affiliation?

CommunistData Graph (3; 3%)Political view or affiliation? - Stats Chart
ConservativeData Graph (13; 14%)
DemocraticData Graph (28; 30%)
FascistData Graph (2; 2%)
GreenData Graph (5; 5%)
IndependentData Graph (6; 6%)
LaborData Graph (5; 5%)
LibertarianData Graph (8; 9%)
NationalistData Graph (4; 4%)
RepublicanData Graph (9; 10%)
SocialistData Graph (4; 4%)
OtherData Graph (13; 14%)

If "other" to previous question, please specify:

See Responses

Highest level of education?

Less than high schoolData Graph (6; 6%)Highest level of education? - Stats Chart
High school graduate or GEDData Graph (29; 31%)
Associate's degreeData Graph (9; 10%)
Bachelor's degreeData Graph (30; 32%)
Graduate schoolData Graph (5; 5%)
Master's degreeData Graph (6; 6%)
ABDData Graph (1; 1%)
DoctorateData Graph (3; 3%)
OtherData Graph (6; 6%)

If "other" to previous question, please specify:

See Responses

Your parents' average annual income in US dollars of in equivalent currency?

Less than $30,000Data Graph (16; 17%)Your parents` average annual income in US dollars of in equivalent currency? - Stats Chart
$30,001 - $45,000Data Graph (12; 13%)
$45,001 - $60,000Data Graph (14; 15%)
$60,001 - $75,000Data Graph (18; 19%)
$75,001 - $100,000Data Graph (10; 11%)
$100,001 - $150,000Data Graph (9; 10%)
$150,001 - $250,000Data Graph (5; 5%)
Above $250,000Data Graph (5; 5%)

Your average personal annual income in US dollars or in equivalent currency?

Less than $30,000Data Graph (61; 65%)Your average personal annual income in US dollars or in equivalent currency? - Stats Chart
$30,001 - $45,000Data Graph (11; 12%)
$45,001 - $60,000Data Graph (4; 4%)
$60,001 - $75,000Data Graph (5; 5%)
$75,001 - $100,000Data Graph (4; 4%)
$100,001 - $150,000Data Graph (2; 2%)
$150,001 - $250,000Data Graph (2; 2%)
Above $250,000Data Graph (3; 3%)

Relationship/Marital status?

SingleData Graph (52; 55%)Relationship/Marital status? - Stats Chart
CohabitationData Graph (8; 9%)
Never marriedData Graph (13; 14%)
MarriedData Graph (10; 11%)
DivorcedData Graph (5; 5%)
SeparatedData Graph (1; 1%)
Widow/WidowerData Graph (1; 1%)
OtherData Graph (9; 10%)

If "other" to the previous question, please specify:

See Responses

Personal Relationships

What is the ideal relationship status for your life?

SingleData Graph (10; 11%)What is the ideal relationship status for your life? - Stats Chart
CohabitationData Graph (16; 17%)
MarriedData Graph (44; 47%)
Do not knowData Graph (10; 11%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Women need an emotional relationship with a (same or opposite sex) partner?

YesData Graph (50; 53%)Women need an emotional relationship with a (same or opposite sex) partner? - Stats Chart
Yes, but same sex onlyData Graph (1; 1%)
Yes, but opposite sex onlyData Graph (12; 13%)
NoData Graph (14; 15%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Women need a physical relationship with a (same or opposite sex) partner?

YesData Graph (40; 43%)Women need a physical relationship with a (same or opposite sex) partner? - Stats Chart
Yes, but same sex onlyData Graph (1; 1%)
Yes, but opposite sex onlyData Graph (19; 20%)
NoData Graph (15; 16%)
Do not knowData Graph (3; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Marriage is a biological desire or a social construct?

Yes, bothData Graph (41; 44%)Marriage is a biological desire or a social construct? - Stats Chart
Biological desireData Graph (6; 6%)
Social constructData Graph (25; 27%)
NeitherData Graph (3; 3%)
Do not knowData Graph (4; 4%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Do you feel that women can be happy without a significant relationship or family?

Yes, without bothData Graph (29; 31%)Do you feel that women can be happy without a significant relationship or family? - Stats Chart
Yes, without significant relationshipData Graph (12; 13%)
Yes, without familyData Graph (9; 10%)
NoData Graph (20; 21%)
Do not knowData Graph (9; 10%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

How do you feel about cohabitation?

Strongly approveData Graph (22; 23%)How do you feel about cohabitation? - Stats Chart
ApproveData Graph (26; 28%)
NeutralData Graph (17; 18%)
DisapproveData Graph (6; 6%)
Strongly disapproveData Graph (6; 6%)
Do not knowData Graph (3; 3%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

How do you feel about polygamy?

Strongly approveData Graph (7; 7%)How do you feel about polygamy? - Stats Chart
ApproveData Graph (3; 3%)
NeutralData Graph (13; 14%)
DisapproveData Graph (29; 31%)
Strongly disapproveData Graph (22; 23%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

How do you feel about homosexuality?

Strongly approveData Graph (14; 15%)How do you feel about homosexuality? - Stats Chart
ApproveData Graph (15; 16%)
NeutralData Graph (25; 27%)
DisapproveData Graph (5; 5%)
Strongly disapproveData Graph (18; 19%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Who should raise children and do housework in a family?

Both parents as fairly or equally as possibleData Graph (59; 63%)Who should raise children and do housework in a family? - Stats Chart
Mother more than fatherData Graph (14; 15%)
Father more than motherData Graph (1; 1%)
Other family members when parents are unableData Graph (5; 5%)
Do not knowData Graph (2; 2%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Women are naturally more nurturing or loving than men?

Strongly agreeData Graph (11; 12%)Women are naturally more nurturing or loving than men? - Stats Chart
AgreeData Graph (18; 19%)
NeutralData Graph (4; 4%)
Depends on the individual woman or manData Graph (39; 41%)
DisagreeData Graph (4; 4%)
Strongly disagreeData Graph (5; 5%)
Do not knowData Graph (1; 1%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

What is the single most important purpose or function of a marriage in your opinion?

For spouses to procreate, raise, and socialize their childrenData Graph (25; 27%)What is the single most important purpose or function of a marriage in your opinion? - Stats Chart
For spouses to find companionshipData Graph (22; 23%)
For spouses to share their loveData Graph (29; 31%)
For spouses to find intimate sexData Graph (8; 9%)
For spouses' economic survivalData Graph (5; 5%)
For spouses to bond together their respective families for enhanced social and economic relationshipsData Graph (11; 12%)
OtherData Graph (11; 12%)
Do not knowData Graph (5; 5%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

If "other" to previous question, then please explain.

See Responses

Should homosexual/gay/lesbian/transgendered individuals be permitted to marry?

YesData Graph (45; 48%)Should homosexual/gay/lesbian/transgendered individuals be permitted to marry? - Stats Chart
Yes, but depending on situationData Graph (7; 7%)
NoData Graph (20; 21%)
Do not knowData Graph (6; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)

Married individuals are the property of their spouses (husbands property of wives, and wives property of husbands)?

YesData Graph (11; 12%)Married individuals are the property of their spouses (husbands property of wives, and wives propert - Stats Chart
No, men are legal property or responsibility of womenData Graph (1; 1%)
No, women are legal property or responsibility of menData Graph (4; 4%)
NoData Graph (55; 59%)
Do not knowData Graph (6; 6%)
Not CheckedData Graph (20; 21%)
Survelum Public Data Bank · Women and Marriage Survey

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